Feature proposal #1438
closedLists: Simple filters should use field method to get list of possible filters (e.g. avatarapproved)
Added by nant almost 15 years ago. Updated almost 8 years ago.
1438.patch (3.03 KB) 1438.patch | krileon, 08 June 2010 21:20 |
Added support for all of a fields columns (includes avatar and avatarapproved, same for image fields, etc...).
Patch comment:
After good thought, although the patch does implement that feature, it interacts at low level with fields. Additionally, the LIKE can potentially select wrong fields with name-subsets.
General thought:
Ideally, fields should expose a method for the filtering methods. That's something for CB 2.0 for sure, which will implement the new SQL query compiler.
I'm thus renaming this from bug "Simple filter should have avatarapproved selection?" into feature "Lists: Simple filters should use field method to get list of possible filters (e.g. avatarapproved)"
Definitely something out of scope for CB 1.3.
No urgency as there is a method to implement it.
Moving to CB 2.0.
Implemented in MR !1204