Bug #1903
closedForbidden words are case sensitive and should be case-insensitive
When using forbidden words on various fields it is case sensitive making it extremely difficult to properly protect even a single word.
Updated by krileon over 14 years ago
- Subject changed from forbidden words are case sensative to forbidden words are case sensitive
Updated by krileon over 14 years ago
- File 1903.patch 1903.patch added
- % Done changed from 0 to 80
Instead of using str_replace have changed to preg_replace with i flag. First looped through to escape forbidden words in respect to the delimiter / with preg_quote then imploded array to a string with |. Forbidden words are now no longer case insensitive. It's possible to easily and simply use str_ireplace, but it is not PHP4 compliant breaking backwards compatibility.
Updated by beat over 14 years ago
- Subject changed from forbidden words are case sensitive to Forbidden words are case sensitive and should be case-insensitive
- Status changed from Resolved to Closed
- % Done changed from 80 to 100
- Estimated time set to 0:30 h
Fixed in r1259 .