


Feature proposal #4528

Updated by nant about 10 years ago

h1. Introduction 

 With Community Builder 2.0 the language support mechanism is being redesigned to move away from the legacy DEFINE statements that existed in the language.php files of CB Language plugins. 

 h1. New Default Language File Structure 

 The default language files in CB 2.0 are located in: 

 This folder contains the following: 

 # language.php (frontend default language definitions in PHP array format) 
 # admin_language.php (administrator area language definitions in PHP array format) 
 # default_language.xml (?) 
 # index.html (?) 
 # images folder (?) 

 +Confirmation Question:+ 
 Has the Javascipt calendar-locals.js file been migrated? 

 The language.php and admin_language.php files also contain all strings for all CB related add-ons that are installed with CB 2.0. 

 What about language strings for the modules (login, online, workflow) and the new Admin Navigation module and the redirect plugin? 

 We need to decide how these CB interacting Joomla extensions are translated and how we manage the translation projects?  
 It looks like we will be dealing with a mix of ini files and php files. Transifex can handle different resource types in the same project, so in theory we could have a single CB Language plugin that also has ini files in it and during installation these can be moved/copied to the proper Joomla language folders. 

 h1. New CB Language Plugin Concept 

 Extra language support for CB will be handled with the installation of CB Language plugins via the CB Plugin Installer. 

 h2. New CB Language Plugin structure 

 The contents of a CB Language plugin package are: 

 # language.xml 
 # language.php 
 # admin_language.php 
 # images (folder and contents)? 
 # index.html (?) 

 h3. The language.xml contents 

 The structure of the language.xml file conforms to the following sample: 

 TO-BE-PROVIDED (Kyle, can you give an example here?) 

 h3. The language.php and admin_language.php files 

 This is an array based php file that contains language translations in the format: 

 @return array( 
 'KEY_1' => 'Translation for this string', 

 h2. CB Language plugin installation actions 

 When a CB Language plugin is installed using the CB Plugin Manager the following actions take place: 
 # A new folder named xx-yy (iso language code taken from the language.xml contents) is created in the components/com_comprofiler/plugin/language folder (same level as the default_language folder) 
 # The language.php, admin_language.php, language.xml, ini files (?) and images folder with contents (?) are copied to the xx-yy folder 

 If we do decide to include Joomla ini files in our CB Language packages, we need to decide if we need to copy these over to the Joomla language areas. 

 h1. Extra CB add-ons and their language support 

 A CB Plugin should contain its own default_language folder with its language.php, language.xml, language.xml, ini (?) files, images (?). 
 This default_language folder (and also other language folders that may be included in the initial add-on distribution) should be located in the: 
 plugin/user/plug_name/languages/ folder, 

 When installing a CB add-on the default_language contents supporting this plugin are copied to the: 
 plugin/language/default_language/plug_name folder 

 Some CB add-ons (see CBSubs and GroupJive and CB Activity) have Joomla modules so in theory they need ini files. How should we support such a case? 

 h1. Overall Picture 

 Lets assume that we have CB 2.0 installed and we have also installed its en-gb language plugin. 
 In addition lets assume that we have installed the new CB GroupJive add-on (plug_cbgroupjive) that includes its own default_language and en-gb language support in its distribution package. 

 The following folder/file structure should be in place: 

 +Community Builder installed languages+ 
 default_language/ en-gb/ 

 +Community Builder default_language structure with installed plug_cbgroupjive support+ 
 plug_cbgroupjive/ language.xml language.php admin_language.php images/ ini_files? 

 +Default language supprt for plug_cbgroupjive+ 
 language.xml language.php admin_language.php ini_files(?) images(?)/  

 +Community Builder English language support (after installation of CB English language pack and Groupjive add-on)+ 
 plug_cbgroupjive/ language.xml language.php admin_language.php images/ ini_files? 

 +English language support for Groupjive in CB english flder structure+ 
 language.xml language.php admin_language.php ini_files(?) images(?)/  

 +Groupjive language local plugin structure+ 
 default_language/ en-gb/ 

 +GroupJive local plugin default_language structure+ 
 language.xml language.php admin_language.php ini_files(?) images(?)/  

 +GroupJive local plugin en-gn language structure+ 
 language.xml language.php admin_language.php ini_files(?) images(?)/  
