



Bug #1680


rounded corner tabs do not display properly in IE

Added by krileon almost 15 years ago. Updated over 14 years ago.

Target version:
Start date:
05 May 2010
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:
0:45 h


Using WebFX template or any other template with tabs set as rounded div they do not display properly in IE (any release), but function fine in FF, Opera, etc...,com_joomlaboard/Itemid,38/func,view/catid,112/id,132306/#132306


IE-rounded-div.png (69.3 KB) IE-rounded-div.png IE view with contact info tab in rounded divs with title and webfx template nant, 03 July 2010 13:14
FF-rounded-div.png (65.3 KB) FF-rounded-div.png FF view with contact info tab in rounded divs with title and webfx template nant, 03 July 2010 13:14
FF-luna-round-divs.png (71.3 KB) FF-luna-round-divs.png FF view - luna round divs nant, 03 July 2010 13:20
IE-luna-round-divs.png (71.4 KB) IE-luna-round-divs.png IE view - luna round divs nant, 03 July 2010 13:20
IE-windclassic-rounded-divs.png (68.7 KB) IE-windclassic-rounded-divs.png IE view - winclassic with rounded divs nant, 03 July 2010 13:34
FF-dark-rounded-divs.png (64.7 KB) FF-dark-rounded-divs.png FF view - dark with rounded divs nant, 03 July 2010 13:34
IE-dark-rounded-divs.png (70.7 KB) IE-dark-rounded-divs.png IE view - dark with rounded divs nant, 03 July 2010 13:34
FF-default-rounded-divs.png (67.7 KB) FF-default-rounded-divs.png FF view - default with rounded divs nant, 03 July 2010 13:34
IE-default-with-rounded-divs.png (68.8 KB) IE-default-with-rounded-divs.png IE view - default with rounded divs nant, 03 July 2010 13:34
FF-winclassic-rounded-divs.png (67.3 KB) FF-winclassic-rounded-divs.png FF view - winclassic with rounded divs nant, 03 July 2010 13:34
Actions #1

Updated by beat over 14 years ago

  • Target version set to CB 1.2.3
  • Estimated time set to 0:45 h
Actions #2

Updated by beat over 14 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed
  • Assignee set to beat
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100

Fixed in r1132 and r1133 .

cbTemplates now always output curvycorners.js .

Updated by nant over 14 years ago

Tested with CB 1.2.3 RC3a5.
Attached files with results.
Seems to work, but i see different shading in FF compared to IE.

Actions #6

Updated by beat over 14 years ago

Background fixed in commit r1134 .
Also fixed for our other templates in their r1218 .

Researched ways to give same glare to IE, no reasonable ways with IE8 CSS filters, as those overwrite the text inside the div and do not respect existing rounded corners.


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