Bug #4793
closedNew user list save and close gives you success message without returning to list table
With CB 2.0.1:
1. Create a new userlist
2. click Save & Close
You will get a success message but you will not be returned to the user list table page.
See image.
Updated by nant over 10 years ago
Kyle with latest just bow build:
1. Add New Field from the Community Builder menu
2. Make a gender radio button field with 2 values Male/Female
3. Click Save
4. Then Click Save & Close
You should see the Success message problem I have posted a tracker item about (think that was a tab issue - but present in fields also)
Updated by beat over 10 years ago
Same issue appeared in CBSubs, e.g. when you edit a plan, it returns to CBSubs Pannel, instead of Plans manager.
Updated by beat over 10 years ago
- Target version changed from CB 2.0.2 to CB 2.0.3
Updated by krileon over 10 years ago
- Target version changed from CB 2.0.3 to CB 2.0.4
Updated by krileon over 10 years ago
I'm able to duplicate this using CB Auto Actions. It's caused by fields that re-submit the form. Somewhere in that process the return URL handling is broken.
Updated by beat over 10 years ago
- Target version changed from CB 2.0.4 to CB 2.0.5
Updated by beat about 10 years ago
- Target version changed from CB 2.0.5 to CB 2.0.6
Updated by krileon about 10 years ago
This is due to the XML date in the view. Example as follows.
Causes Issue: <data name="XYZ" type="class"
Works Fine: <data name="XYZ" type="sql:row"
It's due to the ID not being updated in the URL when a class object saves. So missing behavior in the action controller.
Updated by krileon about 10 years ago
- Status changed from Assigned to Resolved
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Fixed in MR !793