5.0.0 closed 100% 44 issues (44 closed — 0 open) Related issues Bug #5736: Dependencies and Presets showing Document types Actions Bug #5756: Missing latest if only available isn't stable or stable nightly Actions Bug #5895: Fix package info dividers being outside of spans Actions Feature proposal #4735: Implement URL for pre-selecting version Actions Feature proposal #5682: Implement content prepare system plugin Actions Feature proposal #5689: deprecate Ordering Prefix Actions Feature proposal #5690: Rework conditionals Actions Feature proposal #5694: Rewrite installer component Actions Feature proposal #5700: Implement Media output Actions Feature proposal #5701: Rework filtering to searching and CMS selector Actions Feature proposal #5716: Implement version selection updating size and date Actions Feature proposal #5735: Implement configure for override type Actions Feature proposal #5737: Implement parameters to exclude version groups Actions Feature proposal #5738: Implement parameters to view access level version groups Actions Feature proposal #5739: Implement specific filename for single item downloads Actions Feature proposal #5741: Implement triggers Actions Feature proposal #5743: Implement additional triggers Actions Feature proposal #5750: Implement version selection for presets Actions Feature proposal #5752: Implement HTML support in package/preset titles Actions Feature proposal #5753: Add menu param to filter types Actions Feature proposal #5754: Add menu filter for subtype Actions Feature proposal #5755: Add package/preset url to edit view Actions Feature proposal #5807: Implement media content bot substitution Actions Feature proposal #5808: Implement title and description content bot substitution Actions Feature proposal #5829: Improve version display Actions Feature proposal #5870: Implement button content bot substitution Actions Feature proposal #5871: Implement IF content bot usage for package access Actions Feature proposal #5880: Implement content bot substitution for version without build Actions Feature proposal #5883: Implement support for presets to be marked new Actions Feature proposal #5892: Implement module for displaying packages Actions Feature proposal #5894: Implement grid layout Actions Feature proposal #5902: create cbsubs package builder Actions Feature proposal #5905: Implement preset size and date display Actions Feature proposal #5906: Implement support for content prepare Actions Feature proposal #5916: Implement preset type Actions Feature proposal #5917: Implement type and subtype collapsing Actions Feature proposal #5921: Implement menu param to specify page template Actions Feature proposal #5924: Implement preset filename parameter Actions Feature proposal #5925: Implement details page Actions Feature proposal #5971: bot url output is not being conditioned Actions Task #4486: Deprecate usergroup usage Actions Task #5683: Rework individual download usage Actions Task #5684: Rework show/hide of packages based off dependencies Actions Task #5751: Remove RC from Latest version download Actions
5.1.0 closed 100% 24 issues (24 closed — 0 open) Related issues Bug #6026: Wrong backend permissions Actions Bug #6056: Installer errors not properly outputting Actions Bug #6057: Failed install causes cached installer Actions Bug #6064: CB plugin descriptions don't output Actions Feature proposal #5742: Implement backend and frontend uploads Actions Feature proposal #5957: Implement custom types Actions Feature proposal #6032: Improve version XML with a full version history Actions Feature proposal #6034: Conditioned direct endpoints should redirect to conditioned url Actions Feature proposal #6038: improve packages display Actions Feature proposal #6039: Implement module param for id Actions Feature proposal #6042: Improve label font size Actions Feature proposal #6044: Implement new releases module mode Actions Feature proposal #6046: Reduce package installer size Actions Feature proposal #6047: Implement versions limit and cbselect support Actions Feature proposal #6054: Implement filtering by id Actions Feature proposal #6058: Installer does not output plugin/extension messages Actions Feature proposal #6065: Versions XML should include presets Actions Feature proposal #6075: Implement exclude parameter for latest Actions Feature proposal #6079: Implement frontend permissions Actions Feature proposal #6081: Improve package installer display Actions Feature proposal #6089: Latest page and module need separate parameters Actions Feature proposal #6090: Improve latest view to include version history Actions Feature proposal #6094: Implement ->versions for presets Actions Feature proposal #6103: Implement comma separation for hits Actions
6.0.0 closed 100% 18 issues (18 closed — 0 open) Related issues Bug #6160: Backend download does not work if is unpublished Actions Bug #6368: Preset hits are not incrementing Actions Bug #6433: Performance of latest releases page/module slowly degrading Actions Bug #6569: Presets sometimes showing twice on latest versions page Actions Feature proposal #6035: Create search bot Actions Feature proposal #6072: Implement parameter to specify the CMSes Actions Feature proposal #6107: Update history date on redownload Actions Feature proposal #6131: Stop suppressing errors if debug mode is enabled Actions Feature proposal #6132: Implement backend files management Actions Feature proposal #6264: Improve parameter descriptions Actions Feature proposal #6311: Implement ELSEIF and ELSE substitution conditions Actions Feature proposal #6312: Include package id with versions XML Actions Feature proposal #6342: Implement trigger for when a package is downloaded Actions Feature proposal #6358: Rewrite how template files are included Actions Feature proposal #6434: Hide dropdown menu on non-downloads pages Actions Feature proposal #6673: Change history and preset packages tooltip to a page with just those packages Actions Feature proposal #6683: Implement web store functionality Actions Feature proposal #6691: Implement a categories template Actions
6.1.0 closed 100% 12 issues (12 closed — 0 open) Related issues Bug #6706: Exclude subtypes parameters do not work Actions Bug #6803: Expanded Grid subtypes taking full width Actions Bug #7076: URL overrides not being passed through cbSef Actions Feature proposal #6703: Implement error message if package installer is empty Actions Feature proposal #6712: Implement events during install Actions Feature proposal #6716: Implement per package version limit override Actions Feature proposal #6785: Implement linking of searches Actions Feature proposal #6804: Add category icons to other templates Actions Feature proposal #6865: Implement parameter for long description Actions Feature proposal #6866: Implement demo url parameter Actions Feature proposal #6867: Improve details page Actions Feature proposal #7180: Implement CB 2.2 Bootstrap 4 fixes Actions
6.2.0 closed 100% 28 issues (28 closed — 0 open) Related issues Bug #7821: Preset package caching sometimes unreliable Actions Bug #7942: On download error the download bundle button is hidden Actions Bug #7981: CSS Class parameter does not work Actions Feature proposal #7197: Implement support for web api keys Actions Feature proposal #7250: Implement file parsing cache Actions Feature proposal #7335: Select all needs accessibility text Actions Feature proposal #7485: Update conditions usage Actions Feature proposal #7486: Implement support for format functions in other package locations Actions Feature proposal #7633: Implement bundling on grid template Actions Feature proposal #7799: Implement more obvious gallery on package details pages Actions Feature proposal #7804: Implement display of dependencies Actions Feature proposal #7805: Implement parameter to override package filename Actions Feature proposal #7840: PHP 7.4 compatibility testing and fixes Actions Feature proposal #7863: Implement Joomla compatible package version check endpoint Actions Feature proposal #7864: Implement parameter to toggle off bundling Actions Feature proposal #7865: Implement sub-packages Actions Feature proposal #7866: Implement show/hide of bundle button Actions Feature proposal #7867: Improve emphasis of selected bundles Actions Feature proposal #7869: Get rid of versions table on package details page Actions Feature proposal #7879: Improve media usage with additional media types Actions Feature proposal #7894: Implement different bundling types Actions Feature proposal #7895: Implement support for bundling custom types Actions Feature proposal #7896: Implement support for custom type sub-packages and dependencies Actions Feature proposal #7897: Implement parameter for per-package bundling Actions Feature proposal #7925: Implement frontend views for generating and managing site keys Actions Feature proposal #7943: Implementing a floating download bundle button Actions Feature proposal #7975: Combine Packages and Dependencies into a single view Actions Feature proposal #8025: Implement menu and module parameters to exclude packages Actions
6.3.0 closed 100% 56 issues (56 closed — 0 open) Related issues Bug #8041: Temporary tokens do not load correctly Actions Bug #8070: Demo buttons do not display Actions Bug #8125: Details page shows empty media if no media is set to display on details Actions Bug #8146: Fix media directory parsing sort order Actions Bug #8147: Excess bottom margins Actions Bug #8154: Scrolling throw slide show can cause accidental double click selection Actions Bug #8157: Raw admin supplied HTML is being HTML filtered Actions Bug #8444: JS triggers are missing in new package installer Actions Feature proposal #7451: Implement changelog support Actions Feature proposal #7634: Implement sending more information with web store endpoint Actions Feature proposal #7898: Redesign installer to be cleaner and more informative Actions Feature proposal #8039: Improve the grid layout with type indicators Actions Feature proposal #8047: Implement blocking creation of duplicate site keys Actions Feature proposal #8053: Move Hot and New to footer for default template Actions Feature proposal #8054: Implement media parameter to toggle off output in modal window Actions Feature proposal #8056: Implement parameters to toggle sending subpackage information for web endpoint Actions Feature proposal #8057: Implement web parameter to turn off media Actions Feature proposal #8064: Implement parameter to completely override button output Actions Feature proposal #8066: Implement showcase template Actions Feature proposal #8093: Improve package installer to preflight check if installer extensions folder exists already Actions Feature proposal #8127: Improve packages to have feature rows for products Actions Feature proposal #8128: Implement feature to toggle off version, date, etc.. for details page Actions Feature proposal #8129: Remove horizontal bar between short details and full description Actions Feature proposal #8132: Implement parameters to allow bypassing conditions when accessed by install from web Actions Feature proposal #8134: Feature block images need a zoom feature Actions Feature proposal #8148: Implement native lazy load for media Actions Feature proposal #8151: Add location and context to substitution extra strings Actions Feature proposal #8152: Clean up return urls Actions Feature proposal #8153: Improve details page titles Actions Feature proposal #8156: Implement support for btn-groups in button HTML overrides Actions Feature proposal #8158: Add support for documentation URL Actions Feature proposal #8159: Improve location substitution to determine if inside module or content Actions Feature proposal #8160: Implement spotlight template Actions Feature proposal #8161: Implement random mode for module Actions Feature proposal #8162: Improve module to exclude by id Actions Feature proposal #8163: Pass template to extra strings Actions Feature proposal #8167: Add template files for presets for showcase and spotlight templates Actions Feature proposal #8168: Improve showcase and spotlight linking Actions Feature proposal #8226: CMS selection should auto submit the search form Actions Feature proposal #8248: Implement expanding log in the event of an error Actions Feature proposal #8273: Implement parameter to toggle details page title visibility Actions Feature proposal #8274: Implement parameter to toggle media visibility Actions Feature proposal #8275: Implement support for a per-package Logo Actions Feature proposal #8276: Implement Grid feature block Actions Feature proposal #8277: Implement package/preset feature block Actions Feature proposal #8278: Implement Call to Action feature block Actions Feature proposal #8279: Implement media feature block Actions Feature proposal #8281: Implement scrollbar support for media modal windows Actions Feature proposal #8285: Implement gallery feature block Actions Feature proposal #8286: Implement buttons feature block parameter to control output Actions Feature proposal #8287: Implement quotes feature block Actions Feature proposal #8323: Increase spacing between elements for product template Actions Feature proposal #8324: Implement support for descriptive text for buttons feature block Actions Feature proposal #8339: Implement Joomla 4 compatibility Actions Feature proposal #8412: Implement additional site key domain hash checks Actions Feature proposal #8450: Implement CMS filtering of web and version checker endpoints Actions
6.3.1 closed 100% 16 issues (16 closed — 0 open) Related issues Bug #8760: Install errors not being caught Actions Bug #8932: Empty search results causes blank page Actions Bug #8957: Installer fails if GZIP header response is given Actions Bug #8958: Installer JSON thrown errors uncaught Actions Bug #8969: Images (in directories) have http:// instead of https:// when website is accessed in https: Actions Bug #9006: [J4] Joomla menu parameter access not working Actions Bug #9007: Version not passed to subpackages and dependencies Actions Bug #9009: Package installer doesn't process Joomla language strings Actions Feature proposal #8478: Implement support for install order Actions Feature proposal #8585: Implement copy button next to site key input Actions Feature proposal #8611: Implement optional title/description for gallery feature blocks Actions Feature proposal #8647: Remove usage of zero datetime Actions Feature proposal #8648: Rewrite package installer to vanillajs Actions Feature proposal #8933: Implement support for channel for various endpoints Actions Feature proposal #8949: Improve package installer error caching behavior Actions Feature proposal #9008: Implement using Filename parameter also inside of packaged files Actions
7.0.0 closed 100% 11 issues (11 closed — 0 open) Related issues Bug #8527: Menu icons are not responsive ready Actions Feature proposal #8190: Implement trigger for when a new version is detected Actions Feature proposal #8454: Implement parameter to supply package installer description Actions Feature proposal #8479: Automate ensuring dependency packages always install first Actions Feature proposal #8526: Replace flexbox grid with CSS grid Actions Feature proposal #8649: Implement strict typing Actions Feature proposal #8994: Implement database stored versions/files Actions Feature proposal #9146: Move package details to a separate management Actions Feature proposal #9406: Remove nested archiving support Actions Feature proposal #9414: Implement support for retroactive CBSubs conditioning Actions Feature proposal #9415: Implement table template for packages Actions
8.0.0 closed 100% 24 issues (24 closed — 0 open) Related issues Bug #9430: setDependencies and setSubPackages setting wrong properties Actions Bug #9432: Auto parsing in the body instead of header Actions Bug #9433: Package installer JS min file not being installed Actions Bug #9464: Presets sometimes won't display due to package display being suppressed Actions Bug #9465: Single download version selection being overridden by bundle version Actions Bug #9525: Empty presets are throwing errors Actions Bug #9530: File parsing URL in backend is displaying incorrectly Actions Feature proposal #9429: Improve file finder to ignore caching when using token based endpoint Actions Feature proposal #9431: implement bypassing substitutions if no substitution is in the string Actions Feature proposal #9440: Implement support for filtering the file finder by package id Actions Feature proposal #9441: Improve image and gallery blocks to support thumbnails and alt text Actions Feature proposal #9442: Remove presets from latest page and implement support for excluding by id globally Actions Feature proposal #9443: Replace banner with custom header/footer Actions Feature proposal #9449: Implement left/right navigation for modal windows Actions Feature proposal #9468: Implement backend support for purging package versions Actions Feature proposal #9507: Implement support for user controlled site key enabled state Actions Feature proposal #9508: Implement support for site key authentication JSON endpoint Actions Feature proposal #9524: Improve presets to support checking package access and conditions Actions Feature proposal #9526: Improve single package preset version selection Actions Feature proposal #9536: Improve Joomla versions XML support Actions Feature proposal #9541: Include CMS as part of the download URL Actions Feature proposal #9542: Implement CMS usage statistics for download history Actions Feature proposal #9546: Update search plugin to be a smart search finder plugin Actions Task #9537: Remove support for temporary tokens Actions
8.1.0 open 100% 3 issues (3 closed — 0 open) Related issues Bug #9560: Presets don't display in latest downloads if they're the first release Actions Feature proposal #9562: Implement support for a carousel gallery output mode Actions Feature proposal #9582: Implement full download history Actions
9.0.0 open 0% 10 issues (0 closed — 10 open) Related issues Feature proposal #4736: Implement version dependency Actions Feature proposal #5958: Implement remote storage Actions Feature proposal #7184: Implement custom routing Actions Feature proposal #8164: Replace Presets with a package type Actions Feature proposal #8189: Implement support for remote change log Actions Feature proposal #8451: Implement support for generating Joomla packages Actions Feature proposal #8632: Implement alpha/beta warning in package installer Actions Feature proposal #9345: Implement conditioned versions support Actions Feature proposal #9410: Remove subtype and implement database stored types Actions Feature proposal #9411: Replace CMS with Platform and implement database storage Actions