Feature proposal #2757
closedRedirecting back to CMS protected page after CB login
When using Joomla login, if a guest tries to access a specific Joomla page that is not public, a joomla message is shown and then the Joomla login form. Upon successful login the user is redirected to the protected (for public viewing) page.
It would be nice to have CB / CB Login act in a similar way.
Also additional subcase related feature is:
Can CB Redirect plugin be used here?
[5:32:02 μμ] Kyle (krileon): no, no trigger fires before that error
[5:33:11 μμ] Beat: i've written such a joomla custom plugin looong time ago
[5:38:10 μμ] Beat: don't find it
[5:41:36 μμ] Beat: well, CBSubs can do it (even if a bit of an overkill) I think
[5:41:53 μμ] Beat: it's also a nice FR for CB tracker to have a given page to redirect to when a user is not allowed to see a profile
Updated by nant about 13 years ago
- Subject changed from Redirect to given page is profile view is not authorized to Redirecting back to CMS protected page after CB login
Updated by beat almost 13 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
- Estimated time set to 1:00 h
r1760 implements a hook for this in CB Login module (CB Login module 1.0-style...)