Bug #2268
closedj1.6 : CB 1.4 alpha regression: end usage found in _getCmsUserObject needs replaced with API
When preparing cms user object end usage is still in place for obtaining GID. Needs replaced with API based method of $_CB_framework->acl->getBackwardsCompatibleGid( GIDS ).
Updated by krileon about 14 years ago
- File 2268.patch 2268.patch added
- Status changed from New to Resolved
- Assignee changed from krileon to beat
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
$obj-groups is structured as array( 'Registered' => 2 ) for example so passed through array_values to format as necessary array( 0 => 2 ).
Updated by beat about 14 years ago
- Subject changed from end usage found in _getCmsUserObject needs replaced with API to j1.6 : CB 1.4 alpha regression: end usage found in _getCmsUserObject needs replaced with API
- Status changed from Resolved to Closed
- Estimated time set to 0:30 h
Already committed this patch in r1399 as it was part of the patch for issue #2271 .