


Feature proposal #4378

Updated by krileon almost 8 years ago

This would enable a user generated thumbnail instead of generating it automatically by re-sizing. If disabled behave as it normally would (re-size fullsize). After upload the default crop should be maximum thumbnail sizes from the center of the image. If they visit profile edit they'll see the fullsize which they can adjust the cropping for as needed. Again, if disabled just show normal behavior. 

 In addition to this implement minimum height/width parameters for images. If the image is below the minimum then reject it with a validation error or upscale depending on new validation parameter value. If no minimum is specified then don't bother checking it. 

 If thumbnail sizes exceed fullsize sizes then set them to fullsize sizes to avoid any issues. 

 The minimum and maximum thumbnail width and height should be used for the jCrop selector. 

 Implement 2 new parameters to determine what location displays what version of the image. Example as follows. 

 Profile Image: Fullsize 
 Userlist Image: Thumbnail 

 This would let you select the size displayed at either of the two locations.
