Feature proposal #3070
closedJ2.5: language filter support for CB menus and Itemid's
When using Joomlas language filtering and multilingual menus CB is grabbing the first Itemid for a URL it sees and it could very well always be the English menu item resulting in other languages always seeing menu items in English.
Updated by beat over 13 years ago
- Target version set to CB 1.8
- Estimated time set to 2:00 h
Updated by krileon about 13 years ago
Good test scenario explained as follows.
Updated by krileon about 13 years ago
- File 3070.patch 3070.patch added
- Status changed from New to Resolved
- Assignee changed from krileon to beat
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Proposed fix is for J1.6+ only and it'll check your lang tag against the database row to ensure the database row is your lang tag or is for all languages before pulling the itemid, will prevent russian language for example pulling english language menu itemid (which would give a 404 error). The only possible problem is the lang tags are use defined in Extensions > Language Manager > Content.. so if the user doesn't supply as ru-RU for example it won't match, but not much we can do to avoid that except check the GET for the lang then check that against the database for its tag then check its tag against the menu link and that's a lot of overhead per page load for Itemid.
Updated by beat about 13 years ago
- Subject changed from J1.7: language filter support to J2.5: language filter support for CB menus and Itemid's
- Status changed from Resolved to Closed
Implemented in r1736 with additional IN case '' (seen this for some menus in 2.5 installs)