Feature proposal #7118
closedImplement checkbox and radio buttons fieldtype
Either implement new fieldtypes to display multicheckbox and radio fields as buttons or implement a parameter for those fields to display them as buttons. Whichever seams to make most sense. As this code is now a part of the fields select/checkbox html output it's easy enough to support this on frontend now.
Updated by krileon almost 7 years ago
- Target version changed from CB 2.2 to CB 2.8
Updated by krileon over 6 years ago
Parameters to display multicheckbox and radio fields as buttons would be best and easiest approach since none of the other behavior changes except for the display.
Updated by beat over 6 years ago
krileon wrote:
Parameters to display multicheckbox and radio fields as buttons would be best and easiest approach since none of the other behavior changes except for the display.
Agree. No need to add a different fieldtype.
Updated by krileon over 6 years ago
- Status changed from Assigned to Resolved
- Target version changed from CB 2.8 to CB 2.3
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Implemented in MR !1384