Bug #1633
closedimagemagick animated thumbnails incorrect because of missing -coalesce option
Am not able to duplicate locally or live as am not able to get IM to even detect. As per user provided information via file attached in user thread an issue is present on our conversion usage of IM.
As suggested by chrissy6930 here:
the command line in JG is looking like this:
convert_path src_file -coalesce -resize XxY -quality 100 -unsharp 3.5x1.2+1.0+0.10 dest_file
that in CB is:
convert_path -geometry XxY src_file dest_file
coalescing is surely necessary
- without after image processing the resulting frames might be of different sizes (the difference can be as small as a mere 1px)
- without the animation is either completely skipped (IE7) or would play majorly weird with the previous frame bleeding through (FF3, Opera10, Safari4, Chrome4)
[quote]The "coalesce" operation basically converts an image into exactly what the animation should look like after the previous frame has been correctly disposed, and the next sub-frame overlaid[/quote]