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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Author Assignee Target version % Done
8567 CB Gallery Feature proposal Assigned Low Implement pending approval placeholder media krileon krileon CB Gallery - 4.0.0

8563 CB Gallery Feature proposal Assigned Normal Implement media share links krileon krileon CB Gallery - 4.0.0

8554 CB Feature proposal Assigned Low Improve install from web home page to suppress main plugins integrations if main plugin is present krileon krileon CB - CB 2.9.4

8540 CB Paid Subscriptions Feature proposal New Low Improve table view export data krileon CB Paid Subscriptions - 4.8.1

8516 CB Feature proposal Assigned Normal Change version structure krileon krileon CB - CB 2.9.4

8460 CB Activity Feature proposal Assigned Normal Implement splitting hidden content into multiple database tables krileon krileon CB Activity - 7.0.0

8459 CB Activity Feature proposal Assigned Normal Implement support for notification filters krileon krileon CB Activity - 7.0.0

8451 CB Package Builder Feature proposal Assigned Normal Implement support for generating Joomla packages krileon krileon CB Package Builder - 9.0.0

8447 CB Paid Subscriptions Feature proposal New Normal Add field "reason for cancellation / non-renewal" to cancellation view beat CB Paid Subscriptions - 4.8.1

8426 CB Paid Subscriptions Bug Assigned Normal Plans images do not display for family plans krileon krileon CB Paid Subscriptions - 4.8.1

8394 CB Paid Subscriptions Bug Assigned Low Clicking plan description to select plan checkbox does not fire change event krileon krileon CB Paid Subscriptions - 4.8.1

8372 CB Feature proposal Assigned Normal Implement support for multi-lingual sitename in emails krileon krileon CB - CB 2.9.4

8356 CB Feature proposal Assigned Normal PMS: Enable substitutions for notification emails krileon krileon CB - CB 2.9.4

8345 CB Paid Subscriptions Feature proposal Assigned Normal Family Plans: implement support for registrations without free subscriptions for existing users krileon krileon CB Paid Subscriptions - 4.8.1

8344 CB Paid Subscriptions Bug Assigned Normal Family Plans: existed expired subscription blocks accepting shared subscription krileon krileon CB Paid Subscriptions - 4.8.1

8343 CB Feature proposal Assigned Normal API: Replace $ueConfig by Application::Config() with defauls beat beat CB - CB 2.9.4

8298 CB Paid Subscriptions Bug Assigned Low Fields Tabs Protect: Overriding of field icons unreliable krileon krileon CB Paid Subscriptions - 4.8.1

8272 CB Paid Subscriptions Feature proposal Resolved Normal With error log, log call stack too beat beat

8271 CB Feature proposal Assigned Normal Update Bootstrap to v5 krileon krileon CB - CB 2.9.4

8230 CB Privacy Feature proposal Assigned Normal Implement support for outputting ajax privacy controls in profile view krileon krileon CB Privacy - 8.0.0

8225 CB Paid Subscriptions Bug Assigned Normal Family Plans: shared exclusive plan blocks non-exclusive plans krileon krileon CB Paid Subscriptions - 4.8.1

8215 CB Bug New Normal CIVICRM PEAR installer conflict krileon CB - CB 2.9.4

8212 CB Paid Subscriptions Feature proposal New Normal Implement ajax editing of invoice address krileon CB Paid Subscriptions - 4.8.1

8209 CB Paid Subscriptions Feature proposal New Normal Remove non-radio payment method selection krileon CB Paid Subscriptions - 4.8.1

8208 CB Paid Subscriptions Feature proposal New Normal Improve radio payment method selection to directly output payment forms krileon CB Paid Subscriptions - 4.8.1

8199 CB Feature proposal Assigned Normal PMS: implement a autocomplete functionality for To krileon krileon CB - CB 2.9.4

8189 CB Package Builder Feature proposal Assigned Normal Implement support for remote change log krileon krileon CB Package Builder - 9.0.0

8171 CB Feature proposal Assigned Low Plugin not published notice should link to plugin edit krileon krileon CB - CB 2.9.4

8166 CB Bug New High Calling Application::User on a user id that doesn't exist outputs warning krileon CB - CB 2.9.4

8164 CB Package Builder Feature proposal Assigned Normal Replace Presets with a package type krileon krileon CB Package Builder - 9.0.0

8142 CB Google Translate Feature proposal Assigned High Redesign this to be more than just site translation krileon krileon CB Google Translate - 3.1.0

8141 CB Bug Assigned Normal Date fields missing No Preference option krileon krileon CB - CB 2.9.4

8109 CB Paid Subscriptions Bug Feedback Low PayPal: Fails with IPv6 IP Address krileon CB Paid Subscriptions - 4.8.1

8098 CB Bug Assigned Low Email address doesn't display properly with icon and raw email output krileon krileon CB - CB 2.9.4

8090 CB Paid Subscriptions Bug Assigned Normal Totals in statistics don't compute correctly when the currencies table is empty beat beat CB Paid Subscriptions - 4.8.1

8086 CB Feature proposal New Normal Add possibility to use Joomla updater also for CB add-ons update notifications and updates beat CB - CB 2.9.4

8085 CB Feature proposal Feedback Normal A way to allow a user-group to edit one field of users from another user-group beat CB - CB 2.9.4

8081 CB Paid Subscriptions Bug Assigned Normal When a plan is unpublished, upgrades from that plan do not display in admin backend (in frontend they display fine) beat beat CB Paid Subscriptions - 4.8.1

8074 CB Bug Assigned Normal Web installer: clicking "Refresh" button makes text beside it read without relative time "will refresh ." beat krileon CB - CB 2.9.4

8073 CB Paid Subscriptions Feature proposal Assigned Normal Plan Registration & Upgrade Publishing dates beat beat CB Paid Subscriptions - 4.8.1

8052 CB Feature proposal Assigned Normal Install from Web should indicate if a package includes subpackages krileon krileon CB - CB 2.9.4

8051 CB Feature proposal Assigned Normal Implement plugin updates available banner on control panel krileon krileon CB - CB 2.9.4

8049 CB Bug Assigned Low Install from Web doesn't detect a preset is installed krileon krileon CB - CB 2.9.4

8048 CB Feature proposal Assigned Normal Increase maximum userlist search redirect URL length check krileon krileon CB - CB 2.9.4

8043 CB Feature proposal Assigned Normal Implement means of mass resetting consent krileon krileon CB - CB 2.9.4

8042 CB Feature proposal Assigned Normal Implement support for running batch tools against all users krileon krileon CB - CB 2.9.4

8034 CB Paid Subscriptions Bug New Normal Some multi-currency selections do not have currency exchange rates krileon CB Paid Subscriptions - 4.8.1

8030 CB Paid Subscriptions Bug Assigned Normal Discounting a recurring subscription for more than the price of the plan causes error krileon beat CB Paid Subscriptions - 4.8.1

8029 CB Paid Subscriptions Feature proposal New Normal Implement cancelling basket if attempting to subscribe to different plan krileon CB Paid Subscriptions - 4.8.1

8026 CB Feature proposal Assigned Normal Implement synchronizing the username and alias field krileon krileon CB - CB 2.9.4

8023 CB Paid Subscriptions Bug New Normal PayPal Standard: recurring payments with address sent using a London postal code fails krileon CB Paid Subscriptions - 4.8.1

8018 CB Bug Assigned Low Searching a tags field with custom values causes them to be lost on redisplay krileon krileon CB - CB 2.9.4

8012 CB Paid Subscriptions Feature proposal Assigned Normal Implement notice that share limit has been reached krileon krileon CB Paid Subscriptions - 4.8.1

8010 CB Feature proposal Assigned Normal Rewrite Itemid parsing behavior krileon krileon CB - CB 2.9.4

8007 CB Feature proposal Assigned Low Implement userlist custom column field for row number krileon krileon CB - CB 2.9.4

8006 CB Paid Subscriptions Feature proposal Assigned Low Family Plans: Implement support for child plans to share their parent krileon krileon CB Paid Subscriptions - 4.8.1

7986 CB Feature proposal Assigned Normal cbmoreless: implement support for overriding the moreless height by CSS krileon krileon CB - CB 2.9.4

7982 CB Feature proposal Assigned Normal Tab links should focus on the tabs content krileon krileon CB - CB 2.9.4

7980 CB Feature proposal Assigned Low Implement IF substitution support for outputting parent conditions content krileon krileon CB - CB 2.9.4

7973 CB Feature proposal Assigned Normal Implement table class with alias generation support krileon krileon CB - CB 2.9.4

7971 CB Feature proposal Assigned Low PMS: implement a see all button krileon krileon CB - CB 2.9.4

7970 CB Paid Subscriptions Feature proposal Assigned Normal Family Plans: implement support for accepting after login krileon krileon CB Paid Subscriptions - 4.8.1

7967 CB Bug Assigned Low Tab output doubles if rendered in 2 different positions krileon krileon CB - CB 2.9.4

7963 CB Feature proposal Assigned Normal Implement "More" paging for PMS modal window krileon krileon CB - CB 2.9.4

7957 CB Bug Assigned Low jQuery Validate: multiple remote validation rules fails krileon krileon CB - CB 2.9.4

7953 CB Paid Subscriptions Bug Assigned Normal Taxes plugin: For Prices-included, when multiple taxes periods co-exist, their start-stop date should be taken in account beat beat CB Paid Subscriptions - 4.8.1

7938 CB Feature proposal Assigned Normal Implement parameter to toggle profile link on formatname and avatar fields krileon krileon CB - CB 2.9.4

7929 CB Gallery Feature proposal Assigned High Implement upload staging krileon krileon CB Gallery - 4.0.0

7927 CB Gallery Feature proposal Assigned Normal CB Activity: Implement complete parameter overriding and gallery separation krileon krileon CB Gallery - 4.0.0

7926 CB Gallery Feature proposal Assigned Low Implement support for pinned albums and media krileon krileon CB Gallery - 4.0.0

7924 CB Paid Subscriptions Feature proposal Assigned Normal Implement support for limited timed content access krileon krileon CB Paid Subscriptions - 4.8.1

7921 CB Bug Assigned Low Large dropdowns start failing to save values in backend krileon krileon CB - CB 2.9.4

7887 CB Bug Assigned Normal IF substitutions don't reliably allow quotes krileon krileon CB - CB 2.9.4

7882 CB Feature proposal Assigned Normal Implement parameter to exclude attributes from filtering krileon krileon CB - CB 2.9.4

7878 CB Feature proposal Assigned Normal Remove CB Menu and profile menu bar krileon krileon CB - CB 2.9.4

7876 CB Paid Subscriptions Feature proposal New Normal Implement parameter to filter module to specific plans krileon CB Paid Subscriptions - 4.8.1

7875 CB Paid Subscriptions Feature proposal New Normal Implement displaying reversed baskets as unpaid invoices krileon CB Paid Subscriptions - 4.8.1

7855 CB Paid Subscriptions Feature proposal Assigned Normal Family Plans: implement support for auto connections krileon krileon CB Paid Subscriptions - 4.8.1

7853 CB Paid Subscriptions Feature proposal Assigned Low Family Plans: implement support for sharing by username krileon krileon CB Paid Subscriptions - 4.8.1

7836 CB Paid Subscriptions Feature proposal Assigned Low CBSubs Emails and Mailer: change direct call to comprofilerMail to cbNotification krileon krileon CB Paid Subscriptions - 4.8.1

7819 CB Paid Subscriptions Feature proposal New Normal Implement editing offline baskets stored payment even after paid krileon CB Paid Subscriptions - 4.8.1

7788 CB Feature proposal Assigned Low Implement super user self demote confirmation krileon krileon CB - CB 2.9.4

7777 CB Forums Feature proposal Assigned Normal Implement moderator management of favorites and subscriptions krileon krileon CB - CB 2.9.4

7746 CB Bug Assigned Low If no field icons are output validation errors for terms fields do not display krileon krileon CB - CB 2.9.4

7738 CB Blogs Feature proposal Assigned Normal Implement support for content plugins krileon krileon CB - CB 2.9.4

7711 CB Bug Assigned Low Some email notification language strings not respecting HTML mode krileon krileon CB - CB 2.9.4

7710 CB Gallery Feature proposal Assigned Normal Implement a core template for embedded output krileon krileon CB Gallery - 4.0.0

7688 CB Feature proposal Assigned Normal Improve phone number inputmask and validation with libphonenumber krileon krileon CB - CB 2.9.4

7659 CB Paid Subscriptions Feature proposal Assigned Low Deprecate CBSubs Emails krileon krileon CB Paid Subscriptions - 4.8.1

7617 CB Feature proposal Assigned Low Change cb content module textarea field to editor field krileon krileon CB - CB 2.9.4

7613 CB Bug Assigned Normal Userlist hotlink protection fails for paging links krileon krileon CB - CB 2.9.4

7606 CB Gallery Feature proposal Assigned Normal Implement support for ffmpeg krileon krileon CB Gallery - 4.0.0

7595 CB Gallery Feature proposal Assigned Normal Implement parameter for mandatory album usage krileon krileon CB Gallery - 4.0.0

7594 CB Gallery Feature proposal Assigned Normal Implement album only menu endpoint krileon krileon CB Gallery - 4.0.0

7589 CB Progress Field Feature proposal Assigned Normal Implement ajax progress completion krileon krileon CB Progress Field - 4.1.0

7583 CB Feature proposal New Normal Improve various parameter descriptions krileon CB - CB 2.9.4

7547 CB Gallery Feature proposal Assigned Normal Implement complete ajax navigation krileon krileon CB Gallery - 4.0.0

7530 CB Feature proposal Assigned Low When selecting a tab via URL it should scroll the tab into view krileon krileon CB - CB 2.9.4

7517 CB Gallery Feature proposal Assigned Normal CB Activity: Implement support for media uploads during edit krileon krileon CB Gallery - 4.0.0

7500 CB Paid Subscriptions Feature proposal New Normal Offline: implement option to confirm on initial button click krileon CB Paid Subscriptions - 4.8.1

(201-300/567) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 200

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