Bug #3262
closedJ1.5: itemid function not checking proper accesslevels for the CMS
When on Joomla 1.5 and using the new accesslevel function (for example in the Itemid function) it results in only 1 accesslevel being returned.
To test have an admin login while having a public and published menu link to CBs profile then have another menu link that is to CBs userlist, but have the userlist menu link set to Special. Where it would normally pull CBs profile Itemid it'll now pull CBs userlist Itemid and send you to CBs userlist instead of profile (example is the back link in manage connections).
Updated by krileon about 13 years ago
Confirmed it's returning all 3 correctly.
0 => int 1
1 => int 2
2 => int 3
The backup method of array( JUser::getInstance()->get( 'aid' ) ) does not work however and returns array( 0 ), which maybe could be a culprit. It could also just be a URL matching issue with the getCBprofileItemid it self.
Updated by krileon about 13 years ago
Looks like we just need to set $cb1xNumbering to true for j1.5 and seams to resolve the issue.
Updated by krileon about 13 years ago
- File 3262.patch 3262.patch added
- Subject changed from J1.5: accesslevel function returning only 1 accesslevel to J1.5: itemid function not checking proper accesslevels for the CMS
- Status changed from New to Resolved
- Assignee set to beat
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Updated by beat about 13 years ago
- Status changed from Resolved to Closed
- Estimated time set to 0:30 h
r1751 fixes this for all older joomla and mambo versions.