Feature proposal #4924
Updated by krileon about 10 years ago
When viewing a userlist the initial display of users is forced except when hide empty searches is set to Yes. This should be expanded for more control of the list display. "Hide Empty Searches" should do exactly as it entitles. It should prevent empty searches. So if you search and there's no results then it should display nothing. "Collapse Search Criteria" should behave as it already does. However, it take effect regardless of a search being made or not. It should condition it self. For example allow you to have the criteria expanded or collapsed; period. This means if "Hide Initial Users Display" it's set to Yes then a search button is present. If you make a search the criteria is collapsed even after search. If it's set to No then the search criteria should be expanded as it makes no sense to be collapsed in this scenario. Another scenario is "Hide Empty Searches" set to Yes always displayed (before and there's no after a search results; in this case it should also be expanded. is made). "Hide Initial Users Display" should determine if the initial display of users is shown when no search has been made. It has no effect on display of empty searches. This should determine if List All is shown or not (and only if a search has been made). With these 3 parameters you can get search mode 0, 1, 2 results and much more. For B/C the searchmode (only 1 and 2, 0 should use parameters only) should basically just adjust those parameters as needed to give the expected results.