Feature proposal #9073
closedImplement URL IF substitutions
Would be helpful to be able to condition against a URL or a URLs variables for conditioning content based off where it's rendered. At the very least based off Itemid for menu based conditional content.
Updated by krileon over 2 years ago
- Status changed from Assigned to Resolved
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Implemented in MR !1833
The following will be available once merged.
New IF Operator:
contains = STRING contains STRING
!contains = STRING does not contain STRING
New IF Behavior:
[cb:if url contains "&listid=123"]The URL I am on has listid of 123 in it.[/cb:if]
[cb:if url !contains "&listid=123"]The URL I am on DOES NOT have listid of 123 in it.[/cb:if]
[cb:if menu_id="1"]The URL I am on contains an Itemid of 1[/cb:if]
New URL Location:
[cb:url location="current" /] = URL currently viewing