


Bug #4836 » be-patch.diff

nant, 07 November 2014 14:44

View differences:

'REPLYTO_NAME_1123fa' => 'Reply-To Name',
'REPLYTO_EMAIL_ADDRESS_a363a3' => 'Reply-To Email Address',
'CLICK_HERE_TO_GO_BACK_TO_USER_MANAGEMENT_db858e' => 'Click here to go back to User Management',
// 46 language strings from file administrator/components/com_comprofiler/xmlcb/cb.lists.xml
// 47 language strings from file administrator/components/com_comprofiler/xmlcb/cb.lists.xml
'USERSLISTS_CAN_BE_SEARCHABLE_BY_MULTIPLE_CRITERIAS_eb03aa' => 'Users-lists can be searchable by multiple criterias, according to settings below, and the \'searchable\' attribute of the listed fields.',
'SEARCH_SETTINGS_4e31c8' => 'Search Settings',
'WHETHER_THIS_LIST_HAS_USERSEARCHABLE_FIELDS_fefe5e' => 'Whether this list has user-searchable fields',
'SEARCHABLE_FIELDS_05b4a7' => 'Searchable fields',
'NO_bafd73' => 'No',
'SEARCHABLE_FIELDS_DISPLAYED_ONES_ONLY_a74f4e' => 'Searchable fields, displayed ones only',
'ALL_SEARCHABLE_FIELDS_9915cc' => 'All searchable fields',
'SPECIFIC_SEARCHABLE_FIELDS_92090d' => 'Specific searchable fields',
'WHETHER_YOU_WANT_THE_LINKS_TO_THE_PAGES_AND_SEARCH_9cab00' => 'Whether you want the links to the pages and searches in this list to not be permanent (we add a parameter which is valid for a few hours to all urls except first page and check it), so that except first page it\'s not hotlinkable and there are no permanent links on paging and on search criterias. Default is NO.',
'HOTLINKING_PROTECTION_FOR_THIS_USERSLIST_28b223' => 'Hot-linking protection for this users-list',
'SETTING_HOTLINKING_PROTECTION_TO_YES_WILL_PREVENT__bf9b9f' => 'Setting hot-linking protection to \'Yes\' will prevent all pages from this list (if everybody has allowed access to it), except first page of list, to be bookmarkable and indexable by slow-pace search bots and search engines such as google, making the user profiles not indexed in search engines (if they are publicly accessible). This may be desirable in some cases, but removes all users-pages from the search-engines indexing, except for the users of the first page.',
// 85 language strings from file administrator/components/com_comprofiler/xmlcb/models/model.config.xml
// 87 language strings from file administrator/components/com_comprofiler/xmlcb/models/model.config.xml
'SINGLE_NAME_FIELD_1d3e30' => 'Single Name Field',
'FIRST_AND_LAST_NAME_FIELDS_cb040e' => 'First and Last Name Fields',
'FIRST_MIDDLE_AND_LAST_NAME_FIELDS_8fb4c1' => 'First, Middle, and Last Name Fields',
'MARKERS_AND_LIST_ALL_STRINGS_246c1d' => 'Markers and List All Strings',
'AUTOMATIC_086247' => 'Automatic',
'MANUAL_e1ba15' => 'Manual',
'YES_93cba0' => 'Yes',
'YES_WITH_CROPPING_8dea55' => 'Yes, with Cropping',
// 23 language strings from file administrator/components/com_comprofiler/xmlcb/models/model.fields.xml
'NOT_REQUIRED_9efb21' => 'Not Required',
'MARK_NOT_REQUIRED_aa6c07' => 'Mark Not Required',
'DOES_NOT_CONTAIN_3bf90e' => 'Does not contain',
'IS_ONE_OF_SEPARATED_VALUES_9f7ce4' => 'Is one of (,-separated values)',
'IS_NOT_ONE_OF_SEPARATED_VALUES_1b23dd' => 'Is not one of (,-separated values)',
// 183 language strings from file administrator/components/com_comprofiler/xmlcb/views/view.com_comprofiler.editconfig.xml
// 185 language strings from file administrator/components/com_comprofiler/xmlcb/views/view.com_comprofiler.editconfig.xml
'PERMISSIONS_d08ccf' => 'Permissions',
'HELP_6a26f5' => 'Help',
'THE_NAME_STYLE_DETAILS_HOW_YOU_WANT_TO_CAPTURE_THE_bb575d' => 'The name style details how you want to capture the name field in Joomla.',
'INPUT_THE_MINIMUM_INTERVAL_BETWEEN_VIEWS_AND_HITS__54070d' => 'Input the minimum interval between views and hits counting of a displayed user by a viewing user.',
'MINIMUM_HITS_INTERVAL_IN_MINUTES_bb1024' => 'Minimum Hits Interval in Minutes',
'CHOOSE_WHICH_TEMPLATE_TO_BE_USED_FOR_ALL_OF_FRONTE_5f2a25' => 'Choose which template to be used for all of frontend Community Builder display. New templates can be installed as template plugins within Plugin Management.',
'TEMPLATE_278c49' => 'Template',
'CHOOSE_IF_TABLES_OR_DIVS_SHOULD_BE_USED_FOR_TEMPLA_7b32af' => 'Choose if tables or divs should be used for template outputs.',
'TEMPLATE_OUTPUT_1a1e98' => 'Template Output',
'N2_COLUMN_LAYOUT_46512a' => '2 Column Layout',
'INPUT_THE_MAXIMUM_IMAGE_THUMBNAIL_WIDTH_IN_PIXELS__6feb1b' => 'Input the maximum image thumbnail width in pixels of uploaded images. This can be changed on an image field by field bases while editing image field types.',
'DEFAULT_MAXIMUM_THUMBNAIL_WIDTH_453532' => 'Default Maximum Thumbnail Width',
'CHOOSE_IF_IMAGES_UPLOADED_SHOULD_MAINTAIN_THEIR_AS_d23fff' => 'Choose if images uploaded should maintain their aspect ratio when resizing. If set to No the image will always be resized to the specified maximum width and height. If set to Yes the aspect ratio will be maintained as much as possible within the maximum width and height. If set to Yes with Cropping the image will always resize to the specified maximum width and height within the aspect ratio and crop any overflow; this is useful for maintain squared images.',
'MAINTAIN_ASPECT_RATIO_0a873c' => 'Maintain Aspect Ratio',
'MODERATION_4f4528' => 'Moderation',
'SELECT_THE_VIEW_ACCESS_LEVEL_REQUIRED_FOR_MODERATO_9ec8b6' => 'Select the view access level required for moderator privileges.',
'MODERATORS_VIEW_ACCESS_LEVEL_137d42' => 'Moderators View Access Level',
'SETTING_LOCATED_IN_CB_CONFIG_INTEGRATION_TAB' => 'The setting is located in Community Builder Configuration, Integrations tab',
'SETTINGS' => 'Settings',
// 53 language strings from file administrator/components/com_comprofiler/xmlcb/views/view.com_comprofiler.editfield.xml
// 54 language strings from file administrator/components/com_comprofiler/xmlcb/views/view.com_comprofiler.editfield.xml
'FIELD_6f16a5' => 'Field',
'SAVE_CLOSE_f17e5c' => 'Save & Close',
'SAVE_NEW_6f6530' => 'Save & New',
'ROWS_530f48' => 'Rows',
'WEB_ADDRESS_TYPE_4a2f3c' => 'Web Address Type',
'SELECT_THE_ORDER_OF_THIS_FIELD_647ec6' => 'Select the order of this field.',
'ORDERING_12ad90' => 'Ordering',
'OPTIONALLY_INPUT_THE_CSS_CLASS_ADDED_TO_THIS_FIELD_761109' => 'Optionally input the CSS class added to this fields row. Seperate multiple CSS classes with a space.',
'CSS_CLASS_ee0b61' => 'CSS Class',
'PARAMETERS_3225a1' => 'Parameters',
'ALLOWS_EDITING_EXISTING_FIELDS_AND_EDITING_THE_STA_13fb27' => 'Allows editing existing fields and editing the state of existing fields.',
'ALLOWS_EDITING_THE_STATE_OF_EXISTING_FIELDS_873a73' => 'Allows editing the state of existing fields.',
'EDIT_STATE_8a1b07' => 'Edit State',
// 24 language strings from file administrator/components/com_comprofiler/xmlcb/views/view.com_comprofiler.editinstallcbplugin.xml
// 25 language strings from file administrator/components/com_comprofiler/xmlcb/views/view.com_comprofiler.editinstallcbplugin.xml
'INSTALL_CB_PLUGIN_2bfc4a' => 'Install CB Plugin',
'CLOSE_d3d2e6' => 'Close',
'GET_COMMUNITY_BUILDER_CB_PLUGINS_960738' => 'Get Community Builder CB Plugins',
'UPLOAD_AND_INSTALL_CB_PLUGIN_PACKAGE_FILE_96ab2f' => 'Upload and Install CB Plugin Package File',
'UPLOAD_PACKAGE_FILE_178e63' => 'Upload Package File',
'PACKAGE_FILE_c7ee38' => 'Package File',
'MAXIMUM_FILE_SIZE_6dc8fa' => 'Maximum File Size',
'UPLOAD_INSTALL_d592ee' => 'Upload & Install',
'INSTALL_CB_PLUGIN_PACKAGE_FROM_DIRECTORY_89c095' => 'Install CB Plugin Package from Directory',
'INSTALL_FROM_DIRECTORY_61c49e' => 'Install from Directory',
'INSTALL_CB_PLUGIN_PACKAGE_FROM_DISCOVERY_58b16f' => 'Install CB Plugin Package from Discovery',
'INSTALL_FROM_DISCOVERY_82beb1' => 'Install from Discovery',
'DIRECTORY_PERMISSIONS_42922f' => 'Directory Permissions',
// 25 language strings from file administrator/components/com_comprofiler/xmlcb/views/view.com_comprofiler.editlist.xml
// 27 language strings from file administrator/components/com_comprofiler/xmlcb/views/view.com_comprofiler.editlist.xml
'LIST_4ee29c' => 'List',
'OPTIONALLY_INPUT_THE_TITLE_TO_DISPLAY_AS_THIS_LIST_530286' => 'Optionally input the title to display as this list title.',
'OPTIONALLY_INPUT_THE_DESCRIPTION_TO_DESCRIBE_THIS__716c18' => 'Optionally input the description to describe this lists purpose.',
'CSS_CLASS_NAME_TO_BE_ADDED_TO_THIS_COLUMN_319739' => 'CSS class name to be added to this column.',
'SELECT_FIELD_AND_DISPLAY_MODE_PAIRS_FOR_THIS_COLUM_3ec5d5' => 'Select field and display mode pairs for this column.',
'SELECT_DISPLAY_0c8486' => '- Select Display -',
'DISPLAY_b9987a' => 'Display',
'PAGING_bb4cbd' => 'Paging',
'LINKING_4f0929' => 'Linking',
// 6 language strings from file administrator/components/com_comprofiler/xmlcb/views/view.com_comprofiler.editlistperms.xml
'LIST_PERMISSIONS_d5f458' => 'List Permissions',
'USER_PERMISSIONS_795341' => 'User Permissions',
// 1 language strings from file administrator/components/com_comprofiler/xmlcb/views/view.com_comprofiler.showcredits.xml
'CREDITS_948a2e' => 'Credits',
// 24 language strings from file administrator/components/com_comprofiler/xmlcb/views/view.com_comprofiler.showfields.xml
// 25 language strings from file administrator/components/com_comprofiler/xmlcb/views/view.com_comprofiler.showfields.xml
'SEARCH_FIELDS_139f39' => 'Search Fields...',
'SELECT_TYPE_84cc9b' => '- Select Type -',
'SELECT_TAB_2e4178' => '- Select Tab -',
'FIELD_WILL_NOT_BE_VISIBLE_AS_THIS_FIELDS_TAB_IS_NO_edfac1' => 'Field will not be visible as this fields tab is not published.',
'FIELD_WILL_NOT_BE_VISIBLE_AS_THE_PLUGIN_OF_THE_TAB_faa51a' => 'Field will not be visible as the plugin of the tab of this field is not installed.',
'FIELD_WILL_NOT_BE_VISIBLE_AS_THIS_PLUGIN_OF_THE_TA_081476' => 'Field will not be visible as this plugin of the tab of this field is not published.',
'PROFILE_cce99c' => 'Profile',
'N2_LINES_a88630' => '(2 lines)',
'N1_LINE_9c9616' => '(1 line)',
'ORDER_a240fa' => 'Order',
'THIS_WILL_CHECK_THE_DATABASE_OF_INSTALLED_CB_PLUGI_5b544e' => 'This will check the database of installed CB plugins and report back potential inconsistencies without changing or correcting the database.',
'CHECK_USERS_DATABASE_3d5ac0' => 'Check Users Database',
'THIS_WILL_PERFORM_A_SERIES_OF_TESTS_ON_THE_USERS_D_7a90a6' => 'This will perform a series of tests on the Users database of the CMS, the Community Builder users database and ACL and report back potential inconsistencies without changing or correcting the database.',
// 15 language strings from file administrator/components/com_comprofiler/xmlcb/views/view.com_comprofiler.showusers.xml
// 16 language strings from file administrator/components/com_comprofiler/xmlcb/views/view.com_comprofiler.showusers.xml
'MASS_MAILER_ed6d30' => 'Mass Mailer',
'RESEND_CONFIRMATION_8af435' => 'Resend Confirmation',
'SEARCH_USERS_cdd0de' => 'Search Users...',
'SELECT_CONFIRMED_286f4d' => '- Select Confirmed -',
'SELECT_APPROVED_2eb166' => '- Select Approved -',
'ID_ASCENDING_8420d8' => 'Id ascending',
'REGISTERED_6205cf' => 'Registered',
'LAST_VISIT_123cdf' => 'Last Visit',
'USER_ID' => 'Id',
'SELECT_GROUPS_1f010f' => '- Select Groups -',
// 1 language strings from file components/com_comprofiler/plugin/user/plug_cbarticles/cbarticles.xml
// 17 language strings from file components/com_comprofiler/plugin/user/plug_cbarticles/cbarticles.xml
'ARTICLES_TITLE' => 'Articles',
'ENABLE_OR_DISABLE_USAGE_OF_PAGING_ON_TAB_ARTICLES_906191' => 'Enable or disable usage of paging on tab articles.',
'INPUT_PAGE_LIMIT_ON_TAB_ARTICLES_PAGE_LIMIT_DETERM_3115f6' => 'Input page limit on tab articles. Page limit determines how many articles are displayed per page.',
'PAGE_LIMIT_1f9f00' => 'Page Limit',
'ENABLE_OR_DISABLE_USAGE_OF_SEARCH_ON_TAB_ARTICLES_99a7c0' => 'Enable or disable usage of search on tab articles.',
'SELECT_TEMPLATE_TO_BE_USED_FOR_ALL_OF_CB_ARTICLES__dd1ef2' => 'Select template to be used for all of CB Articles. If template is incomplete then missing files will be used from the default template. Template files can be located at the following location: components/com_comprofiler/plugin/user/plug_cbarticles/templates/.',
'OPTIONALLY_ADD_A_CLASS_SUFFIX_TO_SURROUNDING_DIV_E_83e6e8' => 'Optionally add a class suffix to surrounding DIV encasing all of CB Articles.',
'CLASS_9bd813' => 'Class',
'ARTICLES_7978b6' => 'Articles',
// 1 language strings from file components/com_comprofiler/plugin/user/plug_cbblogs/cbblogs.xml
'SELECT_ARTICLES_MODEL_USAGE_MODEL_DETERMINES_WHERE_8f9a79' => 'Select articles model usage. Model determines where articles will be displayed from. Select a specific model to enable model specific parameters.',
'MODEL_a559b8' => 'Model',
'AUTO_DETECT_7c8aa0' => 'Auto Detect',
'JOOMLA_57ac91' => 'Joomla',
'SELECT_THE_CMS_CONTENT_SECTIONS_THAT_WILL_BE_EXCLU_2c0fdb' => 'Select the CMS content sections that will be excluded from articles display.',
'EXCLUDE_SECTIONS_8acc89' => 'Exclude Sections',
'SELECT_THE_CMS_CONTENT_CATEGORIES_THAT_WILL_BE_EXC_0e7e87' => 'Select the CMS content categories that will be excluded from articles display.',
'EXCLUDE_CATEGORIES_3743cb' => 'Exclude Categories',
// 36 language strings from file components/com_comprofiler/plugin/user/plug_cbblogs/cbblogs.xml
'BLOGS_TITLE' => 'Blogs',
'ENABLE_OR_DISABLE_USAGE_OF_PAGING_ON_TAB_BLOGS_83e4f7' => 'Enable or disable usage of paging on tab blogs.',
'INPUT_PAGE_LIMIT_ON_TAB_BLOGS_PAGE_LIMIT_DETERMINE_5e2802' => 'Input page limit on tab blogs. Page limit determines how many blogs are displayed per page.',
'ENABLE_OR_DISABLE_USAGE_OF_SEARCH_ON_TAB_BLOGS_a46e28' => 'Enable or disable usage of search on tab blogs.',
'SELECT_TEMPLATE_TO_BE_USED_FOR_ALL_OF_CB_BLOGS_IF__d56c07' => 'Select template to be used for all of CB Blogs. If template is incomplete then missing files will be used from the default template. Template files can be located at the following location: components/com_comprofiler/plugin/user/plug_cbblogs/templates/.',
'OPTIONALLY_ADD_A_CLASS_SUFFIX_TO_SURROUNDING_DIV_E_e5659c' => 'Optionally add a class suffix to surrounding DIV encasing all of CB Blogs.',
'SELECT_BLOG_MODEL_USAGE_MODEL_DETERMINES_WHERE_BLO_a77781' => 'Select blog model usage. Model determines where blogs will be displayed from. Select a specific model to enable model specific parameters.',
'SELECT_BLOG_MODE_USAGE_MODE_DETERMINES_HOW_BLOGS_A_6959a0' => 'Select blog mode usage. Mode determines how blogs are stored and displayed.',
'MODE_650be6' => 'Mode',
'INTRO_FULL_89e1eb' => 'Intro & Full',
'INTRO_ONLY_762085' => 'Intro Only',
'FULL_ONLY_9feec6' => 'Full Only',
'INPUT_COMMA_SEPARATED_LIST_OF_INTERNAL_CATEGORIES__7180a6' => 'Input comma separated list of internal categories (e.g. General,Movies,Family).',
'CATEGORIES_af1b98' => 'Categories',
'SELECT_THE_EXTERNAL_CMS_CONTENT_CATEGORY_WHERE_BLO_a5eef2' => 'Select the external CMS content category where blogs will be stored as well as blog categories used.',
'SELECT_CATEGORY_343052' => '- Select Category -',
'SELECT_THE_K2_CONTENT_CATEGORY_WHERE_BLOGS_WILL_BE_c1a127' => 'Select the K2 content category where blogs will be stored as well as blog categories used.',
'SELECT_BLOG_CREATE_ACCESS_ACCESS_DETERMINES_WHO_CA_bb355f' => 'Select blog create access. Access determines who can create blogs. The group selected as well as those above it will have access (e.g. Registered will also be accessible to Author). Moderators are exempt from this configuration.',
'CREATE_ACCESS_0835b2' => 'Create Access',
'INPUT_NUMBER_OF_BLOGS_EACH_INDIVIDUAL_USER_IS_LIMI_a2d228' => 'Input number of blogs each individual user is limited to creating. If blank allow unlimited blogs. Moderators are exempt from this configuration.',
'CREATE_LIMIT_b61cc5' => 'Create Limit',
'ENABLE_OR_DISABLE_APPROVAL_OF_BLOGS_APPROVAL_REQUI_b438d3' => 'Enable or disable approval of blogs. Approval requires a moderator to publish a blog before it is made visible. Moderators are exempt from this configuration.',
'APPROVAL_0162bc' => 'Approval',
'ENABLE_OR_DISABLE_USAGE_OF_CAPTCHA_ON_BLOGS_REQUIR_ef91c3' => 'Enable or disable usage of captcha on blogs. Requires latest CB AntiSpam to be installed and published. Moderators are exempt from this configuration.',
'ENABLE_OR_DISABLE_AUTOMATIC_DELETION_OF_BLOGS_WHEN_938b6f' => 'Enable or disable automatic deletion of blogs when a user is deleted.',
'AUTO_DELETE_a38705' => 'Auto Delete',
'ENABLE_OR_DISABLE_MODERATOR_NOTIFICATIONS_FOR_BLOG_e8a340' => 'Enable or disable moderator notifications for blogs needing approval.',
'NOTIFY_aaf9ed' => 'Notify',
'DEFAULTS_0aabf7' => 'Defaults',
// 3 language strings from file components/com_comprofiler/plugin/user/plug_cbconnections/cb.connections.xml
'SELECT_DEFAULT_VALUE_FOR_THE_CATEGORY_PARAMETER_1a8b97' => 'Select default value for the category parameter.',
'ENABLE_OR_DISABLE_THE_DISPLAY_OF_THE_CATEGORY_PARA_c9f9f0' => 'Enable or disable the display of the category parameter. Moderators are exempt from this configuration.',
'CATEGORY_DISPLAY_7a95ad' => 'Category Display',
'SELECT_DEFAULT_VALUE_FOR_THE_ACCESS_PARAMETER_5bfd38' => 'Select default value for the access parameter.',
'SELECT_VIEW_ACCESS_LEVEL_6a8b3f' => '- Select View Access Level -',
'ENABLE_OR_DISABLE_THE_DISPLAY_OF_THE_ACCESS_PARAME_0aacac' => 'Enable or disable the display of the access parameter. Moderators are exempt from this configuration.',
'ACCESS_DISPLAY_855680' => 'Access Display',
// 13 language strings from file components/com_comprofiler/plugin/user/plug_cbconnections/cb.connections.xml
'USER_PROFILE_STATUS_9942fd' => 'User Profile Status :',
'CONNECTIONS_STATUS_SETTINGS_b1f3e4' => 'Connections Status Settings :',
'SEE_FIELD_CONNECTIONS_PARAMETERS_4cb526' => 'see Field: Connections: Parameters',
// 30 language strings from file components/com_comprofiler/plugin/user/plug_cbcore/cb.core.xml
'_UE_CONNECTION' => 'Connections',
'SHOWS_A_SMALL_NUMBER_OF_CONNECTIONS_WITH_A_LINK_TO_8a9db4' => 'Shows a small number of connections with a link to see them all in paginated form.',
'SHOW_SUMMARY_eae298' => 'Show Summary',
'IF_SHOW_SUMMARY_IS_ENABLED_THIS_IS_THE_NUMBER_OF_C_8e26da' => 'If Show Summary is enabled, this is the number of connections displayed. Otherwise, this is ignored. Default is 4.',
'ENTRIES_SHOWN_IN_SUMMARY_aabfc0' => 'Entries shown in Summary',
'ALLOW_ENTRIES_TO_AUTOMATICALLY_PAGE_WHEN_THEY_EXCE_269247' => 'Allow entries to automatically page when they exceed the number per page limit.',
'ENABLE_PAGING_334444' => 'Enable Paging',
'IF_PAGING_IS_ENABLED_THIS_IS_THE_NUMBER_OF_CONNECT_84c41e' => 'If paging is enabled, this is the number of connections per page. Otherwise, this is the number of connections to show. Default is 10.',
'MAX_ENTRIES_SHOWN_OR_PER_PAGE_3a53db' => 'Max entries shown or per page',
'_UE_CONNECTIONPATHS' => 'Connection Paths',
// 251 language strings from file components/com_comprofiler/plugin/user/plug_cbcore/cb.core.xml
'_UE_CONTACT_INFO_HEADER' => 'Contact Info',
'_UE_REGWARN_NAME' => 'Please enter your real full name.',
'_UE_NAME' => 'Name',
'_UE_VALID_UNAME' => 'Please enter a valid username. No spaces, at least 3 characters and contain 0-9,a-z,A-Z',
'_UE_UNAME' => 'Username',
'USER_TERMS_AND_CONDITIONS_TITLE' => 'Terms and Conditions',
'_UE_FORMATNAME' => 'Formatted Name',
'_UE_REGWARN_FNAME' => 'Please enter your real first name.',
'_UE_YOUR_FNAME' => 'First Name',
'_UE_REGWARN_MNAME' => 'Please enter your real middle name.',
'_UE_YOUR_MNAME' => 'Middle Name',
'_UE_REGWARN_LNAME' => 'Please enter your real last name.',
'_UE_YOUR_LNAME' => 'Last Name',
'_UE_REGWARN_MAIL' => 'Please enter a valid e-mail address. A confirmation email will be sent to this address upon sign up.',
'_UE_EMAIL' => 'Email',
'_UE_VALID_PASS' => 'Please enter a valid password. No spaces, at least 6 characters and contain lower and upper-case letters, numbers and special signs',
'_UE_PASS' => 'Password',
'_UE_USERPARAMS' => 'User Parameters',
'_UE_PM' => 'PM',
'_UE_PORTRAIT' => 'Portrait',
'_UE_ONLINESTATUS' => 'Online Status',
'_UE_IMAGE' => 'Profile image',
'USER_CANVAS_TITLE' => 'Canvas',
'USER_CANVAS_IMAGE_TITLE' => 'Canvas image',
'USER_STATISTICS_TITLE' => 'Statistics',
'_UE_HITS_DESC' => 'Number of Views of this user profile',
'_UE_HITS' => 'Views',
'_UE_PROFILE_PAGE_TITLE' => 'User Profile Page Title',
'PAGE_TITLE_TEXT_ENTER_TEXT_TO_BE_DISPLAYED_AS_PROF_557d50' => 'Page title text. Enter text to be displayed as profile page title. %s will be replaced by user-name depending on global settings. Or use language-dependant _UE_PROFILE_TITLE_TEXT (default)',
'USER_PROFILE_TITLE_TEXT_3c3c1e' => 'User Profile Title text',
'CHECK_BOX_SINGLE_ff5fee' => 'Check Box (Single)',
'CHECK_BOX_MULTIPLE_25ff2a' => 'Check Box (Multiple)',
'LAYOUT_ebd9be' => 'Layout',
'HOW_TO_DISPLAY_THE_VALUES_OF_THIS_MULTIVALUED_FIEL_3bce26' => 'How to display the values of this multi-valued field',
'DISPLAY_ON_PROFILES_AS_581f44' => 'Display on profiles as',
'COMMA_SEPARATED_LINE_9e6922' => 'Comma ","-separated line',
'UNNUMBERED_LIST_UL_4b96b5' => 'Unnumbered list "ul"',
'ORDERED_LIST_OL_48f2b5' => 'Ordered list "ol"',
'ENTER_THE_NAME_OF_THE_LIST_CLASS_OPTIONAL_FOR_OL_O_526db4' => 'Enter the name of the list class (optional) for OL or UL tag',
'CSS_CLASS_OF_THE_LIST_84ab46' => 'CSS class of the list',
'INTEGER_NUMBER_5166f4' => 'Integer Number',
'OPTIONALLY_INPUT_SUBSTITUTION_SUPPORTED_HTML_PLACE_660273' => 'Optionally input substitution supported html placeholder attribute value.',
'PLACEHOLDER_VALUE_4d5c5c' => 'Placeholder Value',
'VALIDATION_131487' => 'Validation',
'WHETHER_YOU_WANT_USERS_TO_SEE_THIS_DATE_ON_PROFILE_ef6b74' => 'Whether you want users to see this date on profile as a date or as an age',
'PROFILE_VIEW_DISPLAY_e629c2' => 'Profile View Display',
'AGE_9d8d2d' => 'Age',
'TIMEAGO_WITH_AGO_efae5a' => 'Timeago, with Ago',
'TIMEAGO_WITHOUT_AGO_038d91' => 'Timeago, without Ago',
'BIRTHDAY_aac772' => 'Birthday',
'CUSTOM_90589c' => 'Custom',
'INPUT_CUSTOM_PHP_DATE_FUNCTION_FORMAT_TO_FORMAT_DA_5bee44' => 'Input custom PHP date function format to format date values.',
'CUSTOM_DATE_FORMAT_71aa60' => 'Custom Date Format',
'WHETHER_YOU_WANT_USERS_TO_SEARCH_BY_DATE_OR_BY_AGE_334f43' => 'Whether you want users to search by date or by age',
'USERLIST_SEARCH_DISPLAY_c4d744' => 'Userlist Search Display',
'FULL_DATE_93a327' => 'Full Date',
'LEAVE_BLANK_FOR_USING_SAME_TITLE_AS_IN_NORMAL_DATE_2f13dc' => 'Leave blank for using same title as in normal date display mode, or enter alternate text, e.g. \'Age\' (multilinguale: type just: _UE_AGE) or \'Birthday\' (_UE_Birthday) instead of normal birthdate title. CB translation strings, as well as fields-substitutions, e.g. \'[name]\'s age\' can be used.',
'PROFILE_VIEW_TITLE_f6767b' => 'Profile View Title',
'TYPE_0_FOR_THIS_YEAR_TYPEIN_4DIGITS_YEAR_FOR_EXAMP_ca58e2' => 'Type +0 for this year, type-in 4-digits year, for example 1923, or just a number prefixed with + or - sign, for example +25 or -110, to set a value relative to current year, e.g. -99 for maximum age of 99 years (or 190',
'MINIMUM_YEAR_e91f60' => 'Minimum Year',
'TYPE_0_FOR_THIS_YEAR_TYPEIN_4DIGITS_YEAR_FOR_EXAMP_3d3c1e' => 'Type +0 for this year, type-in 4-digits year, for example 1923, or just a number prefixed with + or - sign, for example +25 or -110, to set a value relative to current year, e.g. -12 for minimum age of 12 years',
'MAXIMUM_YEAR_9335ad' => 'Maximum Year',
'DATETIME_a1af5f' => 'Datetime',
'INPUT_CUSTOM_PHP_DATE_FUNCTION_FORMAT_TO_FORMAT_TI_bb71f7' => 'Input custom PHP date function format to format time values.',
'CUSTOM_TIME_FORMAT_b71b04' => 'Custom Time Format',
'FULL_DATETIME_cf9ce3' => 'Full Datetime',
'TYPE_0_FOR_THIS_YEAR_TYPEIN_4DIGITS_YEAR_FOR_EXAMP_45ea3c' => 'Type +0 for this year, type-in 4-digits year, for example 1923, or just a number prefixed with + or - sign, for example +25 or -110, to set a value relative to current year, e.g. -99 for maximum age of 99 years',
'DROP_DOWN_SINGLE_SELECT_b91677' => 'Drop Down (Single Select)',
'DROP_DOWN_MULTISELECT_db5003' => 'Drop Down (Multi-select)',
'CHOOSE_IF_EMAIL_ADDRESS_VALIDITY_SHOULD_BE_CHECKED_f21a35' => 'Choose if email address validity should be checked. This will check formatting, existing MX DNS records when possible, and that the corresponding email servers accept incomming emails to this address by SMTP when possible. Advanced checking will also check for email address availability, which could be a privacy concern as allows for email address guessing. For SMTP checking to function you must have a static ip address, the sites email address must be valid, and this server be listed in its authorized originators (SPF record). For DNS checking this server must be able to send DNS and SMTP packets (review firewall settings if enabled).',
'ENABLE_EMAIL_CHECKER_9c5ba7' => 'Enable Email checker',
'YES_SIMPLE_93cb72' => 'Yes, Simple',
'YES_ADVANCED_40e238' => 'Yes, Advanced',
'ENABLE_OR_DISABLE_ADDITIONAL_VERIFY_INPUT_d2d8c6' => 'Enable or disable additional verify input.',
'VERIFY_FIELD_INPUT_a56b7c' => 'Verify field input',
'THE_DEFAULT_IS_UEVERIFYSOMETHING_VERIFY_S_WHERE_S__e50663' => 'The default is _UE_VERIFY_SOMETHING (Verify %s) where %s is replaced by translated field title.',
'LABEL_FOR_THE_VERIFY_EMAIL_FIELD_98f1bf' => 'Label for the verify email field',
'EMAIL_ADDRESS_MAIN_b0afcc' => 'Email address (main)',
'SELECT_HOW_THE_EMAIL_ICON_AND_TEXT_SHOULD_DISPLAY__ca8dcc' => 'Select how the Email icon and text should display on profiles.',
'PROFILE_DISPLAY_MODE_5233ac' => 'Profile Display Mode',
'TEXT_ONLY_303eb5' => 'Text Only',
'ICON_ONLY_d6ca34' => 'Icon Only',
'ICON_AND_TEXT_a7fa25' => 'Icon and Text',
'SELECT_HOW_THE_EMAIL_ICON_AND_TEXT_SHOULD_DISPLAY__bd6ce4' => 'Select how the Email icon and text should display on userlists.',
'USERLIST_DISPLAY_MODE_7e497c' => 'Userlist Display Mode',
'EDITOR_TEXT_AREA_409991' => 'Editor Text Area',
'MINIMUM_LENGTH_OF_CONTENT_0_NO_MINIMUM_ccf973' => 'Minimum length of content (0 = no minimum)',
'MINIMUM_LENGTH_65be4b' => 'Minimum length',
'TEXT_AREA_9bdbf0' => 'Text Area',
'TEXT_FIELD_f00451' => 'Text Field',
'RADIO_BUTTONS_7041d6' => 'Radio Buttons',
'WEB_ADDRESS_427320' => 'Web Address',
'THE_NOFOLLOW_ATTRIBUTE_FOR_THIS_WEB_ADDRESS_def689' => 'The nofollow attribute for this web address.',
'FOLLOW_THIS_LINK_694c35' => 'Follow this link',
'PREDEFINED_NAME_AND_USERNAME_FIELDS_efb2ac' => 'Predefined name and username fields',
'THE_DEFAULT_IS_UEVERIFYSOMETHING_VERIFY_S_WHERE_S__75ad6f' => 'The default is _UE_VERIFY_SOMETHING (Verify %s) where %s is replaced by translated field title. System password uses constant _UE_VPASS',
'LABEL_FOR_THE_VERIFY_PASSWORD_FIELD_8cef0d' => 'Label for the verify password field',
'ENABLE_OR_DISABLE_TESTING_OF_PASSWORDS_STRENGTH_88e989' => 'Enable or disable testing of passwords strength.',
'TEST_PASSWORD_STRENGTH_f9a093' => 'Test Password Strength',
'IMAGE_be53a0' => 'Image',
'IF_LEFT_EMPTY_THE_DEFAULT_SETTINGS_FROM_GLOBAL_COM_09d978' => 'If left empty, the default settings from global Community Builder configuration will be taken. Other settings, like images-library, systematic resampling and so on is done in the CB global configuration.',
'IMAGE_LIMITS_0a2ff3' => 'Image limits',
'ENABLE_OR_DISABLE_UPLOADING_OF_IMAGES_b1d1b0' => 'Enable or disable uploading of images.',
'ALLOW_UPLOAD_c4168c' => 'Allow Upload',
'OPTIONALLY_OVERRIDE_GLOBAL_IMAGE_RESAMPLING_528647' => 'Optionally override global image resampling.',
'ALWAYS_RESAMPLE_c4e5d5' => 'Always Resample',
'MAXIMUM_HEIGHT_IN_PIXELS_TO_WHICH_THE_IMAGE_ON_THE_11c791' => 'Maximum height in pixels to which the image on the profile will be resized',
'MAXIMUM_IMAGE_HEIGHT_8a841b' => 'Maximum Image Height',
'MAXIMUM_WIDTH_IN_PIXELS_TO_WHICH_THE_IMAGE_ON_THE__6beec5' => 'Maximum width in pixels to which the image on the profile will be resized',
'MAXIMUM_IMAGE_WIDTH_f75c27' => 'Maximum Image Width',
'MAXIMUM_SIZE_OF_FILE_UPLOAD_IN_KILOBYTES_RECOMMEND_300fec' => 'Maximum size of file upload in kilobytes: recommended: 4000 for modern cameras (if your server supports that)',
'MAXIMUM_IMAGE_FILESIZE_6c69ad' => 'Maximum Image Filesize',
'MAXIMUM_HEIGHT_IN_PIXELS_TO_WHICH_THE_IMAGE_ON_A_U_9612ff' => 'Maximum height in pixels to which the image on a users-list be resized',
'MAXIMUM_THUMBNAIL_HEIGHT_fc8cf8' => 'Maximum Thumbnail Height',
'MAXIMUM_WIDTH_IN_PIXELS_TO_WHICH_THE_IMAGE_ON_A_US_ab411b' => 'Maximum width in pixels to which the image on a users-list be resized',
'MAXIMUM_THUMBNAIL_WIDTH_60fe0a' => 'Maximum Thumbnail Width',
'OPTIONALLY_OVERRIDE_GLOBAL_IMAGE_MAINTAIN_ASPECT_R_bd56c7' => 'Optionally override global image maintain aspect ratio.',
'OPTIONALLY_OVERRIDE_GLOBAL_IMAGE_UPLOAD_APPROVAL_ecc469' => 'Optionally override global image upload approval.',
'UPLOAD_APPROVAL_b6d3b4' => 'Upload Approval',
'IMAGE_GALLERY_9cc51a' => 'Image Gallery',
'ENABLE_OR_DISABLE_DISPLAY_OF_IMAGE_GALLERY_d5c774' => 'Enable or disable display of image gallery.',
'ALLOW_GALLERY_49b7f6' => 'Allow Gallery',
'INPUT_THE_PATH_FROM_JOOMLA_ROOT_TO_YOUR_GALLERY_IM_c3d262' => 'Input the path from Joomla root to your gallery images (e.g. /images). Leave blank for default of /images/comprofiler/gallery or /images/comprofiler/gallery/canvas as needed.',
'PATH_ac7041' => 'Path',
'IMAGE_DISPLAY_9476ed' => 'Image Display',
'SELECT_THE_STYLING_APPLIED_TO_THE_IMAGE_NOTE_FOR_B_440512' => 'Select the styling applied to the image. Note for best results use squared images. Circles can display as ovals if the image is not squared.',
'STYLE_ae284f' => 'Style',
'ROUNDED_bef248' => 'Rounded',
'ROUNDED_BORDERED_06b658' => 'Rounded Bordered',
'CIRCLE_30954d' => 'Circle',
'CIRCLE_BORDERED_f56e8a' => 'Circle Bordered',
'OPTIONALLY_SPECIFY_THE_DEFAULT_IMAGE_IF_THE_FIELD__fab952' => 'Optionally specify the default image if the field is pending approval.',
'PENDING_DEFAULT_8c16ea' => 'Pending Default',
'OPTIONALLY_SPECIFY_THE_DEFAULT_IMAGE_IF_THE_FIELD__f7aab3' => 'Optionally specify the default image if the field has no value.',
'EMPTY_DEFAULT_1611a2' => 'Empty Default',
'OPTIONALLY_CHANGE_THE_DISPLAY_OF_IMAGE_ALT_TEXT_9c0b99' => 'Optionally change the display of image Alt text.',
'ALT_a2e928' => 'Alt',
'OPTIONALLY_SUPPLY_SUBSTITUTION_SUPPORTED_IMAGE_ALT_f17c1b' => 'Optionally supply substitution supported image Alt text.',
'ALT_TEXT_d04919' => 'Alt Text',
'OPTIONALLY_CHANGE_THE_DISPLAY_OF_IMAGE_TITLE_TEXT_9979a4' => 'Optionally change the display of image Title text.',
'OPTIONALLY_SUPPLY_SUBSTITUTION_SUPPORTED_IMAGE_TIT_167616' => 'Optionally supply substitution supported image Title text.',
'TITLE_TEXT_bd9c7c' => 'Title Text',
'TERMS_AND_CONDITIONS_97abaa' => 'Terms and Conditions',
'ENABLE_OR_DISABLE_DISPLAY_OF_TERMS_AND_CONDITIONS_3e22f1' => 'Enable or disable display of terms and conditions.',
'PRIVATE_MESSAGE_066ad4' => 'Private Message',
'SELECT_HOW_THE_PM_ICON_AND_TEXT_SHOULD_DISPLAY_ON__a50153' => 'Select how the PM icon and text should display on profiles.',
'SELECT_HOW_THE_PM_ICON_AND_TEXT_SHOULD_DISPLAY_ON__29f1c1' => 'Select how the PM icon and text should display on userlists.',
'SELECT_HOW_THE_ONLINE_ICON_AND_TEXT_SHOULD_DISPLAY_587012' => 'Select how the online icon and text should display on profiles.',
'SELECT_HOW_THE_ONLINE_ICON_AND_TEXT_SHOULD_DISPLAY_839828' => 'Select how the online icon and text should display on userlists.',
'COUNTER_64d129' => 'Counter',
'FORMATTED_NAME_4e1190' => 'Formatted name',
'USER_PARAMETERS_f9044d' => 'User parameters',
'SELECT_THE_USER_PARAMETERS_TO_HIDE_ON_FRONTEND_VIE_93e481' => 'Select the user parameters to hide on frontend view. Backend view is unaffected and will always show all parameters available.',
'HIDE_PARAMETERS_a428c8' => 'Hide Parameters',
'BACKEND_TEMPLATE_STYLE_00a4be' => 'Backend Template Style',
'BACKEND_LANGUAGE_a01ff4' => 'Backend Language',
'FRONTEND_LANGUAGE_f9c334' => 'Frontend Language',
'EDITOR_344a7f' => 'Editor',
'HELP_SITE_7dca5f' => 'Help Site',
'TIME_ZONE_45c106' => 'Time Zone',
'CUSTOM_HTML_512923' => 'Custom HTML',
'SELECT_YES_IF_YOU_NEED_CMS_CONTENT_PLUGINS_CONTENT_3e42a9' => 'Select Yes if you need CMS Content plugins content.prepare to be triggered on the description of this delimiter field. Select No if you do not need CMS Content plugins content.prepare to be triggered.',
'PREPARE_CONTENT_USING_CMS_CONTENT_PLUGINS_92e159' => 'Prepare content using CMS Content plugins',
'FILE_0b2791' => 'File',
'ENABLE_OR_DISABLE_FOR_DOWNLOADING_OF_FILES_IF_DISA_b73a85' => 'Enable or disable for downloading of files. If disable files that can open (pdf, text, etc..) will open instead of download.',
'FORCE_DOWNLOAD_d1fe62' => 'Force Download',
'FILE_EXTENSIONS_ALLOWED_FOR_UPLOAD_THE_FOLLOWING_E_f926c4' => 'File extensions allowed for upload. The following extensions are not allowed regardless of Allowed File Types for security reasons: php, php3, php4, php5, asp, exe, and py.',
'ALLOWED_FILE_TYPES_099aaf' => 'Allowed File Types',
'MAXIMUM_SIZE_OF_FILE_IN_KBS_PERMITTED_FOR_UPLOAD_eb0f82' => 'Maximum size of file in KBs permitted for upload.',
'MINIMUM_SIZE_OF_FILE_IN_KBS_PERMITTED_FOR_UPLOAD_f0a6f2' => 'Minimum size of file in KBs permitted for upload.',
'MINIMUM_FILE_SIZE_45be8f' => 'Minimum File Size',
'VIDEO_34e2d1' => 'Video',
'INPUT_THE_SIZE_IN_PIXELS_THE_HEIGHT_OF_THE_VIDEO_E_3c0271' => 'Input the size in pixels the height of the video embed.',
'WIDTH_329546' => 'Width',
'INPUT_THE_SIZE_IN_PIXELS_THE_WIDTH_OF_THE_VIDEO_EM_87ba97' => 'Input the size in pixels the width of the video embed.',
'HEIGHT_eec6c4' => 'Height',
'INPUT_THE_SIZE_IN_PIXELS_THE_HEIGHT_OF_THE_VIDEO_T_e79ac6' => 'Input the size in pixels the height of the video thumbnail embed.',
'THUMB_WIDTH_cae96b' => 'Thumb Width',
'INPUT_THE_SIZE_IN_PIXELS_THE_WIDTH_OF_THE_VIDEO_TH_2d022c' => 'Input the size in pixels the width of the video thumbnail embed.',
'THUMB_HEIGHT_1b2475' => 'Thumb Height',
'UPLOADS_0f3113' => 'Uploads',
'ENABLE_OR_DISABLE_UPLOADING_OF_VIDEO_FILES_THIS_AL_2115c1' => 'Enable or disable uploading of video files. This allows video files to be uploaded and played on site.',
'MAXIMUM_SIZE_OF_VIDEO_FILE_IN_KBS_PERMITTED_FOR_UP_f76b81' => 'Maximum size of video file in KBs permitted for upload.',
'MINIMUM_SIZE_OF_VIDEO_FILE_IN_KBS_PERMITTED_FOR_UP_76efb2' => 'Minimum size of video file in KBs permitted for upload.',
'LINKS_bd908d' => 'Links',
'ENABLE_OR_DISABLE_LINKING_TO_VIDEO_URLS_THIS_ALLOW_2c20a2' => 'Enable or disable linking to video urls. This allows video files or streams to be played from external and internal URLs.',
'ALLOW_LINKING_3a0c65' => 'Allow Linking',
'AUDIO_b22f04' => 'Audio',
'INPUT_THE_SIZE_IN_PIXELS_THE_HEIGHT_OF_THE_AUDIO_E_8d0cb6' => 'Input the size in pixels the height of the audio embed.',
'INPUT_THE_SIZE_IN_PIXELS_THE_WIDTH_OF_THE_AUDIO_EM_9e4772' => 'Input the size in pixels the width of the audio embed.',
'INPUT_THE_SIZE_IN_PIXELS_THE_HEIGHT_OF_THE_AUDIO_T_b2c03b' => 'Input the size in pixels the height of the audio thumbnail embed.',
'INPUT_THE_SIZE_IN_PIXELS_THE_WIDTH_OF_THE_AUDIO_TH_fada0b' => 'Input the size in pixels the width of the audio thumbnail embed.',
'ENABLE_OR_DISABLE_UPLOADING_OF_AUDIO_FILES_THIS_AL_a73cd1' => 'Enable or disable uploading of audio files. This allows audio files to be uploaded and played on site.',
'MAXIMUM_SIZE_OF_AUDIO_FILE_IN_KBS_PERMITTED_FOR_UP_2f31c5' => 'Maximum size of audio file in KBs permitted for upload.',
'MINIMUM_SIZE_OF_AUDIO_FILE_IN_KBS_PERMITTED_FOR_UP_7013b2' => 'Minimum size of audio file in KBs permitted for upload.',
'ENABLE_OR_DISABLE_LINKING_TO_AUDIO_URLS_THIS_ALLOW_ab6b77' => 'Enable or disable linking to audio urls. This allows audio files or streams to be played from external and internal URLs.',
'INPUT_THE_NUMBER_OF_RATING_STARS_TO_DISPLAY_f8eddb' => 'Input the number of rating stars to display.',
'NUMBER_OF_STARS_d002a3' => 'Number of Stars',
'INPUT_THE_STEP_RATE_FOR_STAR_RATINGS_EG_10_IS_1_ST_d8bcfc' => 'Input the step rate for star ratings (e.g. 1.0 is 1 star and 0.5 is half star).',
'RATING_STEP_f57001' => 'Rating Step',
'ENABLE_OR_DISABLE_DISPLAY_OF_THE_NUMERICAL_RATING__ff8e05' => 'Enable or disable display of the numerical rating (e.g. (4.32))',
'NUMERICAL_RATING_db828a' => 'Numerical Rating',
'ENABLE_OR_DISABLE_DISPLAY_OF_VOTE_COUNT_EG_42_672f8f' => 'Enable or disable display of vote count (e.g. (42))',
'ENABLE_OR_DISABLE_FORCING_OF_TOTAL_RATING_TO_WHOLE_c99622' => 'Enable or disable forcing of total rating to whole numbers. This prevents point star ratings (half stars, etc..).',
'FORCE_WHOLE_NUMBERS_b7555a' => 'Force Whole Numbers',
'SELECT_WHO_CAN_VOTE_USING_THIS_RATING_FIELD_bb1d8a' => 'Select who can vote using this rating field.',
'VOTE_ACCESS_9a3253' => 'Vote Access',
'EVERYONE_f9ae5e' => 'Everyone',
'SELF_ONLY_5ee731' => 'Self Only',
'NONSELF_ONLY_205fd3' => 'Non-Self Only',
'REGISTERED_USERS_398e28' => 'Registered Users',
'NONREGISTERED_USERS_2f6c39' => 'Non-Registered Users',
'CONNECTIONS_ONLY_01a497' => 'Connections Only',
'MODERATORS_ONLY_10a960' => 'Moderators Only',
'VIEW_ACCESS_LEVEL_ddf0f5' => 'View Access Level',
'EXCLUDE_SELF_FROM_VOTE_ACCESS_85d708' => 'Exclude self from vote access.',
'EXCLUDE_SELF_f8a8c1' => 'Exclude Self',
'INCLUDE_SELF_FOR_VOTE_ACCESS_4a870f' => 'Include self for vote access.',
'INCLUDE_SELF_515472' => 'Include Self',
'SELECT_THE_VIEW_ACCESS_LEVEL_THAT_CAN_VOTE_USING_T_f8e13a' => 'Select the view access level that can vote using this rating field.',
'ENABLE_OR_DISABLE_VOTING_ACCESS_ON_USERLISTS_769b0a' => 'Enable or disable voting access on userlists.',
'USERLIST_VOTING_ede84f' => 'Userlist Voting',
'POINTS_75dd5f' => 'Points',
'OPTIONALLY_OVERRIDE_THE_POINTS_PLUS_MINUS_AND_COUN_f3be37' => 'Optionally override the points plus, minus, and counter layout. Use [plus] to render the plus button, [minus] for the minus button, and [value] for the points count.',
'POINTS_LAYOUT_7bf07b' => 'Points Layout',
'OPTIONALLY_INPUT_A_CSS_CLASS_TO_OVERRIDE_THE_PLUS__c45a2f' => 'Optionally input a css class to override the plus button Fontawesome css class (e.g. fa fa-plus-square).',
'PLUS_CSS_CLASS_32c4a7' => 'Plus CSS Class',
'OPTIONALLY_INPUT_A_CSS_CLASS_TO_OVERRIDE_THE_MINUS_e22fef' => 'Optionally input a css class to override the minus button Fontawesome css class (e.g. fa fa-minus-square).',
'MINUS_CSS_CLASS_bc8db3' => 'Minus CSS Class',
'INCREMENT_6f15bd' => 'Increment',
// 2 language strings from file components/com_comprofiler/plugin/user/plug_cbforums/cbforums.xml
'INPUT_THE_NUMBER_OF_POINTS_TO_ADD_WHEN_USING_THE_P_dbbdf4' => 'Input the number of points to add when using the plus button.',
'PLUS_INCREMENT_9515c8' => 'Plus Increment',
'INPUT_THE_NUMBER_OF_POINTS_TO_SUBTRACT_WHEN_USING__807913' => 'Input the number of points to subtract when using the minus button.',
'MINUS_INCREMENT_0acb02' => 'Minus Increment',
'SELECT_THE_DELAY_BETWEEN_INCREMENTING_PER_USER_6b342b' => 'Select the delay between incrementing per user.',
'INCREMENT_DELAY_acac92' => 'Increment Delay',
'HOURLY_769cb5' => 'Hourly',
'DAILY_c512b6' => 'Daily',
'WEEKLY_6c25e6' => 'Weekly',
'MONTHLY_9030e3' => 'Monthly',
'YEARLY_cf5ea7' => 'Yearly',
'FOREVER_97055d' => 'Forever',
'INPUT_CUSTOM_RELATIVE_DATE_FOR_INCREMENT_DELAY_EG__78c4cb' => 'Input custom relative date for increment delay (e.g. +30 MINUTES).',
'CUSTOM_DELAY_9eaf09' => 'Custom Delay',
'SELECT_WHO_CAN_INCREMENT_USING_THIS_POINTS_FIELD_901242' => 'Select who can increment using this points field.',
'INCREMENT_ACCESS_dfe5cb' => 'Increment Access',
'EXCLUDE_SELF_FROM_INCREMENT_ACCESS_6898fd' => 'Exclude self from increment access.',
'INCLUDE_SELF_FOR_INCREMENT_ACCESS_ff72e1' => 'Include self for increment access.',
'SELECT_THE_VIEW_ACCESS_LEVEL_THAT_CAN_INCREMENT_US_201484' => 'Select the view access level that can increment using this points field.',
'ENABLE_OR_DISABLE_INCREMENTING_ACCESS_ON_USERLISTS_9b7941' => 'Enable or disable incrementing access on userlists.',
'USERLIST_INCREMENT_c02061' => 'Userlist Increment',
// 80 language strings from file components/com_comprofiler/plugin/user/plug_cbforums/cbforums.xml
'FORUMS_TITLE' => 'Forums',
'ENABLE_OR_DISABLE_USAGE_OF_PAGING_FOR_POSTS_a8ea55' => 'Enable or disable usage of paging for posts.',
'INPUT_PAGE_LIMIT_FOR_POSTS_PAGE_LIMIT_DETERMINES_H_e58303' => 'Input page limit for posts. Page limit determines how many posts are displayed per page.',
'ENABLE_OR_DISABLE_USAGE_OF_SEARCH_FOR_POSTS_9aed97' => 'Enable or disable usage of search for posts.',
'ENABLE_OR_DISABLE_USAGE_OF_FAVORITES_ON_TAB_FORUMS_90a088' => 'Enable or disable usage of favorites on tab forums.',
'ENABLE_OR_DISABLE_USAGE_OF_PAGING_FOR_FAVORITES_ab436c' => 'Enable or disable usage of paging for favorites.',
'INPUT_PAGE_LIMIT_FOR_FAVORITES_PAGE_LIMIT_DETERMIN_31d227' => 'Input page limit for favorites. Page limit determines how many favorites are displayed per page.',
'ENABLE_OR_DISABLE_USAGE_OF_SEARCH_FOR_FAVORITES_e803fe' => 'Enable or disable usage of search for favorites.',
'ENABLE_OR_DISABLE_USAGE_OF_SUBSCRIPTIONS_ON_TAB_FO_65bf8d' => 'Enable or disable usage of subscriptions on tab forums.',
'ENABLE_OR_DISABLE_USAGE_OF_PAGING_FOR_SUBSCRIPTION_a840b1' => 'Enable or disable usage of paging for subscriptions.',
'INPUT_PAGE_LIMIT_FOR_SUBSCRIPTIONS_PAGE_LIMIT_DETE_b2e4b5' => 'Input page limit for subscriptions. Page limit determines how many subscriptions are displayed per page.',
'ENABLE_OR_DISABLE_USAGE_OF_SEARCH_FOR_SUBSCRIPTION_ba758a' => 'Enable or disable usage of search for subscriptions.',
'FORUM_STATUS_bbdafd' => 'Forum Status',
'SELECT_WHAT_FORUM_STATUS_SHOULD_BE_DISPLAYED_4ebce8' => 'Select what forum status should be displayed.',
'STATUS_ec53a8' => 'Status',
'KARMA_ec775c' => 'Karma',
'RANK_021da1' => 'Rank',
'THANK_YOU_b315ed' => 'Thank You',
'ENABLE_OR_DISABLE_DISPLAY_OF_RANK_TITLE_6f17b6' => 'Enable or disable display of Rank title.',
'RANK_TITLE_39a7e6' => 'Rank Title',
'ENABLE_OR_DISABLE_DISPLAY_OF_RANK_IMAGE_23e343' => 'Enable or disable display of Rank image.',
'RANK_IMAGE_01b9e5' => 'Rank Image',
'SELECT_TEMPLATE_TO_BE_USED_FOR_ALL_OF_CB_FORUMS_IF_fb0b4e' => 'Select template to be used for all of CB Forums. If template is incomplete then missing files will be used from the default template. Template files can be located at the following location: components/com_comprofiler/plugin/user/plug_cbforums/templates/.',
'OPTIONALLY_ADD_A_CLASS_SUFFIX_TO_SURROUNDING_DIV_E_4a44ff' => 'Optionally add a class suffix to surrounding DIV encasing all of CB Forums.',
'FORUMS_6bb6d5' => 'Forums',
// 3 language strings from file components/com_comprofiler/plugin/user/plug_cbmenu/
'SELECT_FORUM_MODEL_USAGE_MODEL_DETERMINES_WHAT_FOR_c3c652' => 'Select forum model usage. Model determines what forum extension to use. Select a specific model to enable model specific parameters.',
'SELECT_CB_FIELD_TO_SYNCHRONIZE_MODEL_ORDERING_FROM_cf4701' => 'Select CB field to synchronize model ordering from (values: 0 = Oldest Post First, 1 = Newest Post First).',
'SELECT_CB_FIELD_49536e' => '- Select CB Field -',
'SELECT_CB_FIELD_TO_SYNCHRONIZE_MODEL_VIEWTYPE_FROM_ca6dec' => 'Select CB field to synchronize model viewtype from (values: flat = Flat View, 1 = threaded = Threaded View).',
'VIEWTYPE_ac3d5e' => 'Viewtype',
'SELECT_CB_FIELD_TO_SYNCHRONIZE_MODEL_SIGNATURE_FRO_06ce51' => 'Select CB field to synchronize model signature from.',
'SIGNATURE_8c0900' => 'Signature',
'SELECT_CB_FIELD_TO_SYNCHRONIZE_MODEL_PERSONAL_TEXT_a145cb' => 'Select CB field to synchronize model personal text from.',
'PERSONAL_TEXT_70fd33' => 'Personal Text',
'SELECT_CB_FIELD_TO_SYNCHRONIZE_MODEL_GENDER_FROM_V_ea4190' => 'Select CB field to synchronize model gender from (values: 1 = Male, 2 = Female).',
'GENDER_019ec3' => 'Gender',
'SELECT_CB_FIELD_TO_SYNCHRONIZE_MODEL_BIRTHDAY_FROM_246517' => 'Select CB field to synchronize model birthday from.',
'BIRTHDATE_ccd41d' => 'Birthdate',
'SELECT_CB_FIELD_TO_SYNCHRONIZE_MODEL_LOCATION_FROM_f09bf3' => 'Select CB field to synchronize model location from.',
'LOCATION_ce5bf5' => 'Location',
'SELECT_CB_FIELD_TO_SYNCHRONIZE_MODEL_ICQ_FROM_99f61e' => 'Select CB field to synchronize model icq from.',
'SELECT_CB_FIELD_TO_SYNCHRONIZE_MODEL_AIM_FROM_5e6ef4' => 'Select CB field to synchronize model aim from.',
'SELECT_CB_FIELD_TO_SYNCHRONIZE_MODEL_YIM_FROM_21f087' => 'Select CB field to synchronize model yim from.',
'SELECT_CB_FIELD_TO_SYNCHRONIZE_MODEL_MSN_FROM_ef0b4e' => 'Select CB field to synchronize model msn from.',
'SELECT_CB_FIELD_TO_SYNCHRONIZE_MODEL_SKYPE_FROM_5e12aa' => 'Select CB field to synchronize model skype from.',
'SKYPE_a00b77' => 'Skype',
'SELECT_CB_FIELD_TO_SYNCHRONIZE_MODEL_TWITTER_FROM_adc08f' => 'Select CB field to synchronize model twitter from.',
'TWITTER_2491bc' => 'Twitter',
'SELECT_CB_FIELD_TO_SYNCHRONIZE_MODEL_FACEBOOK_FROM_c35596' => 'Select CB field to synchronize model facebook from.',
'FACEBOOK_d85544' => 'Facebook',
'SELECT_CB_FIELD_TO_SYNCHRONIZE_MODEL_GTALK_FROM_cca9e3' => 'Select CB field to synchronize model gtalk from.',
'GTALK_32c55a' => 'GTalk',
'SELECT_CB_FIELD_TO_SYNCHRONIZE_MODEL_MYSPACE_FROM_fb6aca' => 'Select CB field to synchronize model myspace from.',
'MYSPACE_719097' => 'MySpace',
'SELECT_CB_FIELD_TO_SYNCHRONIZE_MODEL_LINKEDIN_FROM_1aa9ff' => 'Select CB field to synchronize model linkedin from.',
'LINKEDIN_e884c5' => 'LinkedIn',
'SELECT_CB_FIELD_TO_SYNCHRONIZE_MODEL_DELICIOUS_FRO_eaec9a' => 'Select CB field to synchronize model delicious from.',
'DELICIOUS_898153' => 'Delicious',
'SELECT_CB_FIELD_TO_SYNCHRONIZE_MODEL_FRIENDFEED_FR_310406' => 'Select CB field to synchronize model friendfeed from.',
'FRIENDFEED_6e6391' => 'FriendFeed',
'SELECT_CB_FIELD_TO_SYNCHRONIZE_MODEL_DIGG_FROM_e6ae2e' => 'Select CB field to synchronize model digg from.',
'DIGG_9c393f' => 'Digg',
'SELECT_CB_FIELD_TO_SYNCHRONIZE_MODEL_BLOGSPOT_FROM_e91dfe' => 'Select CB field to synchronize model blogspot from.',
'BLOGSPOT_f10542' => 'BlogSpot',
'SELECT_CB_FIELD_TO_SYNCHRONIZE_MODEL_FLICKR_FROM_3afe50' => 'Select CB field to synchronize model flickr from.',
'FLICKR_3b0f3a' => 'Flickr',
'SELECT_CB_FIELD_TO_SYNCHRONIZE_MODEL_BEBO_FROM_2ba83b' => 'Select CB field to synchronize model bebo from.',
'BEBO_4e957b' => 'Bebo',
'SELECT_CB_FIELD_TO_SYNCHRONIZE_MODEL_WEBSITE_FROM_99c502' => 'Select CB field to synchronize model website from.',
'WEBSITE_15bbb9' => 'Website',
'SELECT_CB_FIELD_TO_SYNCHRONIZE_MODEL_HIDE_EMAIL_FR_1a7bc7' => 'Select CB field to synchronize model hide email from (values: 0 = Hide, 1 = Show).',
'HIDE_EMAIL_2057cb' => 'Hide Email',
'SELECT_CB_FIELD_TO_SYNCHRONIZE_MODEL_SHOW_ONLINE_F_7e9e9b' => 'Select CB field to synchronize model show online from (values: 0 = Hide, 1 = Show).',
'SHOW_ONLINE_ea20a0' => 'Show Online',
'SIDEBAR_219ff7' => 'Sidebar',
'INPUT_SUBSTITUTION_SUPPORTED_SIDEBAR_DISPLAY_FOR_R_6968df' => 'Input substitution supported sidebar display for registered users.',
'INPUT_SUBSTITUTION_SUPPORTED_SIDEBAR_DISPLAY_FOR_A_1afc31' => 'Input substitution supported sidebar display for anonymous users.',
'ANONYMOUS_7079c7' => 'Anonymous',
'INPUT_SUBSTITUTION_SUPPORTED_SIDEBAR_DISPLAY_FOR_D_eeb823' => 'Input substitution supported sidebar display for deleted users.',
'DELETED_5fe600' => 'Deleted',
// 28 language strings from file components/com_comprofiler/plugin/user/plug_cbmenu/
'USER_PROFILE_MENU_2b5aa9' => 'User Profile Menu :',
'MENU_CAN_BE_DISPLAYED_AS_A_MENUBAR_A_LIST_OF_MENU__3f1c16' => 'Menu can be displayed as a menubar, a list of menu links, or not displayed in this tab.',
'MENU_DISPLAY_TYPE_09b562' => 'Menu display type',
'MENU_BAR_2e5f7f' => 'Menu Bar',
'MENU_LIST_TABLE_2_COLUMNS_039c38' => 'Menu List table 2 columns',
'MENU_LIST_TABLE_1_COLUMN_f55a9b' => 'Menu List table 1 column',
'MENU_LIST_ULLISPANS_8fd0c7' => 'Menu List ul-li-spans',
'NO_DISPLAY_a60a54' => 'No Display',
'STATUS_CAN_BE_DISPLAYED_AS_A_LIST_OR_NOT_DISPLAYED_b818c6' => 'Status can be displayed as a list or not displayed in this tab.',
'STATUS_DISPLAY_TYPE_7438a9' => 'Status display type',
'STATUS_LIST_ULLISPANS_c91a6d' => 'Status List ul-li-spans',
'_UE_MENU' => 'Menu',
'FIRST_MENU_NAME_BEFORE_EDIT_LEAVE_EMPTY_TO_NOT_APP_a3892b' => 'First menu name before "Edit". Leave empty to not appear.',
'FIRST_MENU_NAME_78b73a' => 'First Menu Name',
'FIRST_SUBMENU_NAME_LEAVE_EMPTY_TO_NOT_APPEAR_4e696b' => 'First sub-menu name. Leave empty to not appear.',
'FIRST_SUBMENU_NAME_4201f0' => 'First Sub-Menu Name',
'FIRST_SUBMENU_URL_c7923e' => 'First sub-menu URL.',
'FIRST_SUBMENU_URL_222884' => 'First Sub-Menu URL',
'SECOND_SUBMENU_NAME_LEAVE_EMPTY_TO_NOT_APPEAR_b300b0' => 'Second sub-menu name. Leave empty to not appear.',
'SECOND_SUBMENU_NAME_e722c4' => 'Second Sub-Menu Name',
'SECOND_SUBMENU_URL_6fbad4' => 'Second sub-menu URL.',
'SECOND_SUBMENU_URL_1f0dc6' => 'Second Sub-Menu URL',
'MORE_SETTINGS_c365be' => 'More settings:',
'SEE_PLUGIN_MANAGER_CB_MENU_PARAMETERS_0b959e' => 'see plugin manager: CB Menu: parameters',
// 5 language strings from file components/com_comprofiler/plugin/user/plug_pms_mypmspro/pms.mypmspro.xml
'_UE_USER_STATUS' => 'User Status',
'_UE_LASTONLINE' => 'Last Online',
'_UE_MEMBERSINCE' => 'Member Since',
'_UE_LASTUPDATEDON' => 'Last Updated',
// 52 language strings from file components/com_comprofiler/plugin/user/plug_pms_mypmspro/pms.mypmspro.xml
'CHOOSE_TYPE_OF_COMPONENT_INSTALLED_IMPORTANT_COMPO_bc867a' => 'Choose type of component installed. <strong>IMPORTANT: Component configuration must also be done!</strong>',
'PMS_COMPONENT_TYPE_48b5ff' => 'PMS Component type',
'MYPMS_OPEN_SOURCE_d558e8' => 'MyPMS Open Source',
'PMS_PRO_4e2923' => 'PMS Pro',
'PMS_ENHANCED_2X_4ffd9c' => 'PMS Enhanced 2.x',
'UDDEIM_04_a8ec5b' => 'uddeIM 0.4',
'UDDEIM_10_AND_20_OR_BETTER_3f5b18' => 'uddeIM 1.0 and 2.0+ or better',
'JIM_101_e79b30' => 'JIM 1.0.1',
'DEFAULT_IS_UEPMUSER_THE_LOCAL_TRANSLATION_OF_SEND__2e6abd' => 'Default is _UE_PM_USER, the local translation of "Send Private Message"',
'PMS_SEND_MENULINK_TEXT_ad4bfb' => 'PMS Send Menu/Link text',
'DEFAULT_IS_UEMENUPMUSERDESC_THE_LOCAL_TRANSLATION__77f338' => 'Default is _UE_MENU_PM_USER_DESC, the local translation of "Send a Private Message to this user"',
'PMS_SEND_MENULINK_DESCRIPTION_5bbb7c' => 'PMS Send Menu/Link Description',
'DEFAULT_IS_UEPMINBOX_THE_LOCAL_TRANSLATION_OF_SHOW_ada124' => 'Default is _UE_PM_INBOX, the local translation of "Show Private Inbox"',
'PMS_INBOX_MENULINK_TEXT_23057b' => 'PMS Inbox Menu/Link text',
'DEFAULT_IS_UEMENUPMINBOXDESC_THE_LOCAL_TRANSLATION_fb98d7' => 'Default is _UE_MENU_PM_INBOX_DESC, the local translation of "Show Received Private Messages"',
'PMS_MENULINK_DESCRIPTION_5fa986' => 'PMS Menu/Link Description',
'FOLLOWING_PARAMETERS_d37aea' => 'Following parameters:',
'ONLY_FOR_PMS_PROUDDEIM_48d12d' => 'only for PMS Pro/uddeIM',
'DEFAULT_IS_UEPMOUTBOX_THE_LOCAL_TRANSLATION_OF_SHO_4afcba' => 'Default is _UE_PM_OUTBOX, the local translation of "Show Private Outbox"',
'PMS_OUTBOX_MENULINK_TEXT_e2c9e0' => 'PMS Outbox Menu/Link text',
'DEFAULT_IS_UEMENUPMOUTBOXDESC_THE_LOCAL_TRANSLATIO_539ac0' => 'Default is _UE_MENU_PM_OUTBOX_DESC, the local translation of "Show Sent Private Messages"',
'PMS_OUTBOX_MENULINK_DESCRIPTION_743378' => 'PMS Outbox Menu/Link Description',
'DEFAULT_IS_UEPMTRASHBOX_THE_LOCAL_TRANSLATION_OF_S_d9240c' => 'Default is _UE_PM_TRASHBOX, the local translation of "Show Trash"',
'PMS_TRASH_MENULINK_TEXT_7f2eff' => 'PMS Trash Menu/Link text',
'DEFAULT_IS_UEMENUPMTRASHBOXDESC_THE_LOCAL_TRANSLAT_e40bf3' => 'Default is _UE_MENU_PM_TRASHBOX_DESC, the local translation of "Show Trashed Private Messages"',
'PMS_TRASH_MENULINK_DESCRIPTION_8bacc4' => 'PMS Trash Menu/Link Description',
'ONLY_FOR_PMS_PROUDDEIM_05_670b81' => 'only for PMS Pro/uddeIM 0.5',
'DEFAULT_IS_UEPMOPTIONS_THE_LOCAL_TRANSLATION_OF_SH_dabb9e' => 'Default is _UE_PM_OPTIONS, the local translation of "Show PMS Options"',
'PMS_OPTIONS_MENULINK_TEXT_0ee210' => 'PMS Options Menu/Link text',
'DEFAULT_IS_UEMENUPMOPTIONSDESC_THE_LOCAL_TRANSLATI_54c1f6' => 'Default is _UE_MENU_PM_OPTIONS_DESC, the local translation of "Show PMS Options"',
'PMS_OPTIONS_MENULINK_DESCRIPTION_cbff2e' => 'PMS Options Menu/Link Description',
'CHOOSE_HOW_YOU_WANT_PMS_MESSAGES_TO_BE_HANDLED_WHE_6b0949' => 'Choose how you want PMS messages to be handled when a user is removed',
'PMS_USER_DELETION_e579ed' => 'PMS User Deletion',
'KEEP_ALL_MESSAGES_468aba' => 'Keep all messages',
'REMOVE_ALL_MESSAGES_RECEIVED_AND_SENT_be55d4' => 'Remove all messages (received and sent)',
'REMOVE_RECEIVED_MESSAGES_ONLY_0a96e2' => 'Remove received messages only',
'REMOVE_SENT_MESSAGE_ONLY_0edb9e' => 'Remove sent message only',
'CHOOSE_WHICH_FUNCTION_TO_BE_CALLED_WHEN_USER_IS_DE_138d51' => 'Choose which function to be called when user is deleted (PMS component specific cleanup functions must be stored in cb_extra.php file in component root).',
'PMS_DELETION_FUNCTION_TO_USE_7c3ffd' => 'PMS Deletion Function to use',
'USE_CB_PLUGIN_FUNCTION_38a408' => 'Use CB Plugin Function',
'USE_PMS_COMPONENT_FUNCTION_9a08de' => 'Use PMS Component Function',
'SEE_TAB_MANAGER_QUICK_MESSAGE_PARAMETERS_7d5075' => 'see tab manager: Quick Message: parameters',
'_UE_PMSTAB' => 'Quick Message',
'SHOW_THE_TITLE_OF_THE_TAB_INSIDE_THIS_TAB_THE_DESC_7f0e3f' => 'Show the title of the tab inside this tab. The description is also shown, if present. <strong>IMPORTANT: The title is the tab title here.</strong>',
'SHOW_TAB_TITLE_4b98ac' => 'Show Tab title',
'HIDE_62a5e4' => 'Hide',
'SHOW_498f79' => 'Show',
'SHOW_THE_SUBJECT_FIELD_IF_HIDDEN_SUBJECT_WILL_BE_M_9a7e6c' => 'Show the subject field. If hidden, subject will be "Message from your profile view" = _UE_PM_PROFILEMSG. Note: This setting will be ignored if the Private Messaging System extension does not support a subject field.',
'SHOW_SUBJECT_FIELD_a0f35c' => 'Show Subject Field',
'WIDTH_CHARS_005922' => 'Width (chars)',
'HEIGHT_LINES_3a4677' => 'Height (lines)',
'SEE_PLUGIN_MANAGER_PRIVATE_MESSAGE_SYSTEM_PARAMETE_b974a5' => 'see plugin manager: Private Message System: parameters',
// 5 language strings from file components/com_comprofiler/plugin/user/plug_cbblogs/xml/views/view.com_comprofiler.showblogs.internal.xml
'DATE_ASCENDING_e51aa7' => 'Date ascending',