Alex is now the manager of the CB Russian language forge area.
All Russian speaking Community Builders should contact Alex to assist and help him out.
Welcome aboard Alex!
This plugin should be used with CB 1.2.3 if you want to customize the default language strings.
You should unzip the file, make modifications you want to language strings and repackage.
Then install as a CB plugin on your english site.
Description en cours de rédaction
This is an early beta build of the CBSubs 1.1 language plugin. It is the first CBSubs language plugin that contains a fully translated back-end. We have released it as early as possible in order to give translators a head start with there translation effort.
The CBSubs 1.0.3 English language plugin should be used as the recommended method to change and customize and CBSubs related messages. The actual methodology is described in detail in the CBSubs 1.0.3 documentation.
Beat has integrated this Awk script into the build process of CBSubs. This means that if a language string is changed or added to any CBSubs source file, this script will automatically update the relevant CBSubs language file.
The CB AjaxTextField plugin adds a new Ajax text field type to available CB Fields.