Feature proposal #7944
closedImplement plans page renewal button specific language string
Currently the renewal button on the plans page is an implode of several generic parts (Renew, price, for, and duration). This needs to have a more specific language string in addition to this behavior so it can be overridden specifically (e.g. change it to just say Renew Now).
Updated by krileon almost 5 years ago
- Related to Feature proposal #7723: Implement plans page upgrade button specific language string added
Updated by krileon almost 5 years ago
This either needs to be improved in cbpaidSomething::checkRenewalUpgrade before button_text is set in _allowedActions or when _allowedActions is processed in cbpaidControllerUI::_drawActionButton (would apply to all action buttons). Best approach is probably checkRenewalUpgrade so it can be separated into its parts. Example as follows.
CBTxt::T( 'RENEW_PLAN_BUTTON', '[button_text][separator][period_price]', ... )
Another option is to take the same approach as the upgrade button language string with the below.
If it has a value use it otherwise don't, but then you lose the option to substitute in the period price if desired.
Updated by krileon almost 5 years ago
Looks like each can be given a generic language key with a also specific language key as follows.
CBPTXT::Th( 'PLAN_RENEW_BUTTON RENEW_PLAN_BUTTON', '[button_text][separator][period_price]', ... )
CBPTXT::Th( 'PLAN_RENEW_BUTTON REACTIVATE_PLAN_BUTTON', '[button_text][separator][period_price]', ... )
CBPTXT::Th( 'PLAN_RENEW_BUTTON RESUBSCRIBE_PLAN_BUTTON', '[button_text][separator][period_price]', ... )
All 3 are renew actions and all 3 contain the same 3 parts so this allows mass overriding to output just [button_text] if desired or altering on a specific level.
Updated by krileon almost 5 years ago
- Status changed from Assigned to Resolved
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Implemented in MR !186
Updated by beat almost 5 years ago
- Status changed from Resolved to Assigned
- % Done changed from 100 to 50
Minor implementation change welcome (see MR !186)
Updated by beat over 4 years ago
- Status changed from Assigned to Resolved
- % Done changed from 50 to 100
Implemented by Kyle in MR !186 (merged)