CB 1.2.2 closed 05 March 2010 Community Builder 1.2.2 100% 52 issues (52 closed — 0 open) Related issues Bug #1043: PHP 5.3 issue: First argument is expected to be a valid callback, 'JDocumentRAW::addCustomTag Actions Bug #1051: User profile output: cbClr in wrong location doesn't clear left/middle/right properly Actions Bug #1078: Userlist single drop down advanced search mode changing type Actions Bug #1087: CSS class of Manage Connections update buttons have inputbox instead of button class Actions Bug #1194: Language file mistake - double in in Actions Bug #1278: Search by age not functional when the minimum age boundary is at minimum Actions Bug #1279: Lists advanced search: Search any of a single-drop-down field but selecting empty line in multi-select field gives invalid SQL query Actions Bug #1291: Non-mandatory file fields not working at registration Actions Bug #1340: cancel button on profile update page when clicked is double htmlspecial the itemid Actions Bug #1342: First / last name fields in CB User Management show ??? when Greek Language default Actions Bug #1343: Random order resorting during pagination Actions Bug #1358: Userlist simple search any latin characters not working properly Actions Bug #1360: Connection request popup too left for some templates Actions Bug #1361: Comma separated line in multiple select checkbox adds comma even for single element Actions Bug #1366: Connections field appears on User Status tab on Profile even though connections are not enabled Actions Bug #1394: In User edit, User params have class cbft_ instead of cbft_params Actions Bug #1400: username and password recovery fails to function in IE Actions Bug #1401: Module parameter spelling Actions Bug #1408: Integer field allowed value 0 flagging error Actions Bug #1410: Forum settings fields don't display when creating a new user in backend or at registration Actions Bug #1411: In backend new user edit pressing cancel is alerting "Plugin must have a name" when in single-name mode Actions Bug #1419: PHP 5.2.0 - 5.2.5 (unpatched) bug workaround needed Actions Bug #1429: UpdateViews: Duplicate entry bug + error rendering bug Actions Bug #1430: cb login logout redirect temp fix needs removal/fixing Actions Bug #1433: Text Area field lacks the regex server side check like text field Actions Bug #1435: formatname field not adding colspan when title is not displayed Actions Bug #1451: With some mysql versions, users list do not work with privacy plugin due to "Column 'id' in on clause is ambiguous" Actions Bug #1458: unHtmlspecialchars already declared Actions Bug #1464: CB Installer fails on WINDOWS Server with php_uname() disabled Actions Bug #1476: Add clean passwords API to User model moscomprofilerUser Actions Bug #1478: Backend approve toggle of already confirmed user changes the random password, but should not change it Actions Bug #1560: Update README_UPGRADE.txt for Joomla 1.5 upgrade method Actions Bug #1564: Joomla 1.5: Last online offseted by the server offset Actions Bug #1572: avatar manditory during registration not respected Actions Bug #1573: Default Joomla 1.5 editor adds <p> to field, tab and list descriptions which breaks auto-translate Actions Feature proposal #1230: Add more checks to CB Tools: PHP version and mandatory public profile menu check Actions Feature proposal #1414: RTL support Actions Feature proposal #1415: Javascript: Update jQuery to 1.4.2 and jQuery-UI to 1.8 and update libraries Actions Feature proposal #1443: Add the login without password to CB API Actions Feature proposal #1483: Add Rounded div CSS to templates Actions Feature proposal #1494: Use upgrade method in Joomla 1.5 for installing Actions Feature proposal #1497: Add cache to last-online CB API to minimize SQL queries to #__session Actions Feature proposal #1512: Add title param to password field types for password verification field because translation of "Verify Password" was difficult due to string substitution Actions Feature proposal #1550: Backend language file and translation Actions Feature proposal #1567: Add installation PDF to CB package Actions
CB 1.2.3 closed 07 July 2010 Community Builder 1.2.3 100% 58 issues (58 closed — 0 open) Related issues Bug #1049: Hardcoded username and password validation character lengths Actions Bug #1226: Backend users-lists: Simple filter does not save with IE8 Actions Bug #1565: Update Forum tab plugin to also support upcoming Kunena 1.6 Actions Bug #1569: Extra image files are not purged when user is removed from backend Actions Bug #1576: Changes to readme files clarifying terminology used for modules Actions Bug #1577: Plugin edit: Plugin description: untranslated string Actions Bug #1589: Forgot Login: asking for username also when login with email only Actions Bug #1608: cb login module does not end horizontal span properly (only when used with integrations) Actions Bug #1616: Tools check database: show/hide toggles and Install from folder submitbutton JS alert not functioning properly Actions Bug #1622: Userslists with php versions without utf8 support issues warning \P, \p, and \X has not been compiled at offset 1 Actions Bug #1626: data field drop-down storing incorrect month after day select at registration Actions Bug #1629: Backend: approval drop-down needs to provide all 3 states Actions Bug #1633: imagemagick animated thumbnails incorrect because of missing -coalesce option Actions Bug #1645: CB onUserActive is missing the cause parameter Actions Bug #1678: required select should have blank, but not allow saving with blank Actions Bug #1680: rounded corner tabs do not display properly in IE Actions Bug #1687: Backslashes in plugin params are doubled or quadrupled when used in plugins Actions Bug #1689: duplicate language strings in admin language file Actions Bug #1692: Missing picture upload gives error Undefined property in cb.core.php when registration form has a server-side php error Actions Bug #1695: usage of german characters in userlist filter results in jumbled characters Actions Bug #1698: Password field erroneously setting $user->col (minor bug without consequences) Actions Bug #1699: CB User Management always asks for 6 character password independantly of setting Actions Bug #1706: onUserActive in admin area params were incomplete/different Actions Bug #1708: WebFX and other non-default CB templates are missing correct rating field CSS Actions Bug #1714: login module class suffix can not be used without changes as id suffix Actions Bug #1719: Backend: Select "upload a new image" or "choose from gallery", then select "Approve image" does not hide upload/gallery Actions Bug #1720: cb login module missing itemids for various links Actions Bug #1724: Improve errors handling on query limits Actions Bug #1725: Filenames missing in email attachments API Actions Bug #1727: Missing language strings for fields in field management Actions Bug #1739: Advanced search mode doesn't hide field search values by default Actions Bug #1743: Mandatory fields are also mandatory in advanced search mode Actions Bug #1745: Forum-tab plugin's fields advanced searches do not work the standard way and are missing the corresponding markup Actions Bug #1772: Email confirmation link missing itemid (and thus no specific modules can be shown to user on that confirmation page) Actions Bug #1775: Backend emailing does not substitute non-sefed urls with full site urls Actions Bug #1778: Update README file for Joomla 1.5 turning off registrations Actions Bug #1811: editorarea html editor fields have mosReq but not class required making CSS and JS of plugins fail Actions Bug #1817: userlists-switcher to an advanced-search-enabled list shows search fields even there is no searches if username, last online, and a few more fields are searchable Actions Bug #1826: Regression during CB 1.2.3 work in user management (not affacting any cb stable release) Actions Bug #1827: Confusing when only the link for second step link during installation is removed Actions Bug #1828: The expert tgz package for joomla 1.5 contains the joomla 1.6 en-GB.com_comprofiler.sys.ini file Actions Bug #1833: Make CB < 2 MB (remove 3kb compressed at least) Actions Bug #1834: Secondary email fields with Ajax checker should not issue red message if email is already registered on site Actions Bug #1835: Secondary email address fields should validate Actions Feature proposal #1311: comparison function for multi-value fields need adding a LIKE or REGEXP operator to substitutions IF (actually implemented =~ and !~ ) Actions Feature proposal #1595: Populate also #__users.activation in adition of #__comprofiler.cbactivation (useful for JFusion) Actions Feature proposal #1662: onBeforeUsersListQuery trigger: Add list id Actions Feature proposal #1681: Backend avatar approval state filtering and displaying of unapproved avatars to site moderators and admins in backend) Actions Feature proposal #1707: Insert limit pagination value in urls (needed by SEF extensions) Actions Feature proposal #1716: Update jQuery UI to 1.8.2 stable and jQuery plugins to latest Actions Feature proposal #1726: Added higher values for pagination number of entries per page Actions Feature proposal #1728: Mass mail users from CB User management in backend Actions Feature proposal #1740: Add frontend users-lists API Actions Feature proposal #1746: Add advanced filtering of frontend lists in users management backend Actions Feature proposal #1830: Speedup CB by 20-30% optimizing in PHP Actions Feature proposal #1831: Reduce 20-30% memory usage of CB backend Actions Feature proposal #1832: Translations table display at bottom of page to help finding strings for translating or adapting texts Actions Feature proposal #1839: API: add possibility to plugin loader to load only elements of given "class." within a group Actions
CB 1.3 closed 29 November 2010 Community Builder 1.3 100% 63 issues (63 closed — 0 open) Related issues Bug #1846: Not an integer Actions Bug #1849: Backend : Small Typo in database checks 'Datbase' missing 'a' Actions Bug #1853: Backend : user management advanced search distorted with images fields that have sizes Actions Bug #1896: LTR languages: author tab LTR hardcoding in style and missing CSS for registration and forms Actions Bug #1897: Users list : empty ones: clicking "No users in this list" results in blank error page Actions Bug #1902: Small typo in language file Actions Bug #1903: Forbidden words are case sensitive and should be case-insensitive Actions Bug #1908: Dropdown fields containing >< are not saved Actions Bug #1909: Capital letters in email field not allowed Actions Bug #1922: Backend: cancel edit user applies values as advanced search to backend users-list Actions Bug #1925: Date Field as Age userlist-searching resets values Actions Bug #1927: Users Lists drop-down-switch : Switching to hotlink protected list via userlist drop down results in error Actions Bug #1933: Language includes with @ making impossible to properly debug Actions Bug #1945: Should not be given option to send email to yourself if rejected later on Actions Bug #1953: SQL upgrader was giving an SQL error when trying to add first index to an already exiting table Actions Bug #1955: CB 1.2.3 and before CBDatabase class does not support primary indexes of type text Actions Bug #1958: CBXML method addChildAndDescendants added in cb 1.2.3 is not working, replace it with the tested counter-part addChildWithDescendants() Actions Bug #1984: user management approval does not fire trigger Actions Bug #1995: Truncating long utf-8 tab titles for drop-down ordering not done properly Actions Bug #1996: carriage returns in text area when tab display as click overlib errors Actions Bug #1999: CB Registration fields pull to right in IE view Actions Bug #2000: Forgot login form for retreiveing username does not work with login type "username, email or enabled CMS authentication plugins" as only shows "lost password" Actions Bug #2007: If 2 tabs have the same orderid, then their fields do not have up/down arrows Actions Bug #2008: Kunena 1.6 integration : Addslashes to forum signature Actions Bug #2012: cb params causing RN replacement for linebreaks Actions Bug #2020: CB 1.3 RC3 : in tableless mode Field title does not hide Actions Bug #2021: tab display type set to div causes tab content to extend out of tab Actions Bug #2022: avatar no longer centered when using div layout Actions Bug #2023: Kunena 1.6 : checking of forum config parameters for displaying post count for k1.6 incorrect Actions Bug #2024: Kunena 1.6 forum : ranks not displaying due to wrong path Actions Bug #2034: onAfterEditATab does not fire if the tab has no content, this prevents integrations from adding content (and onBeforeEditATab event missing) Actions Bug #2036: Backend translated strings should be htmlescaped for some languages Actions Bug #2037: failed installation on Joomla 1.6.x Actions Bug #2040: Backend: Empty labels with a white space display a lonely ':' Actions Bug #2043: CB 1.3 RC3 : has install issues on hosts with restricted umask() Actions Bug #2045: Backend: onAfterUserApproval event only fires if user is approved (in frontend it also fires on rejection) Actions Bug #2049: Double tab on new plugin installs Actions Bug #2052: CB User List does not SEF paging links Actions Bug #2070: CB 1.1 RC4 : Delimited title not removable in tableless profiles Actions Bug #2076: TYPE="database_engine" depreciated Actions Bug #2083: tab content extending beyond tab borders Actions Bug #2086: missing simpleboardtab language string usage Actions Bug #2090: Installer does not cleanup temporary files after an upgrade method installation Actions Bug #2093: Paging a userlist after being searched by a date field does not function Actions Bug #2098: CB 1.3 RC + PHP 5.2 bug affects XML library bug in new XML manipulation function Actions Bug #2104: uddeIM PMS operation updates Actions Feature proposal #1703: Joomla 1.6 beta adaptations (not including workarounds of bugs of Joomla itself) Actions Feature proposal #1954: Improve CB libraries default file permissions Actions Feature proposal #1956: CB API: Add support for named ordered arrays to CBParams Actions Feature proposal #1957: Add !regexp to XML IF tag operator attributes as regexp already exists but not "not match regexp" Actions Feature proposal #1959: CSS CB buttons can not use sliding doors rounding because of missing wrapper Actions Feature proposal #1971: installation still using media folder Actions Feature proposal #2003: Generate tableless outout Actions Feature proposal #2009: Improve CB SQL upgrader to batch-insert rows Actions Feature proposal #2013: Add validation support to CBXML, radios and checkboxes and tableless CBXML output Actions Feature proposal #2030: New event prepareFieldDataNotSaved as else-case for trigger prepareFieldDataSave does not fire for readonly fields in frontend Actions Feature proposal #2038: PHP 5.0 minimum requirement for CB Actions Feature proposal #2042: CBXML: add <attributes>children and <replaces> grandchildren to extend a <param>'s attributes Actions Feature proposal #2048: Update jquery plugins to latest: jQuery to 1.4.4, UI to 1.8.6 and From and ClueTip Actions Feature proposal #2063: Reduce number of Javascript files for CB overlibs Actions Feature proposal #2065: Better text formatting translation call (P) Actions Feature proposal #2069: Users-lists simple filter: add Empty and Not Empty to drop-down as most CB fields now are not null anymore Actions Feature proposal #2105: Database upgrader: add possibility to specify collation in table creation Actions
CB 1.3.1 closed 06 December 2010 Community Builder 1.3.1 100% 9 issues (9 closed — 0 open) Related issues Bug #1655: textarea editor fields do not show field icons and privacy controls Actions Bug #2110: Kunena 1.6 : Show posts check missing additional check for k1.6 in main file of simpleboard plugin Actions Bug #2113: Minor language string changes/corrections Actions Bug #2114: Backend: Super-Admins can not edit themselves Actions Bug #2117: Fix typo in readme file for Joomla 1.5.20 support Actions Bug #2123: Language string cut short Actions Bug #2132: alternative field title for date fieldtypes non-functional Actions Bug #2145: Mambo 4.6.5 warnings in CB Configuration backend Actions Feature proposal #2135: Check for PHP version right at install.php with big warning if PHP < 5.0 Actions
CB 1.4.0 closed 14 February 2011 Community Builder 1.4.0 100% 70 issues (70 closed — 0 open) Related issues Bug #2151: imgToolbox.class.php has language string that is not translated Actions Bug #2154: Advanced search in CB User Manager does not handle is not date clause Actions Bug #2163: J16: Backend: not possible to create users Actions Bug #2167: Accidenly install from directory deletes language plugin Actions Bug #2169: auto generate passwords invalid Actions Bug #2170: CB Login module: BR element after avatar img not conditional to horizontal display Actions Bug #2196: Date fields searching not reloading with correct search values Actions Bug #2199: J16: system and user language is not selected Actions Bug #2201: J16: articles plugin causes database error Actions Bug #2202: J16: _ticker/_log function is now protected resulting in errors during redirects in debug mode only Actions Bug #2203: J16: login without password via CB API no longer works Actions Bug #2205: Forums integration plugin not displaying sidebar for Kunena 1.6 and greater Actions Bug #2207: J16: myCmsGid function is returning the group instead of the ID Actions Bug #2208: J16: getCfg() for hits and visits does not function Actions Bug #2209: Kunena 1.6: missing social fields for forum integration plugin Actions Bug #2219: J1.6 API does not support multiple user groups Actions Bug #2220: J1.6 CB 1.3.1 Back-end does not support multiple user group membership Actions Bug #2224: Kunena Forum Integration parameters need revising Actions Bug #2225: J16: multi-usergroup management not possible Actions Bug #2229: using $user->store() appears to clear params Actions Bug #2230: Backend buttons are not resizible Actions Bug #2239: J16: Avatars lost Actions Bug #2240: J16: Patches Actions Bug #2243: PHP 5.3 Email library: Sending attachments gives a notice Actions Bug #2244: J16: create or edit user : illegal attempt to set user at higher level than allowed ! Actions Bug #2245: CB 1.4 alpha : Backend: CB User Manager user editing email without changes always results in email address error message by ajax Actions Bug #2246: J16: user parms not showing in user edit Actions Bug #2248: J16: backend: radio parameters not aligned (visible e.g. in CB Privacy plugin) Actions Bug #2249: Code Mirror as editor does not save in CB field description backend Actions Bug #2250: J1.6: username regex is not the right one: 1.6 is like 1.5 Actions Bug #2254: Update cbteamplugins_language.php file for CB Team plugins Actions Bug #2256: J1.6: Password Autogenerate set to Yes - still requires backend user creation to set passwords Actions Bug #2260: J1.6 : Backend : Users Management : Group Filter doesn't work Actions Bug #2261: CB1.4RCa1 regression: Email fields apear in Advanced search area in CB User Manager Actions Bug #2262: J1.6: Backend: Mass email does not sent message body when using Codemirror editor Actions Bug #2263: Update README and UPGRADE files for CB 1.4 RC Actions Bug #2264: Upgrade Installation pdf for CB 1.,4 RC Actions Bug #2265: J1.6: Backend : CB User Manager group filtering also filters resulting user groups Actions Bug #2267: curvycorners-object-error : bug in 1 of 2 curvycorner debug-mode ifs Actions Bug #2268: j1.6 : CB 1.4 alpha regression: end usage found in _getCmsUserObject needs replaced with API Actions Bug #2270: J1.6: CB plugins are using access levels: stay compatible with CB 1.x access values Actions Bug #2271: J16.0 : language plugin names can not be english name of language anymore and must be ISO tag as name inexistent in XML file Actions Bug #2272: Tabs in div+title mode have missing class and a style in div instead Actions Bug #2274: CB1.4RC_Installation.pdf Actions Bug #2277: J1.6: - New language folder names are lower-case on Linux causing failure Actions Bug #2280: J1.6: SQL error when fixing user table in "Tools" Actions Bug #2283: J1.6 : Session expired bug Actions Bug #2287: J1.6: JFactory::getUser()->groups not always array? Actions Bug #2288: J1.6: setting page title appears to not function Actions Bug #2289: J1.6: New language ini file / process needed for backend CB menu translations Actions Bug #2301: Kunena karma buttons missing in advanced mode Actions Bug #2304: Lastupdate 1 hour bug in J! 1.5 and CB 1.3.1 / CB 1.4.0 Actions Bug #2305: Html tags shown, when mouse hover input field - Profile Edit mode and Registerform Actions Bug #2306: J1.6: not possible to change Moderator Groups Actions Bug #2307: PMS UddeIM integration : needs modification for %livesite% Actions Bug #2314: CB 1.4 RC regression: Opera (latest): Username and email ajax checkers do not work Actions Bug #2320: CB 1.4 RC only: missing language string "This field is required" in cbteamlanguages file Actions Bug #2324: J1.6: Backend: Database checks for ACL need new table names Actions Feature proposal #1824: CB login module: add CB substitutions to texts Actions Feature proposal #1895: Add new substitutions for CB Actions Feature proposal #1991: New modern JS validations needed, inclusive for username and password length Actions Feature proposal #2241: Update jQuery, jQueryTools and jQuery plugins to latest Actions Feature proposal #2257: Optimize number of queries made by Kunena for loading users Actions Feature proposal #2273: Add coolness icons to CB default core template Actions Feature proposal #2279: CB Substitutions: add default, output, formatting, reason options for fields and tab Actions Feature proposal #2286: Display php upload_max_filesize on the right of CB plugins installer upload button Actions Feature proposal #2291: Credits page needs a lift-up Actions Feature proposal #2308: J1.6: Top CB horizontal Menu missing in Joomla 1.6.0 Actions Feature proposal #2311: Add link to CB plugins / CB Solutions on Plugins Management in CB Actions Feature proposal #2322: J1.6: CB Login Module: Adapt html markup to match Styling of J1.6 core login module Actions
CB 1.7 closed 01 August 2011 Community Builder 1.7 100% 48 issues (48 closed — 0 open) Related issues Bug #2166: cbUser class caching causing field display issues Actions Bug #2337: Advanced filter not working with last online field Actions Bug #2338: Username or password with single quotes and double quotes can not login Actions Bug #2340: Forum tab: Kunena 1.6: new installs only: integration of postStats is missing Actions Bug #2348: Selecting min or max date of a date range field results in all users displayed Actions Bug #2355: Backend: ajax email checking taking too long preventing user save Actions Bug #2356: cb_result_warning CSS missing a clear:both so that when new validation method Actions Bug #2428: fields with a size display incorrectly in search forms Actions Bug #2433: CB Login module: missing space in html output on login form tag Actions Bug #2434: single checkbox causing backend advanced search to show on user cancel Actions Bug #2436: J1.6: get_user_group_id not returning top most gid Actions Bug #2437: J1.6: Users lists: public and backend GIDs in access check hardcoded Actions Bug #2453: Translations: tag-based language plugins calendar files are not loaded Actions Bug #2473: J1.6.3+: Author tab: article sef causes notice Actions Bug #2482: J1.6: userlist paging wrong itemid Actions Bug #2490: J1.6.2 only: backend checkboxs failing Actions Bug #2514: J1.6: login module parameters not affecting login page Actions Bug #2516: LDAP registration and login unconfirmed and unapproved Actions Bug #2522: J1.6: Administrators not capable of editing users Actions Bug #2525: Forum tab: Kunena 1.6+: integration itemid retrieval incorrect Actions Bug #2540: Advanced search with "is exactly" and "is exactly not" and blank text criteria or no checked multi-value fields return all users Actions Bug #2549: Slow query in Joomla 1.5 and 1.0 on $user->store() on large sites Actions Bug #2579: Chrome issue with if showhide in backend Actions Bug #2598: CB 1.4 validation strings won't translate Actions Bug #2640: API Backend: User Create Save and User Edit Save don't use new CBUser object Actions Bug #2658: Backend plugin enable/disable clicks on icon failing if a line before that one is checked-out Actions Bug #2660: CB 17B1 + J17RC1: No Joomla menu icons for CB Actions Bug #2667: J1.7 Backend: CB User Manager: Users who are not children of Registered or Manager (and thus can't login) cannot be edited Actions Bug #2681: Users-lists: Guests unable to access public-level userlists Actions Bug #2686: J1.7: CB API CBDatabase::getTableList() not compatible with Joomla 1.7 Actions Bug #2693: J1.7: Backend: Cannot save Editor Text Area with TinyMCE editor Actions Bug #2694: Conditional required html editorarea fields stay required when hidden with TinyMCE Actions Bug #2695: In php mailer mode the Return-Path is server-default instead of the From address Actions Bug #2697: [PASSWORD] does not work in confirm email Actions Feature proposal #1905: Add unique CSS identifier classes to CB List paginations Actions Feature proposal #2412: New event 'onAfterUserProfileEditCancel' added with state of "cancelled update" should be made so that triggers can be fired Actions Feature proposal #2444: IF substitutions not using API to check values Actions Feature proposal #2445: Calculated fields should be able to be substituted by CB substitutions, and thus raw field substitution should use the API and not database directly Actions Feature proposal #2538: Javascript Excanvas plugin: do not load for IE9+ anymore Actions Feature proposal #2619: Joomla 1.7 RC compatibility Actions Feature proposal #2632: CBUser method getField() is missing a parameter to ignore access rights for e.g. non-visible-on-profile fields access Actions Feature proposal #2633: Fields database cache should handle multiple query types per page-load and allow special access to fields without view access-level checks for background tasks Actions Feature proposal #2651: Update jQuery plugins Javascript libraries to latest compatible versions 1.5.2 Actions Feature proposal #2656: Improve API of CBFramework Actions Feature proposal #2662: API: CBTable loadObjectList : add param to make index lowercase Actions Feature proposal #2663: API: CBUser->getField should have field name case-insensitive Actions Feature proposal #2692: Add version hash ?v=... to all css and js includes so that upgrades clear browser caches Actions Feature proposal #2696: Backend: Function to resend confirmation emails to unconfirmed users from the users management Actions
CB 1.7.1 closed 31 August 2011 Community Builder 1.7.1 100% 43 issues (43 closed — 0 open) Related issues Bug #2276: Known Joomla bug (unfixed yet): menu display and params in backend need fix in joomla Actions Bug #2700: ajax checking displaying "error" Actions Bug #2703: TLSv3 emails failing if fsocks doesn't support tls auto-switching Actions Bug #2704: Connections plugin language string grammatical error Actions Bug #2708: J1.7 : Modules missing j1.6/j1.7 client attribute in XML Actions Bug #2711: Forced memory limit changes causing problems on some hosts Actions Bug #2713: Multi-valued CB substitutions failing to display and IF statements on multi-valued fields do not work Actions Bug #2714: Forgot login button changes to "Send Username" with Email login mode Actions Bug #2719: J1.7 : Login module text parameters don't accept HTML Actions Bug #2720: J1.7: Backend: Misconfigured super-users which are in other groups as well (e.g. Registered) don't see groups above registered in user edit Actions Bug #2725: gids are not loaded into user objects on frontend userslists display Actions Bug #2726: Backend: xml-driven lists: unused filters output empty table cells taking unneded space Actions Bug #2729: Userdata substitutions no longer accept parameters reason and default Actions Bug #2730: Image fields ignore $reason on all outputs except html Actions Bug #2744: Chrome browser: Javascript error in on user profiles: "Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token { from overlib_all_mini.js line 340" Actions Bug #2752: J1.7: usergroup mapping from user object and not from api Actions Bug #2754: "Allow Access To:" of "All Registered Users" not functional Actions Bug #2763: Curveycorners conflicting with templates in IE Actions Bug #2766: Image fields on registration upload with missing userid and before registration is successful Actions Bug #2772: PHP Mailer failing to function Actions Bug #2778: J1.6/1.7: Backend: CB Tools: Sampe data: user-list is not level public by default Actions Bug #2779: J1.6/1.7: Backend: CB Config: Image approver GID is level super admin by default instead of admin Actions Bug #2783: Ajax checks showing "error" on save actions Actions Bug #2800: J1.7: Field order fails to save Actions Bug #2801: Member emails improvements Actions Bug #2841: J1.7: Pathways not constructing properly Actions Bug #2860: 2 line field display not functional with DIV layout Actions Bug #2864: Backend: with new Confirmation Resend CB 1.7 feature confirmed then unconfirmed users don't get correct link to confirm Actions Bug #2868: J1.7: PHP Mailer failing to send emails Actions Bug #2893: Date fields required flag not removed during registration when value is changed Actions Bug #2907: uddeim messages being sent with incorrect time Actions Bug #2920: ImageMagic: presence not correctly checked when open_base_dir restriction is in effect but exec() is allowed Actions Bug #2926: Author tab does not show articles to Everybody Actions Bug #2930: Backend XML of author and connection tabs : 2 minor language string corrections Actions Bug #2939: Missing string "Resend Confirmations" in translation files and untranslated in warning to select Actions Bug #2947: CB Email checking: New PHPMailer class needs exception handling Actions Bug #2948: Backend Mass-mailer: in case of email configuration issues the JSON is incorrect and sent emails message wrong Actions Bug #2949: Reply-To email still had "registration@whatever" instead of empty in default configuration Actions Bug #2950: CB Mass email loses users when using advanced is any of filtering on select field Actions Bug #2951: CB Userlists : when additional joins are needed, we are hitting a MySQL bug Unknown column 'u.id' in 'on clause' Actions Feature proposal #2775: Backend: Modify help message for Registration tab email addresses Actions Feature proposal #2886: Add _macos folder to ignore folders list for CB plugins installation Actions Feature proposal #2904: Speed-up and clean-up filtering Actions
CB 1.8 closed 22 February 2012 Community Builder 1.8 100% 75 issues (75 closed — 0 open) Related issues Bug #2960: CB 1.7.1 substitution check uses language string value instead of stored field value Actions Bug #2965: Calendar drop-downs not displaying arabic characters properly Actions Bug #2967: CB 1.7.1 Lost username request generates password reset process Actions Bug #2971: J2.5: Plugin access checking for usergroup and not accesslevel Actions Bug #2981: Tabs groups permissions logic should not be applied to super-administrators in backend Actions Bug #2994: Forum tab publicly viewed shows registered only category posts Actions Bug #3000: J2.5: CB User List access only checking one ACL group Actions Bug #3037: Calendar language file included with e.g. fr_FR folder different from CB-standard fr_fr folder Actions Bug #3038: J2.5: get_user_permission not checking full access tree Actions Bug #3044: allowaccess does not accept gid arrays Actions Bug #3045: CB Menu message drop-down empty when no PMS and mailto link set Actions Bug #3052: replacePrefix not working properly in some cases Actions Bug #3053: Displaying div-based view-type forms does not format the fields side-by-side Actions Bug #3067: BCC fails to send Actions Bug #3080: Custom setting for "Not a valid input" cannot be translated and default string is missing in default language file Actions Bug #3093: CB mail sets Sender overriding host set value Actions Bug #3108: Duplicate titles of fields not displaying in userlist backend Actions Bug #3111: Advanced search (and admin search) on checkbox CB field-type not working properly Actions Bug #3114: Forgot login username and password same time not functional Actions Bug #3127: CB Mass mail: stops on invalid email addresses instead of continuing with displaying error Actions Bug #3128: Joomla ACL group names not translated in CB User Manager Actions Bug #3136: Update required profile avatar field via profile update does not give rejection error on non extention filename Actions Bug #3145: Backend: Avoid floating div wrappers when no toolbars to display for better printing in safari Actions Bug #3156: API: getField for radio and single-select field types: PHP, XML and JSON modes return array of the values instead of the value Actions Bug #3157: Substitutions from user object as array returns null for gids and viewaccesslevel is missing as field-name Actions Bug #3165: API: if advanceNoticeOfUsersNeeded() is called before getInstance and does not contain the id, getInstance returns null Actions Bug #3172: CB API: if $user is reloaded from database during saveSafely() there is a fatal error on _cbTabs Actions Bug #3196: Joomla core user update events not called when updating User object on activation events, blocking in Backend, approval in backend, confirmation, new password in frontend and when emailing password in backend too Actions Bug #3202: IE9 is displaying span elements in non-standard Actions Bug #3206: J2.5: Author tab access level check works correctly only for system-default access levels Actions Bug #3219: J1.0/M4.6 : CB171 modules do not install on Joomla 1.0 and Mambo Actions Bug #3221: J1.5: CB 1.8 B2: Backend & Frontend JUser load error Actions Bug #3222: J2.5: Backend: User edit: Groups assigned to a user not selected Actions Bug #3223: Backend: Create user : Email ajax checker does not check if email is already registered Actions Bug #3224: Backend: Edit tab: all groups are proposed instead of hiding groups above the admin Actions Bug #3226: Backend: Plugins Management list: custom View Access Levels are not correctly displayed Actions Bug #3227: Backend: Plugins Management list: custom View Access Levels are not filtered to display only available plugins for the admin's view levels Actions Bug #3232: Backend: View lists shows also lists above the admin's level, and Edit list: all groups are proposed instead of hiding groups above the admin Actions Bug #3239: J2.5: Super User detection needs to be adjusted as multiple groups can have Super User Permissions Actions Bug #3245: Registration fields do not appear on registration form if tab is not set to Public Actions Bug #3246: J2.5: New child usergroups of parent Public can't be used in CB Actions Bug #3247: User list SQL error on J1.5.25 Actions Bug #3252: Userlist with no users possible can cause fatal error Actions Bug #3257: Super user can't demote an administrator Actions Bug #3260: CB 1.8 RC1: Fix API bugs Actions Bug #3262: J1.5: itemid function not checking proper accesslevels for the CMS Actions Bug #3263: J1.5: Can't access public userlist as a special user (super administrator) Actions Bug #3265: myGroups isn't always an array and is immediately passed to cbArrayToInts Actions Bug #3268: Article tab does not show articles immediately after creation (UTC articles timezone issue) Actions Bug #3270: CB 1.8 RC: Edit button does not work in Plugin Manager Actions Bug #3271: [CB 18 RC] New plugin installations produce tabs without access level setting Actions Bug #3272: CB 1.8 RC-only: Notes icon missing its src and translation Actions Bug #3282: jQuery conflicts result in CB or 3rd party extension failing Actions Bug #3284: CB 1.8 RC2: Backend: Users management: Add Note icons appears also when adding note not allowed for ACL level (com_users not manageable or cannot create) Actions Bug #3289: CB 1.8 RC2: Backend: Users management: When only edit.own permission was given, user could not edit himself in backend Actions Bug #3290: J2.5: Frontend: Users edit allowed by super-admin and admin and super-admin only setting not working Actions Bug #3293: J2.5: PMS link not multi-lingual in PMS integration and in CB login module Actions Bug #3300: Articles not displayed to public users Actions Feature proposal #2757: Redirecting back to CMS protected page after CB login Actions Feature proposal #2903: J1.7: Limiting backend access using joomla 1.7 ACL Actions Feature proposal #3054: Backend XML API: Javascript IF statements on multiple valued list and checkboxes do not work Actions Feature proposal #3070: J2.5: language filter support for CB menus and Itemid's Actions Feature proposal #3166: API: CBUser::unsetUsersNotNeeded( array $userIds ) needed to clear cache Actions Feature proposal #3179: Joomla 2.5 support Actions Feature proposal #3205: CB should enforce HTTPS posts for registration and login if set so in login module Actions Feature proposal #3210: API: pagination in backend should have parameter for entries/page drop-down values Actions Feature proposal #3225: J2.5: Backend: Plugins management and Edit: enforce permissions for Configuring for installation and Edit and Edit State for plugins editing Actions Feature proposal #3228: J2.5: Tabs: Implement VIew Access Levels (keep existing Group-based access for backwards compatibility) Actions Feature proposal #3229: J2.5 : Version checker and update manager Actions Feature proposal #3230: J2.5: Backend: Fields, Tabs and List management: enforce Edit Permission Actions Feature proposal #3231: J2.5: Lists: Implement VIew Access Levels (keep existing Group-based access for backwards compatibility) Actions Feature proposal #3235: Add type="viewaccesslevel" to CB XML params Actions Feature proposal #3238: J2.5: Backend: User management: enforce all Permissions as com_users does Actions Feature proposal #3242: J2.5: Gracefully deprecate old setting for tabs and users-lists for group access towards View Access Levels Actions Feature proposal #3259: J2.5: Backend: Users view: Add Debug Permissions when Joomla Debug is on, and add User notes Actions
CB 1.8.1 closed 20 June 2012 Community Builder 1.8.1 100% 18 issues (18 closed — 0 open) Related issues Bug #3301: In some situations (rarely) get_groups_below_me can return nothing for RAW output Actions Bug #3303: CMS authentication plugin login only loads by username Actions Bug #3310: Permissions check of single user while administrator fails Actions Bug #3335: J2.5+UddeIM: CB PMS Integration needs updating for Joomla 2.5 and uddeIM Actions Bug #3354: After registration triggers altering $user variables no longer function Actions Bug #3376: J2.5: Backend: Warning texts do not display the warning triangular icon Actions Bug #3391: API bug: gids not an array for new moscomprofilerUser() Actions Bug #3412: cb.params: Warning when no posted variable: WARNING: implode() Invalid arguments passed in administrator/components/com_comprofiler/library/cb/cb.params.php on line 2033 Actions Bug #3443: J1.5: getAuthorisedViewLevelsIds only returns 0 Actions Bug #3457: PHP Notice in plugin.foundation.php on line 1019 when accessing CBSubs invoice from backend Actions Bug #3486: J2.5: Invalid articles in article tab with SEF enabled on J2.5 results in notice Actions Bug #3540: J2.5: When viewing a user as an administrator that user is considered a moderator Actions Bug #3556: J255 breaks CB user saves Actions Bug #3558: CB plugin install file might not be running in some systems Actions Bug #3559: J1.0.12-: login had a notice Actions Bug #3560: Backend: Update handling of sub-SA to new SA rules of J2.5.5+ Actions Feature proposal #3472: Implement K2.0 support into forum integration Actions Feature proposal #3561: Backend API: Add htmlarea and permissions types to XML params Actions
CB 1.9 closed 05 November 2012 Community Builder 1.9 100% 43 issues (43 closed — 0 open) Related issues Bug #3302: Missing / Not working language strings Actions Bug #3314: After update trigger fires after registration Actions Bug #3315: Errors during password reset don't output Actions Bug #3321: escapeshellcmd blacklisted results in configuration erroring out Actions Bug #3341: Clicking a confirmation link results in profile update trigger firing Actions Bug #3402: Radio and select fields outputting PHP/CSV pass strings to array format function Actions Bug #3417: Quick Message results in error in attempt to strip bbcode Actions Bug #3429: Advanced search not working with Integer is not clause Actions Bug #3435: Forgot login AJAX username check never completes Actions Bug #3441: Accesslevel on tabs not bahaving properly when usergroups was once used Actions Bug #3446: Check all checkbox in user management not functional Actions Bug #3447: When no users are present in user management a fatal query error is present Actions Bug #3448: Date fields sometimes result in attempting to store as '' Actions Bug #3459: Backend: approved and confirmed are treated as mandatory fields in user edit save Actions Bug #3535: Registration date set by CB isn't using database now Actions Bug #3537: Textarea field types: Max Length isn't adding input attribute to prevent overflow Actions Bug #3547: Avatar validation doesn't appear to deny registration when progressing to a CBSubs purchase Actions Bug #3564: Date field calendar does not respect minimum or maximum year Actions Bug #3567: storeDatabaseValue note passing copied user object errors Actions Bug #3568: Forgot login sends email even if new password storage failed Actions Bug #3586: Kunena 2.0 forum rank image not displaying Actions Bug #3599: Validate in browser turns textarea into normal text input Actions Bug #3621: CB Menu displayed as menu bar in IE causes JS error Actions Bug #3625: Userlist uses CB profile Itemid when SEF is enabled instead of its own Itemid Actions Bug #3675: Userlists filtered to empty causes a warning Actions Bug #3683: J3.0: usertype no longer present in user object Actions Bug #3700: API: J2.5+: CB User Store does not always update user accesslevels if group is changed Actions Bug #3733: Header icons being hidden on every Joomla version Actions Bug #3739: Substitution includes and !includes not keeping arrays as arrays Actions Bug #3754: J3.0: GET emptied when SEF is enabled Actions Bug #3756: Kunena 1.7 moderator and admin ranks not displaying properly Actions Bug #3757: J3.0: Userlist paging with SEF ON broken Actions Bug #3761: J2.5+J3.0: Tools: Sample Data: Members List doesn't set Access Level correctly Actions Bug #3762: J2.5+J3.0: When user params are not displayed in fronted, they revert to default values on save Actions Bug #3763: Image update via profile update always fails stating wrong size of file Actions Feature proposal #3280: Maximum number of user to user emails as paramter or define Actions Feature proposal #3373: Support field substitutions in image approval notification emails Actions Feature proposal #3661: Add red warning to CB config when Joomla registration is still enabled Actions Feature proposal #3662: Add trigger to writepagelinks function Actions Feature proposal #3690: Joomla 3.0 install and usability fixes Actions Feature proposal #3698: API: Add function to CBTxt to trigger CMS content bots Actions Feature proposal #3699: API: Improve lists search query compiler for constants and for inner joins Actions Feature proposal #3704: PHP 5.4 compatibility Actions
CB 1.9.1 closed 05 November 2013 Community Builder 1.9.1 100% 5 issues (5 closed — 0 open) Related issues Bug #3971: On Joomla 2.5/3.0 menu-type CB is written "comprofiler" instead of "Community Builder" Actions Feature proposal #4316: Add update server xml url to CB modules Actions Feature proposal #4317: Add Help button to CB which links to a new Help page on joomlapolis.com Actions Feature proposal #4319: Clean installation screen and link to installation notes and CB Help page on Joomlapolis Actions Feature proposal #4320: Adapt admin titles to new Joomla 3.2 display with icomoon icons Actions
CB 2.0.0 closed 09 October 2014 Community Builder 2.0.0 100% 400 issues (400 closed — 0 open) Related issues Bug #1651: Potential session issues - ticket to gather input Actions Bug #3765: Language string typo Actions Bug #3833: Deleting a user results in invalid user object being passed to CBSubs integrations Actions Bug #3868: CBTxt translation of field titles not functional Actions Bug #3887: Curvey corners js breaks in IE8 Actions Bug #3894: PHP 5.4 CB xml installfiles not being found Actions Bug #3970: On Joomla 2.5/3.0 menu-type CB List is missing List-id and Search-mode parameter Actions Bug #3972: Failed registrations cause ajax username checker to return No indication Actions Bug #3980: Hyphens in Userlist Titles break on SEF Actions Bug #3986: PHP 5.4 nested tabs usage warning Actions Bug #3990: Moderators of Registered and their Moderator usergroup can not edit Registered users Actions Bug #4026: If Joomla ACL group Manager is not child of Public we get a Fatal error: Allowed memory size of XXXX bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 523800 bytes) in administrator/components/com_comprofiler/library/cb/cb.acl.php on line 498 Actions Bug #4079: outputCbTemplate not adding RTL CSS file properly Actions Bug #4080: J3.0: Page titles in backend show html Actions Bug #4083: Overlib not working properly in IE10 Actions Bug #4097: Chrome overlib error Unexpected end of input Actions Bug #4098: Delimiter field descriptions are double translated Actions Bug #4099: Select input options not passed through CBTxt Actions Bug #4101: Forum integration beginner mode social field mapping not working Actions Bug #4102: Name fields set as read only cause their values to be lost on frontend profile update Actions Bug #4105: CB does not load language files at needed locations Actions Bug #4124: J3.0: cbFormatDate double offset Actions Bug #4128: Field creation limit due to column size limits Actions Bug #4142: J3.1.5: New query debugging causes errors with CBs query usage due to missing cursor clearing Actions Bug #4178: CB Login and CB Workflows using wrong Itemid for manage connections links Actions Bug #4202: All jQuery validate usages broken Actions Bug #4207: Changing a fields type from 1 plugin type to another causes pluginid not to update Actions Bug #4232: terms and conditions output with invalid html Actions Bug #4234: CBTxt usage of replaceUserVars doesn't handle NULL case Actions Bug #4253: J3.0: Get Plugins and Install Plugin quick links missing from top of plugin management Actions Bug #4254: Language user parameter setting not saving Actions Bug #4289: Image pre-validation is not checking for extension Actions Bug #4296: Update _cbHashPassword to use Joomla functions when possible or extend with new methods Actions Bug #4303: language.front does not load cbteamplugins language file Actions Bug #4304: Update status profile display to provide field titles with more space and be more responsive Actions Bug #4309: Menu items are not working properly as invalid parameters are being added Actions Bug #4310: Login page styling negatively affected by cb template Actions Bug #4321: first time login redirect always sends to home or to plugin override url instead of previous location Actions Bug #4322: Name fallback for username fails if name contains spaces Actions Bug #4328: Login on registration missing styling Actions Bug #4357: Login page loading modules from trash Actions Bug #4361: Image advanced searching with Is Not operator results in backwards results Actions Bug #4383: Field and plugins params storing as INI string instead of JSON Actions Bug #4389: Disabling edit display of a field also disables it in backend Actions Bug #4402: Terms and conditions field missing defaults Actions Bug #4430: Line breaks don't store and redisplay properly Actions Bug #4431: Posting to a params column results in every input in the POST being stored Actions Bug #4432: Table browser actions no longer functional Actions Bug #4439: CB Online modules on same page give redeclaration error Actions Bug #4440: XML Backend: Toolbar ignoring tablebrowse row field usage permissions Actions Bug #4441: XML Backend: Delete permission not checked Actions Bug #4442: XML Backend: Field delete has 2 delete behaviors Actions Bug #4445: XML Backend: Field copy does not copy field values Actions Bug #4447: New field display values not used in frontend Actions Bug #4449: Date fields don't auto select first value of each input Actions Bug #4455: TBD User advanced search missing from XML usage Actions Bug #4458: Fix DI uses in CBLib Actions Bug #4461: popup when fieldtype is changed complaining on empty field name when creating new field Actions Bug #4462: Repeat usage does not work with if showhide usage Actions Bug #4466: CB Image library incorrect phpdoc for $image usage Actions Bug #4467: Upgrading from Beta 2 to Beta 3 caused CBLib install to fail Actions Bug #4468: Saving a field always resets its order Actions Bug #4478: CBDatabase loadObjectList() function not working correctly with more than one key Actions Bug #4494: Field values constantly recreated on save Actions Bug #4509: Filtering by columns that require joins does not function Actions Bug #4515: Validation is ignored for tabs not actively visible Actions Bug #4522: Missing legacy support for myUserType Actions Bug #4523: Public group auto selected when editing a user Actions Bug #4527: Request connection dialog broken under Connections menu item Actions Bug #4529: CBInputFilter process function not currently B/C Actions Bug #4530: Image (+video/audio/file?) field: Double-translation of drop-downs Actions Bug #4531: Missing legacy support for myCmsGid Actions Bug #4533: Tabs no longer active when using plugin class in the URL Actions Bug #4534: Upgrading from CB 1.9.1 to CB 2.0 should not break existing profiles Actions Bug #4535: Mass Mailer missing tooltips Actions Bug #4536: Login and Logout tooltips reference js popups Actions Bug #4537: Streaming audio broken Actions Bug #4541: find last _UE and _CB defines and fix them Actions Bug #4542: "Since 2 years ago" is wrong English, needs fixed Actions Bug #4543: Placeholder Value parameter language improvements Actions Bug #4544: fix tabs menu losing nested menu during overflow Actions Bug #4547: Validation regression Actions Bug #4548: Include clear information about CB Plugins in administration Actions Bug #4549: cb blogs abstract class usage erroring Actions Bug #4550: forgot login not updating reset time and causing loss of params Actions Bug #4551: CB Online census and statistics display modes not showing icons Actions Bug #4554: Select2 does not function inside of Repeat usage Actions Bug #4555: User Management toggles don't fire triggers or emails Actions Bug #4556: Sample Data causing db errors Actions Bug #4558: Offline login form redirecting Actions Bug #4559: CB Blogs menu column visible to public users Actions Bug #4560: Audio/Video display has too strict styling Actions Bug #4562: Mass mailer can't send emails due to CBTxt usage Actions Bug #4570: Advanced search Select Operator parameter right cropped in safari Actions Bug #4571: select2 initial width not calculating Actions Bug #4572: Mass Mailer of User Management does send HTML doctype and html, head and body tags Actions Bug #4574: Mass Mailer of User Management does not display mailer error in case of error Actions Bug #4575: Password strength doesn't calculate width of input is initially hidden Actions Bug #4576: J3.0 user params labels rendering as label in label Actions Bug #4577: Backend new user defaulting Usergroup to Super Users Actions Bug #4578: Deleting a user causes infinite loop Actions Bug #4583: Add back to profile link to Manage Connections Actions Bug #4584: Frontend registration form always fails stating username already in use Actions Bug #4585: Tools Database Checker keeps reporting MYISAM usage Actions Bug #4587: Load Canvas layout tool reports on clean install Actions Bug #4588: Next button on steps registration not working Actions Bug #4589: Small CSS issue: the File-input fileld formatting is not centered correctly (in Firefox at least) Actions Bug #4590: Default handling of pending commections has changed Actions Bug #4593: CB Login module with Alternative Layout set to default-horizontal gives error Actions Bug #4595: Undefined index when uploading canvas image Actions Bug #4597: CB 2.0 RC misalignment icon issue on second login Actions Bug #4598: cbPMSHandler::cbPMSHandler alias missing for UddeIM plugin Actions Bug #4601: Upgrader of useraccessgroups to viewaccesslevels makes fatal errors and seems to have an issue with empty groups Actions Bug #4606: Canvas photo mobile width stuck at 200px Actions Bug #4607: CBSubs 3.0.0 GPL basic backwards compatibility issue with cbpaidTimed::get() Actions Bug #4608: UserAccessGroup of -2 (Public) upgrades to a new View Access Level including only Guest group instead of Public Actions Bug #4609: CB 2.0 upgrade to new internal 2.0 cbblog does not delete old class file, and that makes old cbactivity fail with fatal error, detecting old blog Actions Bug #4610: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS bug (affects all PHP 5.5 with LFS (Large File Support)): gz open is gz open64 Actions Bug #4612: Upgrade to CB 2.0 RC1+ from CB 1.9.1 Quickstart PRO creates strange Joomla ACL views Actions Bug #4613: Select2 not respecting multi-select size attribute Actions Bug #4614: CB Forums: field value mapping out of date Actions Bug #4615: Canvas base userlist broken with new XML based lists Actions Bug #4617: Upgrade from CB 1.9.1 Quickstart PRO does not remove some legacy plugins Actions Bug #4618: GroupJive backend formating issues when upgrading to CB 2.0 RC1+ Actions Bug #4619: GroupJive Notices in various backend areas after CB 2.0 RC1+ upgrade Actions Bug #4620: Create new group from GroupJive backend broken with CB 2.0 RC1+ Actions Bug #4622: Incorrect username in password reset process gives green success message Actions Bug #4623: Canvas image gallery layout in uer manager layout issue Actions Bug #4626: Installation of CB Antispam gives error Actions Bug #4628: Remove CB plugins admin xml files from list of frontend language files Actions Bug #4631: Field namespace registry missing Actions Bug #4632: Sorting dropdown not very responsive Actions Bug #4633: Backend tables not responsive enough Actions Bug #4637: CB 2.0 RC2 backend user profile fatal error Actions Bug #4638: Legacy table adapter not inheriting functions Actions Bug #4639: Missing duplicate plugin handling in installer Actions Bug #4640: Duplicate groups appearing in CB User Manager if same admin user logged in from different browsers Actions Bug #4642: Mass mailer does not send emails Actions Bug #4644: Credits page on iphone safari is not responsive Actions Bug #4645: Credits page shows an empty toolbar on iphone Actions Bug #4646: CB Admin News Feed module title should show and be renamed Actions Bug #4647: CB Admin Update Feed module title should show and be renamed Actions Bug #4648: Plugins installing with legacy view access levels Actions Bug #4649: imgToolBox not autoloading Actions Bug #4650: cb.core.php double ] in two places Actions Bug #4652: Tab creation not functional Actions Bug #4653: Banned and Enabled toggles on User Manager has a pending state Actions Bug #4656: Dropdown menus don't close on click Actions Bug #4657: Tooltips falling off screen on mobile Actions Bug #4660: Missing pseudo banned field Actions Bug #4661: Plugin install plugin name duplicated and unnecessary continue link present Actions Bug #4662: Plugin fields losing type and name is being prefixed Actions Bug #4663: Pagination not responsive Actions Bug #4664: User sync tools missing page title Actions Bug #4667: Timeago losing its settings on refresh Actions Bug #4668: Type doubled in connections details tooltip Actions Bug #4672: yesno button group broken on J3.x Actions Bug #4673: Shorthand data not joining for count queries Actions Bug #4674: Fatal error with GuzzleHttp Actions Bug #4675: Community menu not removed with upgrade Actions Bug #4676: Missing footer messages Actions Bug #4677: Upgraded CB 191 -> 20 gives save user error message Actions Bug #4678: Fontawesome spinner not spinning anymore Actions Bug #4679: CB Privacy plugin undefined index profileviewbyGID notice with CB 2.0 RC2 Actions Bug #4680: CBSubs GPL 3.0tablebrowser totalsbrowser missing asset name with CB 2.0 Actions Bug #4683: Confirmation email does not substiture language string Actions Bug #4684: First login redirect with default settings not taken to profile page Actions Bug #4687: Plugin Management publish button and publish toggle not working Actions Bug #4688: CBSubs GPL on CB 2.0 gives statistics missing asset name error when trying to access Payment page Actions Bug #4689: GroupJive language file installation on CB 2.0 does not show YES/NO publish toggle in plugin edit mode Actions Bug #4690: Groupjive plugin page from Groupjive admin navigation module gives notices Actions Bug #4691: Undefined property notices in GroupJive integrations page Actions Bug #4692: Plugin deletion from plugin management page does not give success message Actions Bug #4693: CB Auto Actions on CB 2.0 RC3 give Undefined property: stdClass::$access notices Actions Bug #4694: Groupjive New item buttons are missing and new item forms are open Actions Bug #4695: New Gateway creation in CBSubs 3.0 with CB 2.0 RC3 erros Actions Bug #4696: CBSubs import for ACL group fails with SQL error Actions Bug #4697: CBSubs subscription tab not shown and plans not on registration form or backend Actions Bug #4698: CBSubs missing _form_cbsubs_plans Actions Bug #4699: Datetime form type missing text backup Actions Bug #4700: Toggle success messages missing row count and task is uppercase Actions Bug #4701: Database _error of legacy classes not checked Actions Bug #4702: New user banned default value is empty Actions Bug #4703: Image moderation small icons for approve and reject not working Actions Bug #4704: Creating a new user list success message page does not have Close button Actions Bug #4705: CBSubs subscription tab not shown in fronend profiles Actions Bug #4708: Groupjive on CB 2.0 integrations area shows all plugins with Unknown Access column Actions Bug #4709: Groupjive lightbox not working on CB 2.0 RC3 Actions Bug #4710: Private Message System is missing extra parameters in CB 2.0 RC3 Actions Bug #4711: Installation of CB plugin on CB 2.0 RC3 missing plugin parameter display in plugin edit Actions Bug #4712: CB Query field 3.1.1 gives upgrade link in COMMUNITY BUILDER UPDATES area Actions Bug #4713: CBSubs upgrade button fatal error Actions Bug #4714: Backend upgrade to CBSubs plan from user profile needs two tries to work on CB 2.0 Actions Bug #4715: Invoice popup in Baskets page opens new tab in browser instead of new smaller window Actions Bug #4717: CBSubs Subscription page not recording subscription data Actions Bug #4718: Search tool dropdown in CBSubs Tax areas vising dropdown arrow and malformed Actions Bug #4719: Various dropdown parameter fields in CBSubs appear malformed with Cb 2.0 Actions Bug #4722: Quick message broken in CB 2.0 Actions Bug #4723: Broken avatar display in uddeIM on CB 2.0 Actions Bug #4725: CBSubs integration plugin not installed or not published messages are malformed in CB 2.0 Actions Bug #4727: index.html missing in images/comprofiler folder on install and upgrade Actions Bug #4728: News and Update administrative modules placement issues Actions Bug #4729: Legacy language files conflicting with legacy defines Actions Bug #4730: Captcha field not display Actions Bug #4731: Descriptions not showing for plugins Actions Bug #4734: php 5.3 and 5.4 access to plugins edit broken Actions Bug #4737: Version number of plugin is trimmed Actions Bug #4738: Missing translations Actions Bug #4739: Guzzle causing fatal error on some installs Actions Bug #4744: Popup message appears when changing Email Handling General Tab Configuration parameter to Display Email Only setting Actions Bug #4745: Public Email parameter lost when switching Email Handling values Actions Bug #4746: Missing compatibility for getBackwardsCompatibleGid Actions Bug #4748: Approval button from workflows link takes you to user profile page and does not approve user Actions Bug #4753: Tools area not picking up language files Actions Bug #4754: Tools Check Users database take me back to CB Panel Actions Bug #4755: Missing translation in CB database check results Actions Feature proposal #1350: add ability to copy fields in Field Management Actions Feature proposal #1593: allow selecting default image for image fields or no image at all Actions Feature proposal #1915: DB lists management shows field title names and not also field database names Actions Feature proposal #2047: specify from name and address for massmailer Actions Feature proposal #2131: Need to add backend xml language strings to admin_langauge.php file for CB Team plugins Actions Feature proposal #2315: forum integration does not show category based subscriptions Actions Feature proposal #2318: Add file attachements to CB Mass Mailer Actions Feature proposal #2396: Web field nofollow/follow parameter Actions Feature proposal #2470: CB Notification language strings should follow recipients language not senders Actions Feature proposal #2756: Select time format instead of just date format Actions Feature proposal #2774: Datetime drop-down calendar time selection Actions Feature proposal #3403: Image approval not functional for image fields Actions Feature proposal #4029: New CBLib Joomla library and CB Joomla plugin Actions Feature proposal #4030: Implement Auto-Loader (PSR-4) Actions Feature proposal #4031: Move and refactor AHAWOW from CBSubs to CB Actions Feature proposal #4084: Implement plugin management plugin version checker Actions Feature proposal #4085: Implement CB Bootstrap as new default template Actions Feature proposal #4086: Review implementing plugin discovery Actions Feature proposal #4100: Update getLangDefinition to pass strings through CBTxt if no string is defined Actions Feature proposal #4112: Fix HTML output of numerous pages missing template class Actions Feature proposal #4114: Implement parameter to allow HTML in welcome and pending emails Actions Feature proposal #4115: Implement parameter to enable public access to email form Actions Feature proposal #4165: Language define to customize date format Actions Feature proposal #4167: upgrade jquery to latest release and also upgrade jquery plugins Actions Feature proposal #4169: Upgrade CB installer to handle files folders Actions Feature proposal #4170: Implement tabbed registration Actions Feature proposal #4172: Create version checker and rss feed module Actions Feature proposal #4173: Add Apply button to tab edit Actions Feature proposal #4174: Implement parameter for image fields, name fields, etc.. to remove ALT/TITLE or customize it Actions Feature proposal #4176: Implement support for separate Value and Label for select fields if possible Actions Feature proposal #4180: Unlock fieldtype and fieldname when editing existing fields Actions Feature proposal #4182: Add parameter to disable edit display on a field Actions Feature proposal #4183: Implement delimiter field parameter to parse content bots Actions Feature proposal #4188: Implement password strength jquery plugin and built in strength test for password fields Actions Feature proposal #4189: Implement email verify directly into email fields Actions Feature proposal #4190: Implement CSS LESS Actions Feature proposal #4196: Implement new Basic and Advanced toggle for select field values Actions Feature proposal #4205: Implement file field as a core fieldtype Actions Feature proposal #4206: Implement video fieldtype as a core fieldtype Actions Feature proposal #4210: Upgrade XML params handler Actions Feature proposal #4211: Rewrite modules with Joomla MVC Actions Feature proposal #4212: Depreciate YANC core plugin Actions Feature proposal #4213: Implement jQuery dropdown menu plugin Actions Feature proposal #4214: Replace article plugin with CB Articles Actions Feature proposal #4215: Replace forum integration plugin with CB Forums Actions Feature proposal #4216: Replace blog plugin with CB Blogs Actions Feature proposal #4218: Change backend tab styling or fix existing usage Actions Feature proposal #4221: Rewrite rating field and implement as core fieldtype Actions Feature proposal #4223: Add ID column to field management Actions Feature proposal #4235: Implement display of version in plugin edit Actions Feature proposal #4236: Upgrade file field to restrict direct access to file paths using htaccess Actions Feature proposal #4237: Implement additional triggers Actions Feature proposal #4246: Implement additional field search mode for userlists to specify exactly what searchable fields to show Actions Feature proposal #4248: Upgrade video field to output direct video formats Actions Feature proposal #4249: Implement Audio fieldtype Actions Feature proposal #4251: Implement third search mode Actions Feature proposal #4252: Add Apply button to userlist edit Actions Feature proposal #4255: Add extra toolbar buttons to userlists Actions Feature proposal #4256: Add mass publish/unpublish buttons for tabs Actions Feature proposal #4257: Implement new Points fieldtype Actions Feature proposal #4262: Implement Bootstrap color variants Actions Feature proposal #4266: Implement time format parameter Actions Feature proposal #4267: Fix missing time selector for dropdown calendar usage Actions Feature proposal #4268: Update new popup calendar to utilize the new time format parameter Actions Feature proposal #4271: Fix popup calendar position to open next to the icon Actions Feature proposal #4272: Replace tooltip usage with jQuery tooltips or an alternative jQuery plugin Actions Feature proposal #4275: Replace CB Blogs menu usage with new qTip tooltip usage Actions Feature proposal #4278: Review div based and grid layouts for userlist displays Actions Feature proposal #4279: Implement alias column for userlists Actions Feature proposal #4281: Update CB Blogs so it can work with or without the section parameter Actions Feature proposal #4282: Surround pluginclass html content with CB template class div Actions Feature proposal #4284: Replace existing templates CSS with cut down Bootstrap template CSS Actions Feature proposal #4293: redo field, tab, and plugin edit params displays Actions Feature proposal #4294: Implement repeating parameter group Actions Feature proposal #4295: Remove old SQL files, old xml query usage, and hardcoded intaller upgrade queries Actions Feature proposal #4299: Redo various frontend and backend html displays Actions Feature proposal #4301: Update tooltip api to detect mobile browsers Actions Feature proposal #4305: Upgrade core plugin installer to run core plugin xmls properly Actions Feature proposal #4306: Implement support for two step authentication Actions Feature proposal #4307: J3.0: Fix toolbar button styling Actions Feature proposal #4308: J3.2: implement support for new parameter to shut off emails Actions Feature proposal #4323: Implement needed code to plugin class to provide the information getPlugin does for incubator projects Actions Feature proposal #4324: Enable various plugins and features by default Actions Feature proposal #4327: Implement parameter to select what user params to display on frontend profile edit Actions Feature proposal #4330: Implement 1 step installation Actions Feature proposal #4336: Update paging class with better usability Actions Feature proposal #4340: Implement fontawesome Actions Feature proposal #4341: Remove file fieldtype file icon display Actions Feature proposal #4342: Add upload option for video and audio fieldtypes if possible Actions Feature proposal #4345: Implement userlist parameters to enable disable of blocked, unapproved, unconfirmed, and banned users Actions Feature proposal #4346: Implement parameter to select profile layout as flat or tabbed Actions Feature proposal #4347: change terms and conditions into a field instead of global Actions Feature proposal #4348: Remove colon from field title display Actions Feature proposal #4349: Implement parameter to allow display override Actions Feature proposal #4351: Update image gallery to support thumbnails Actions Feature proposal #4352: Implement parameter to hide empty searches Actions Feature proposal #4353: Add new gallery images to stock selection Actions Feature proposal #4354: Implement major version check before loading a plugin to prevent compatibility issues Actions Feature proposal #4355: Install and configure new admin module on install of CB Actions Feature proposal #4358: Move CB Core Redirect into core system plugin Actions Feature proposal #4359: Implement placeholder parameter for supported fieldtypes Actions Feature proposal #4360: Remove redundant image upload page Actions Feature proposal #4362: Add new mode to the admin module Actions Feature proposal #4363: Implement new method to approve and reject images Actions Feature proposal #4364: Implement system plugin install script Actions Feature proposal #4366: Implement userlist parameter to disable and enable display of list selector on a list by list basis Actions Feature proposal #4367: Replace names with avatar display in connection path Actions Feature proposal #4368: Implement install scripts for core modules to auto configure Actions Feature proposal #4369: Implement bootstrap markup and classes Actions Feature proposal #4372: Remove j1.5 support from cb articles and cb blogs Actions Feature proposal #4379: Make datetime field available for creation Actions Feature proposal #4380: Replace existing timeago usage for date fields with jquery timeago Actions Feature proposal #4384: Implement new image processing library Actions Feature proposal #4394: Implement new framework function to add current active menu item metadata to the header Actions Feature proposal #4395: Implement location based field title display parameters Actions Feature proposal #4397: Extend online module with new display modes Actions Feature proposal #4398: Implement CB install script to generate menu items Actions Feature proposal #4400: Improve notifications API with substitution support Actions Feature proposal #4401: Get rid of global userlist config parameters Actions Feature proposal #4403: Implement custom option for date fields when selecting how to display them Actions Feature proposal #4404: Implement userlist parameter to collapse criteria on search Actions Feature proposal #4407: Add parameter to supply string overrides for terms and condition fieldtype Actions Feature proposal #4410: Implement disabling of submit button in cb.validator on successful submit Actions Feature proposal #4412: Deprecate all core templates except Default Actions Feature proposal #4414: Username and Name field validation not working client side Actions Feature proposal #4417: Implement config options to toggle loading of bootstrap and fontawesome Actions Feature proposal #4418: Send emails in the language of the recipient user Actions Feature proposal #4423: Implement new frontend xml view for pluginclass Actions Feature proposal #4448: Update to latest jQuery Actions Feature proposal #4450: Improve button type usage Actions Feature proposal #4456: Remove unused legacy backend code Actions Feature proposal #4457: Modernize default layout of user profile in front-end Actions Feature proposal #4459: Clean-up CBLib to replace last dependencies by DIs Actions Feature proposal #4460: Replace last legacy UE language uses by CBTxt Actions Feature proposal #4463: Implement tag usage for js and jquery file output same as css Actions Feature proposal #4464: Implement select2 support for list types Actions Feature proposal #4470: Implement parameter to allow content bot processing for field layouts Actions Feature proposal #4475: Replace cb login module icons with fontawesome Actions Feature proposal #4479: Improve profile SEF urls Actions Feature proposal #4483: Implement tab copy functionality Actions Feature proposal #4491: Implement layout parameters for profile edit and registration Actions Feature proposal #4493: Update phpmailer Actions Feature proposal #4495: Plugins to install new library files Actions Feature proposal #4496: Update jQuery to 1.11.1 or latest and check jQuery UI version too Actions Feature proposal #4497: Tabs and Lists ACL: Remove Joomla 1.x-style groups-based ACL from tabs and lists (was already deprecated in CB 1.9) Actions Feature proposal #4498: Profiles view and moderation ACL modernization Actions Feature proposal #4511: CB Forums: deprecate Kunena15 and Kunena17 models Actions Feature proposal #4519: Modernize default layout of userlists in front-end Actions Feature proposal #4528: New Language / Localization architecture Actions Feature proposal #4538: Alias moscomprofiler classes to new ones Actions Feature proposal #4540: Move legacy component functions to CBLib Legacy Actions Feature proposal #4552: Improve registration styling Actions Feature proposal #4553: Upgrade userlist edit to XML Actions Feature proposal #4557: Implement arrow based scrolling for Tab Menu usage if the tabs end up overflowing Actions Feature proposal #4563: Implement separation of tools Actions Feature proposal #4565: allow field name change Actions Feature proposal #4568: Remove defines for time, calendar and titles html Actions Feature proposal #4569: In translations, debug mode, hovering a translated text (with Th()) shows the key that got used to translate Actions Feature proposal #4573: Implement field by field Field Icons override Actions Feature proposal #4579: Keeping filters past page load Actions Feature proposal #4580: Migrate remaining legacy plugins Actions Feature proposal #4581: Remove the word file from image field options Actions Feature proposal #4591: Login and Logout vs Log in and Log out Actions Feature proposal #4596: improve image gallery styling Actions Feature proposal #4599: Improve checkGit() to not check Joomla being versioned but only CB and only if it is through an aliased folder Actions Feature proposal #4600: Main menu of Joomla: Extensions : Components : Community Builder (without submenus) should not give a blank screen Actions Feature proposal #4602: Implement backend table sorting Actions Feature proposal #4616: New XML userlist backend is missing tooltips Actions Feature proposal #4624: The right column with "Member Since", "Last Online" and "Last Updated" should not be visible on all tabs by default Actions Feature proposal #4625: drop-down menus for invisible tabs tips should disappear on-un-hover Actions Feature proposal #4627: Lift limit of 250 CB fields per profile Actions Feature proposal #4636: Add notice to default language files to warn people not to make changes Actions Feature proposal #4641: Implement simple control panel to prevent empty page Actions Feature proposal #4651: implement scroller support for canvas header positions Actions Feature proposal #4654: implement user management batch tools Actions Feature proposal #4655: implement yesno button group toggle Actions Feature proposal #4658: Implement "Save as Copy" Actions Feature proposal #4659: Implement "Save & New" Actions Feature proposal #4665: Remove menu item for "About CB" replacing it by "Powered by CB" Actions Feature proposal #4666: Implement ajax result form type Actions Feature proposal #4671: Backend menu improvements Actions Feature proposal #4706: Admin navigation module should have second levels for GroupJive and CBSubs Actions Feature proposal #4726: CB installer Discover method now discovers also integration plugins (like those from GroupJive and CBSubs) Actions Feature proposal #4743: implement quicksearch for userlists Actions
CB 2.0.1 closed 22 October 2014 Community Builder 2.0.1 100% 10 issues (10 closed — 0 open) Related issues Bug #4474: Remember me not processing on page load Actions Bug #4586: New User Email has & character codes in it Actions Bug #4759: Warning on CB Menu substitutions-strings (possibly due to removed About CBÂ menus) Actions Bug #4760: Missing overlay tab display styling in canvas positions Actions Bug #4774: CB Admin module should not break backend when something goes wrong Actions Bug #4777: On Joomla 3.3.6- with Joomla Debug On and CB Language debug On and a Joomla plugin using CBLib, we get fatal error "0 Serialization of 'Closure' is not allowed" Actions Bug #4782: Affecting only master (and early nightly of 21/10/2014): Fatal error: Call to undefined function isModerator() with CB Antispam 1.2.2 and CB 2.0 Actions Bug #4785: UX: Errors on profile edits (frontend and backend) are not visible enough because tabs do not auto-select, only field, on errors. Actions Bug #4786: Warning JUser: :_load: Unable to load user with ID: --- when deleting user from CB 2.0 User Management Actions Bug #4789: Terms and conditions should not validate in backend Actions
CB 2.0.2 closed 30 October 2014 Community Builder 2.0.2 100% 12 issues (12 closed — 0 open) Related issues Bug #4790: Mobile canvas tab menu doesn't close on click Actions Bug #4792: INI string parsing not backwards compatible Actions Bug #4794: Date field formats breaking combodate Actions Bug #4801: Checkbox fields losing checked state Actions Bug #4802: Number based usernames break SEF pathing Actions Bug #4803: Small typo in Welcome Email default language tooltip Actions Bug #4804: deprecate get_magic_quotes_gpc in bind Actions Bug #4806: Field edit tab parameter showing invalid tab options Actions Bug #4807: Missing userlist basic filter operator migrations Actions Bug #4808: Radio button user list searching shows multiple checkbox criteria, but applies AND instead of OR Actions Bug #4809: Search toggle disappears on field type switch Actions Bug #4811: Portrait canvas photos lose aspect ratio Actions
CB 2.0.3 closed 20 November 2014 Community Builder 2.0.3 100% 20 issues (20 closed — 0 open) Related issues Bug #4815: Users with no kunena rank causes a notice Actions Bug #4817: CB Admin module displays older versions due to lack of version_compare() and 12 hours cache Actions Bug #4820: Small default_language typos on acceptedterms field tooltips Actions Bug #4821: XmlTypeCleanQuote::sqlCleanQuote() function does not handle datamodel of type ParamsInterface correctly (affects e.g. CBSubs with CBSubs Tax province selection) Actions Bug #4822: Kunena personal text field not mapping Actions Bug #4823: Userlists dropdown missing ordering Actions Bug #4831: Default language spelling error for CB Blogs Actions Bug #4837: Existing cbteamplugins_language.php file in default_language folder breaks proper language plugin loading Actions Bug #4840: CB Blogs sends email notifications with user=0 in profile and approval urls Actions Bug #4843: Blog approval activation not working Actions Bug #4848: CB Blogs in Joomla storage mode shows trashed articles in backend component area Actions Bug #4854: CB Mass Mail seems to fail to send if message body is more than one line Actions Bug #4856: Cannot upload mov files to video field Actions Bug #4859: Video field linking broken if upload parameter disabled Actions Bug #4870: Send email form not redirecting back to user profile Actions Bug #4871: Connection path not working Actions Bug #4874: Language string not translated when sending email to a user Actions Bug #4876: Confirmation resend does not support HTML Actions Feature proposal #4813: implement support for menu param Page Class Actions Feature proposal #4867: implement support for template override.css Actions
CB 2.0.4 closed 09 December 2014 Community Builder 2.0.4 100% 18 issues (18 closed — 0 open) Related issues Bug #4879: Correct and clarify Allow Moderators to Edit User Profiles option for moderator editing Actions Bug #4881: Default Registration Value does not save Actions Bug #4883: Userlist basic filter <> empty string not handling null Actions Bug #4884: User management online status incorrect Actions Bug #4885: Missing legacy defines for _UE_YES and _UE_NO Actions Bug #4888: image field defaults don't fallback Actions Bug #4891: Audio field linking to youtube video also shows video Actions Bug #4892: Default template unpublished on install results in no frontend display Actions Bug #4894: CB Plugin language files translations not working Actions Bug #4895: Table based profile display with tabbed registration breaks Actions Bug #4900: Rating field Exclude Self parameter not working when Vote Access is set to Everyone Actions Bug #4901: Public userlist row linking fails to properly link to profile Actions Bug #4904: Redirect pages using the new Joomla API parameters to avoid B/C issue in future Joomla 4.0 Actions Bug #4905: Points Layout parameter should match text area layout of other Layout parameters Actions Bug #4907: Points field Points Access parameter should restrict profile editing of field Actions Bug #4908: Point field symbols are too small and do not change mouse symbol on hover Actions Bug #4909: modal windows don't follow window Actions Feature proposal #4869: Terms and conditions modal percent width Actions
CB 2.0.5 closed 22 January 2015 Community Builder 2.0.5 100% 26 issues (26 closed — 0 open) Related issues Bug #4919: Text area field and editor field incorrectly show a size parameter Actions Bug #4920: White canvas background causes text to be unreadable Actions Bug #4922: Youtube audio fields missing their controls Actions Bug #4923: Filtered multipleselect has incorrect position Actions Bug #4925: qtip loading in source map Actions Bug #4926: Custom HTML and PMS field unable to handle different outputs Actions Bug #4929: If Joomla is a git checkout, CB does not want to install Actions Bug #4935: Rejecting image field sends wrong message Actions Bug #4936: Missing variable for terms and conditions iframe mode Actions Bug #4937: Default language string degrees typo in connections Actions Bug #4938: Typo in default key_length variable in CB Login module Actions Bug #4950: Another bug in Ubuntu 14.04 LTS bug (affects all PHP 5.5 with LFS (Large File Support)): gz open is gz open64 Actions Bug #4952: Required upload fields results in invalid HTML Actions Bug #4953: UE_REG_ADMIN_MSG has a repetition and a missing full stop at the end Actions Bug #4973: Userlist paging limit not set causes paging issues Actions Bug #4978: Integer field updated to null does not change value Actions Bug #4979: Random userlist sorting not sending seed with POST Actions Bug #4984: Admin Ahawow backend default values of sub-parameters in arrays (e.g. CBSubs display invoice orderings) are not used correctly Actions Bug #4994: CBLib DatabaseDriverInterface::getNullDate( 'date' ) not working Actions Bug #5007: UddeIM integration gradually becoming more out of date Actions Bug #5011: template RTL usage not functional Actions Bug #5013: Quick Messages display ok but lead to extra line break chars in uddeIM email notifications Actions Bug #5015: Date age display increment by 1 extra year Actions Bug #5027: UddeIM PMS notify message encryption not reversed Actions Bug #5028: UddeIM PMS notification does not support HTML Actions Feature proposal #4931: Implement parameter to shut off jquery migrate Actions
CB 2.0.6 closed 19 February 2015 Community Builder 2.0.6 100% 34 issues (34 closed — 0 open) Related issues Bug #4793: New user list save and close gives you success message without returning to list table Actions Bug #4906: Make sure that the update server remains enabled in the joomla update servers table Actions Bug #5018: Substitutions do not work while logged out Actions Bug #5026: Userlist URL building and Itemid parsing missing listid Actions Bug #5031: Implement shutting off Joomla cache on pages where CBs spoof check is called Actions Bug #5032: "Update Now" button in CB admin module goes to joomlapolis.com instead of updating. Should be renamed to "Learn more" + a new "Update now" button created there Actions Bug #5035: backend filter joins not functioning Actions Bug #5036: backend date filters do not function Actions Bug #5037: backend multiselect filters do not function Actions Bug #5038: backend list filters using index instead of value in sql Actions Bug #5042: Video field fullscreen button non-functional Actions Bug #5045: Last views not storing as UTC Actions Bug #5048: If tooltip title is longer than the width it causes the title to overflow Actions Bug #5055: Datetime picker labels should be offset Actions Bug #5060: Tooltip height not calculated Actions Bug #5062: Creating a new field marked as required, readonly and searchable gives: Error Failed to save Field member test because: Calculated fields cannot be searchable! Actions Bug #5065: Connections access denied does not inform the user to login Actions Bug #5067: Public Email form fails when user is logged in Actions Bug #5070: Admin file manager FTP usage error Actions Bug #5071: Blogs requiring approval and set to Registered are posted in published state and Public view and no notifications are sent for approval Actions Bug #5077: Timeago usage uses wrong offset Actions Bug #5080: Installer footer and credits footer have 2014 copyright Actions Bug #5085: CBframework::now() can be slightly different from CBLib\Application::StartTime() Actions Bug #5086: IE: Tooltip content max-height calculation wrong Actions Bug #5089: Password encryption using JFactory for empty user instead of JUser Actions Bug #5091: step by step tabs showing clickable tabs Actions Feature proposal #5017: CB Blogs: add default parameter for published Actions Feature proposal #5040: update fontawesome to 4.3.0 Actions Feature proposal #5043: Implement parameter to turn off offset for date fields Actions Feature proposal #5050: Implement jQuery validation rule to test file input file size Actions Feature proposal #5061: Update bootstrap to 3.3.2 Actions Feature proposal #5068: upgrade jquery to 1.11.2 Actions Feature proposal #5079: Implement permissions for individual tools Actions Feature proposal #5084: CB API: Add getting system and user timezone Actions
CB 2.0.7 closed 26 February 2015 Community Builder 2.0.7 100% 6 issues (6 closed — 0 open) Related issues Bug #5107: Plugin management batch process not working Actions Bug #5119: Field object caching causing ordering to be incorrect Actions Bug #5124: Filtering API escaping substitution attributes Actions Bug #5126: CB User Manager field search not working Actions Bug #5130: Joomla 3.4 packages can no longer upgrade without upgrade attribute Actions Bug #5131: Blog defaults not set early enough in construct Actions
CB 2.0.8 closed 29 April 2015 Community Builder 2.0.8 100% 21 issues (21 closed — 0 open) Related issues Bug #5081: Canvas photos don't display if photo field isn't first field of the tab Actions Bug #5135: Popup calendar usage not storing Actions Bug #5149: terms and conditions text iframe display broken Actions Bug #5170: Empty custom date or time format causes date or time to still display Actions Bug #5179: Forum Viewtype tooltip typo Actions Bug #5191: Message queue queues empty messages Actions Bug #5192: Ahawow private type value not taken in account (resulting in wrong urls shown in CBSubs admin area) Actions Bug #5199: Ahawow sub-showview toolbar menus not taken in account Actions Bug #5203: File field zip extension not validating Actions Bug #5208: Login module loading plugins too late Actions Bug #5217: Ban User dropdown has empty option Actions Bug #5218: Field type labels not being translated Actions Bug #5219: Column 1 default title for user list column should be a language key Actions Bug #5222: Substitution user #displayedOrMe not functional Actions Bug #5226: Email MX Record lookup unknown results is off putting Actions Bug #5234: Approve Reject buttons inactive on profile moderator view for pending approvals Actions Bug #5246: UTF8 image filename breaks avatar image uploading Actions Bug #5250: CB Mailer fails to connect to SMTP server Actions Bug #5254: Clicking video or audio player in userlist redirects to profile Actions Feature proposal #4921: Implement video/audio percent width/height support Actions Feature proposal #5101: Adjust audio and video field usage to match gallery usage Actions
CB 2.0.9 closed 28 May 2015 Community Builder 2.0.9 100% 19 issues (19 closed — 0 open) Related issues Bug #5087: Login access redirect not working correctly Actions Bug #5167: Community Builder version 2.0.7 is available: [button] Actions Bug #5172: tab line positions with 5, 7, 8, or 9 columns breaks display Actions Bug #5200: Joomla Mailer parameter default not being picked up by CB Actions Bug #5204: CB Articles not account for K2 trashed article Actions Bug #5257: Prerequisites message not clear Actions Bug #5259: Send reconfirmation email only works for users with existing confirmation code Actions Bug #5260: User Management Search filtering for user groups gives SQL error Actions Bug #5264: cbvalidate doesn't work in IE8 Actions Bug #5268: Audio fields pointing to wrong directory Actions Bug #5274: Admin menu shows submenu even if submenu items disabled Actions Bug #5283: Non moderators can see ban reason and unban requests on other banned profiles Actions Bug #5284: Forgot login email case sensitive compare Actions Bug #5285: CB Menu PMS item css class translated Actions Bug #5287: Joomla deletes plugin library files on install Actions Bug #5291: Datetime calendar usage initial display missing offset Actions Feature proposal #5188: Upgrade select2 to 4.0.0 Actions Feature proposal #5227: Update Imagine library to 0.6.2 Actions Feature proposal #5280: Admin: Improve SQL query efficiency on table filtering Actions
CB 2.0.10 closed 09 July 2015 Community Builder 2.0.10 100% 24 issues (24 closed — 0 open) Related issues Bug #5171: Save and close of tab causes empty page Actions Bug #5273: Profile email not substituting in email correctly Actions Bug #5301: User management enabled filter not functional Actions Bug #5302: AutoLoader regexp map doesn't work with folders Actions Bug #5307: select2 no longer works with repeat usage when a tooltip is attached Actions Bug #5311: Date field calendar is being offset Actions Bug #5314: Direct blog urls do not function for Joomla/K2 Actions Bug #5316: CB rating field and CB mail-to-user date-time fields not yet using UTC timezone Actions Bug #5317: CB Core date search and file modify time in non-UTC Actions Bug #5318: Ahawow Spoof checks being done at all posts and not only when needed (related to CBSubs bug #5315 ) Actions Bug #5332: ArrayIterator doesn't work with implode Actions Bug #5333: Rating field date missing quotes Actions Bug #5340: K2 causing view to be missing from Input Actions Bug #5348: Missing isnull handling for not equal to userlist basic filter operator Actions Bug #5358: File field substituting HTML even for non-HTML substitutions Actions Bug #5360: Language Filter sets language too late causing CB language to be behind Actions Bug #5373: Substitute if anon function using this Actions Bug #5374: Ahawow: tablebrowser ordering by a calculated field doesn't work (e.g. by CBSubs subscriptions in CB User management) Actions Feature proposal #5297: Forgot login emails should use registration email mode Actions Feature proposal #5308: Remove orderby from backend URLs Actions Feature proposal #5313: IF substitution extras support Actions Feature proposal #5319: Library improvement: Use new Input class for whole AhaWow engine Actions Feature proposal #5320: Library improvement: TableInterface and Table implementing now GetterInterface and SetterInterface Actions Feature proposal #5337: Implement parameter to turn off hits tracking Actions
CB 2.0.11 closed 22 September 2015 Community Builder 2.0.11 100% 25 issues (25 closed — 0 open) Related issues Bug #5381: Admin User management filtering for online/offline does not filter users Actions Bug #5382: Admin User management advanced filtering with email and formatted name errors Actions Bug #5383: Ahawow: Tablebrowser Filters on joined tables result in SQL error with double-referenced tables Actions Bug #5400: CB modules on home page seem to break single tap menu expansion on iphone Actions Bug #5437: File system sorting causes gallery image order to appear strange Actions Bug #5454: Duplicate moderator emails is possible due to ACL Actions Bug #5462: Blank entry in select2 not clickable Actions Bug #5475: Sub-plugin component class doesn't work Actions Bug #5477: jQuery migrate doesn't load correctl Actions Bug #5478: getField causes cbTabs jQuery to load Actions Bug #5496: Double slash in file path for loading admin languages for plugins Actions Bug #5497: PMS inbox URLs in login and workflows module missing SEF Actions Bug #5502: Plugin of plugin can't have frontconroller XML menu Actions Bug #5504: Wrong default email to user values for from name and address Actions Bug #5519: Joomla 3.4.4 message type incompatible Actions Bug #5521: CB User List Specific searchable fields setting not showing fields not in list Actions Feature proposal #5109: PHP DateTime class not translated Actions Feature proposal #5224: Implement for XML field type to show field name in addition to title Actions Feature proposal #5379: Administrator Tablebrowser filters improvements Actions Feature proposal #5450: Implement IF substitution for location Actions Feature proposal #5460: AhaWow - Implement XML substitution support for file XML types Actions Feature proposal #5463: Update bootstrap to 3.3.5 Actions Feature proposal #5464: AhaWow - Implement XML option by option translation Actions Feature proposal #5503: Implement extend type of plugin to auto load plugin backend XML Actions Feature proposal #5507: Implement CBLib Date class Actions
CB 2.0.12 closed 02 November 2015 Community Builder 2.0.12 100% 18 issues (18 closed — 0 open) Related issues Bug #5375: cbselect chokes for large options lists Actions Bug #5415: Login page does not load the correct module based off language Actions Bug #5494: Date field tooltips don't display without icon output Actions Bug #5500: CB Blogs doesn't set the published date Actions Bug #5537: Empty dates are being formatted Actions Bug #5538: Connection request dates not stored as UTC Actions Bug #5542: Changing a fields type does not change its pluginid Actions Bug #5554: getCfg offset is incorrect causing wrong timezone Actions Bug #5559: membersince display in connections showing time Actions Bug #5560: Regexp browser validation fails if backslash is present Actions Bug #5561: Pattern validation rule not encoded properly Actions Bug #5563: plugin install scripts do not function for plugins with libraries Actions Bug #5569: User Manager default search box no longer supports email searching Actions Bug #5573: Terms and conditions iframe is not responsive Actions Feature proposal #5490: Implement UddeIM topurl usage for internal PM URLs Actions Feature proposal #5540: Implement unique classes for each connection path row Actions Feature proposal #5555: Implement B/C loading of GJ menu items Actions Feature proposal #5567: implement way for optional email notification prefix Actions
CB 2.0.13 closed 02 February 2016 Community Builder 2.0.13 100% 26 issues (26 closed — 0 open) Related issues Bug #5461: Changing a users gids doesn't reset view access level cache Actions Bug #5582: xml tag type missing forced select2 Actions Bug #5584: Initial plugin install with fields prefixes the field names Actions Bug #5594: Confirm link missing SEF Actions Bug #5604: Field REGEXP validation not allowing custom delimiters Actions Bug #5609: CBLib double loading plugin object for params Actions Bug #5610: Kunena fails to install due to CB Forums utilizing API too early Actions Bug #5614: Install script copying to library folder Actions Bug #5617: Login module caching plugin output Actions Bug #5632: Javascript SyntaxError: Nothing to repeat: in regexp for phone numbers validation Actions Bug #5641: Multiple words with spaces validation breaks user manager save buttons Actions Bug #5655: May abbr Date output displaying as Jun Actions Bug #5670: Date field birthdate setting showing time Actions Bug #5678: Correct tooltip reference for Pendng Email Body Actions Bug #5686: Some timezones not functioning properly Actions Bug #5695: Batch process not handling legacy multiselect/checkbox Actions Bug #5697: Integer fields validation failing on non-required with minimum Actions Bug #5710: CB Forums model not loading in kunena Actions Bug #5727: PHP 7 adaptations causing issues Actions Bug #5744: Fix cb_template background inherit Actions Feature proposal #5566: Improve modal responsiveness Actions Feature proposal #5657: improve bg-muted class Actions Feature proposal #5673: Implement additional kunena sidebar substitutions Actions Feature proposal #5717: PHP 7 compatibility Actions Feature proposal #5745: Update CSS libraries Actions Feature proposal #5759: Implement support for XML dependency check Actions
CB 2.0.14 closed 22 March 2016 Community Builder 2.0.14 100% 16 issues (16 closed — 0 open) Related issues Bug #5185: Forum sync fields appear to have inaccurate value descriptions Actions Bug #5441: Forum signature does not migrate from 1.x to 2.x Actions Bug #5526: if cbmoreless is initially hidden it does not function Actions Bug #5675: Video field breaks template boundaries on profile page Actions Bug #5687: User Management search for pending approval images no longer available Actions Bug #5774: CBuser does not allow pre-setting a guest user object Actions Bug #5789: Forum profile mapping does not function Actions Bug #5793: Date fields timezone offset is not disabled by default Actions Bug #5843: Missing PHP 7 compatibility fixes Actions Bug #5848: CB Menu top level clickable menu links broken Actions Bug #5854: In administration area, List and Tab Copy may fail if the new numbering already exists Actions Bug #5859: Joomla 3.5 RC 4 breaks Logout in CB 2.0.13 Actions Bug #5860: CB Login module HTTPS check finding wrong module Actions Feature proposal #5721: CB Forums add additional kunena field mapping Actions Feature proposal #5835: Implement integrations parameter to turn off emails globally Actions Feature proposal #5845: improve modal usage Actions
CB 2.0.15 closed 24 August 2016 Community Builder 2.0.15 100% 26 issues (26 closed — 0 open) Related issues Bug #5881: CB Nightly version 2.0.14+build.2016. only: Upgrade to 2.0.14-nightly from 2.0.13- fails if CBLib 2.0.13- already loaded Actions Bug #5889: Nightly build in package XML causing Joomla to see CB as out of date Actions Bug #5952: Request connection on connections menu immediately closes Actions Bug #5956: Ahawow <trigger> always has $isSaving parameter true, even for reading Actions Bug #5982: CB fails to install on MySQL(PDO), resulting in notice "Database driver 'pdomysql' is not supported. Please use MySQL instead." Actions Bug #5983: CB Workflows and CB Online modules should not display if there's nothing to display Actions Bug #5988: Forgot login not checking email/username ajax param Actions Bug #5991: Improve default values for cookies Actions Bug #5996: json format is outputting headers Actions Bug #6031: Plugin version checker not working properly with builds Actions Bug #6074: Image approval doesn't function in canvas layout Actions Bug #6086: Add check for defined before defining CMN_NO and CMN_YES Actions Bug #6092: CB Plugins version-checks only work on PHP 5.4+ (not on PHP 5.3) Actions Bug #6106: admin submenu sitting on top of parent Actions Bug #6148: Blog tab access not checked on component access Actions Feature proposal #5206: Implement separate profile edit ordering Actions Feature proposal #5236: User and CmsUser missing caching Actions Feature proposal #5476: Move Bootstrap and Fontawesome custom CSS to template Actions Feature proposal #5866: Implement login module parameters to render forgot login and sign up buttons Actions Feature proposal #6017: Remove overlib Actions Feature proposal #6037: Implement profile view and edit menu param to select a tab Actions Feature proposal #6068: AhaWow: Improve attributes extendibility of TableBrowser and permissions of attributes, filter and batch tags Actions Feature proposal #6087: Update recommended PHP and Mysql versions and add new PHP 7.0 and 7.1 as well as Joomla 3.5 and 3.6 support Actions Feature proposal #6104: API for registerForm view: Allow to specify message type instead of hard-coded error-type which displays the message in red Actions Feature proposal #6114: Update jQuery Fileupload Actions
CB 2.1 closed 20 December 2016 Community Builder 2.1 100% 126 issues (126 closed — 0 open) Related issues Bug #3471: IF substitution contents limited to 300 characters Actions Bug #4787: Moderators visiting a profile page of a pending approval user see Error message instead of warning message Actions Bug #5418: Canvas !important usage causing too strong selectors Actions Bug #5426: Searching userlist or browsing through pages causes language to be lost Actions Bug #5495: Date dropdowns can not have a minimum date without a maximum date and vise verse Actions Bug #5698: Userlist search collapse being ignored due to searchmode Actions Bug #5778: cbselect crashes JS on too many options Actions Bug #5794: CB version checker notifies nightly is out of date Actions Bug #5874: jQuery Validate skips a radio/checkbox input if 1 option hidden Actions Bug #5951: Userparams missing authenticator params Actions Bug #5995: date field popup calendar z-index too low Actions Bug #6025: In Users-list term is correctly "Enabled", but in User-edit, term and meaning is opposite: "Blocked" Actions Bug #6051: Long field name causes field to fail to store Actions Bug #6053: Empty userlist causes first row to 404 Actions Bug #6118: missing template class around module avatar Actions Bug #6129: addJQueryPlugin dependencies don't respect dependencies of dependencies Actions Bug #6151: Apple devices upload images without proper raw orientation Actions Bug #6152: Application::MyUser cache needs to reset after login Actions Bug #6170: jQuery: cbmoreless has call to undefined function Actions Bug #6201: Current Password input blocking backend user create Actions Bug #6204: fieldClass does not function for search Actions Bug #6210: Two factor authentication showing if there's no authentication plugins enabled Actions Bug #6217: Advanced email check missing or too long timeout Actions Bug #6220: yesno in repeat causes no value to be selected on new row Actions Bug #6223: Email display as icon and text without email link displays nothing Actions Bug #6226: Headers output when they aren't supposed to Actions Bug #6236: jQuery UI is not mobile compatible Actions Bug #6249: Login redirect to invalid URLs Actions Bug #6277: Email form menu item missing public access check Actions Bug #6282: Fields hidden on profile can not be searched Actions Bug #6287: User crop selection not always accurate Actions Bug #6288: Mass mailer multiple attachments not working Actions Bug #6293: Calendar only usage with time incorrectly sets time in hidden input Actions Bug #6294: Search criteria duplicated Actions Bug #6295: Video field initial display broken for link only usage Actions Bug #6301: Large avatars breaking canvas Actions Bug #6308: Field values check unable to handle other select types Actions Bug #6310: Empty fields do not output their layout Actions Bug #6314: Datetime redisplay incrementing by 1 hour Actions Bug #6316: Using XML set on yesno fields throws JS alert Actions Bug #6321: Tags XML usage not allowing new values Actions Bug #6324: Failed login loses $return Actions Bug #6328: Date fields applying timezone offset Actions Bug #6331: elseif substitution usage using $this in anon function Actions Bug #6335: File field using wrong parameter for terms and conditions Actions Feature proposal #1438: Lists: Simple filters should use field method to get list of possible filters (e.g. avatarapproved) Actions Feature proposal #1850: extend substitutions with an API to support additional substitutions Actions Feature proposal #2554: Separate field desc for list, profile, and registration Actions Feature proposal #2748: Implement substitution support for setMenuMeta Actions Feature proposal #2765: IF substitutions support for ELSE Actions Feature proposal #3193: Multiple group filtering in CB User manager Actions Feature proposal #4378: Implement client side cropping Actions Feature proposal #4454: Implement control panel for backend Actions Feature proposal #4670: Allow Mass Mailer to specify To: address and CC / BCC addresses Actions Feature proposal #4686: Image status filtering in CB User Management Search Tools and Batch Tools Actions Feature proposal #4761: Make registration IP address storage field optional Actions Feature proposal #4764: Add Kunena banning action when user profile is banned and Kunena is present Actions Feature proposal #4846: extend date field profile view format to profile edit Actions Feature proposal #4865: Allow blank value option for select fields Actions Feature proposal #4941: Implement system plugin disabled error Actions Feature proposal #4947: Implement accordion tab display mode Actions Feature proposal #4949: Add method to not show users in CB Online module Actions Feature proposal #4967: Blogs, Articles, and Forums ordering Actions Feature proposal #5002: Implement support for empty select value Actions Feature proposal #5008: Implement support for plugin by plugin routers Actions Feature proposal #5088: CB Blogs, CB Forums, and CB Articles hide empty tab Actions Feature proposal #5156: Implement user management REGEX advanced search operator Actions Feature proposal #5175: Expand CB User Management Search Tools to filter for pending approval images Actions Feature proposal #5197: Implement support for "Require Password Reset" Actions Feature proposal #5198: Plugin params don't inform you the plugin is unpublished Actions Feature proposal #5228: Redo userlist form submit Actions Feature proposal #5245: Enable cookie tracking for step by step tabs Actions Feature proposal #5252: Change backend language load order Actions Feature proposal #5258: Implement for tab title counters to be optional Actions Feature proposal #5279: Remove webaddress schema stripping Actions Feature proposal #5371: CB User Lists could have an option to not appear in the drop-down (but only with direct menu link) Actions Feature proposal #5402: Update jQuery plugins Actions Feature proposal #5446: Implement support for Unicode Aliases in CB Blogs Actions Feature proposal #5487: Implement field specific language keys for field language strings Actions Feature proposal #5516: Update name fields regardless of name style Actions Feature proposal #5529: Implement IF substitution based off the view Actions Feature proposal #5530: Implement userlist specific language keys Actions Feature proposal #5532: Implement user list specific number of users message Actions Feature proposal #5581: Implement confirm dialogs for tools Actions Feature proposal #5603: Implement calendar only datetime usage Actions Feature proposal #5702: Implement language plugin backend for overrides Actions Feature proposal #5704: Allow override.css to load for default template Actions Feature proposal #5706: Improve canvas profile picture CSS Actions Feature proposal #5746: Implement userlist view tooltip hover for formatname Actions Feature proposal #5747: Implement support for profile url and improve profile alias Actions Feature proposal #5749: Add connections mode filtering for CB Online module Actions Feature proposal #5757: Improve dialog/confirm usage Actions Feature proposal #5803: Implement jQuery validation for forbidden words Actions Feature proposal #5876: Replace CBSnoopy usages with Guzzle Actions Feature proposal #5878: Implement collapsible fieldsets Actions Feature proposal #5913: Implement userlist search layout Actions Feature proposal #5928: Remove Itemid fallback to userlist Actions Feature proposal #5946: Implement trigger for replaceUserVars Actions Feature proposal #5972: Hide manage connection tabs with no content Actions Feature proposal #5973: Implement escape binding for modal windows Actions Feature proposal #6059: Change userlist usergroupids to text type Actions Feature proposal #6095: Change Rewrite URLs to default enabled Actions Feature proposal #6097: Fields validation by PERL regexp: Improve error dislpay by surrounding regexp validations with try-catch to avoid fatal eror Actions Feature proposal #6098: Redo profile canvas Actions Feature proposal #6102: Improve modal overflow Actions Feature proposal #6116: Implement file field filename format param Actions Feature proposal #6128: Implement multi fieldtype limit parameter Actions Feature proposal #6147: Implement additional user management sort options Actions Feature proposal #6159: Implement param for verify field description Actions Feature proposal #6192: Improve password change security Actions Feature proposal #6202: Update fontawesome Actions Feature proposal #6221: Custom online module output Actions Feature proposal #6222: Implement client side resizing Actions Feature proposal #6232: Implement canvas reposition Actions Feature proposal #6234: Implement easier way to find language keys Actions Feature proposal #6242: Rewrite router with modern usages Actions Feature proposal #6252: Implement taking over Joomlas login POST Actions Feature proposal #6279: Implement user management date range filters Actions Feature proposal #6283: Replace checkbox/radio column usage with Bootstrap Actions Feature proposal #6285: Implement IF substitution nesting Actions Feature proposal #6289: Improved display triggers to allow replacing the return Actions Feature proposal #6291: Implement open and close api for cbselect Actions Feature proposal #6302: Implement checking for new nightly build if nightly is installed Actions Feature proposal #6309: Implement canvas layout for online module Actions Feature proposal #6329: Implement SEO paging URLs Actions Feature proposal #6338: Change forgot login redirect from done to forgot login Actions
CB 2.1.1 closed 31 December 2016 Community Builder 2.1.1 100% 28 issues (28 closed — 0 open) Related issues Bug #6113: Workaround for Poxy potential vulnerabilities on unpatched Apache CVE-2016-5387 and PHP CVE-2016-5385 Actions Bug #6365: Language finder click can override existing strings Actions Bug #6371: Client side resizing thinks the image is always PNG Actions Bug #6381: Old sample data fields using reserved field ids Actions Bug #6382: Modal open CSS class added too late and removed too early Actions Bug #6383: cbTooltip unable to handle document selectors Actions Bug #6387: cbselect conditions in XML not working properly Actions Bug #6390: Forbidden word jQuery validation not ignoring empty string Actions Bug #6393: ELSE substitution usage doesn't allow substitutions in it Actions Bug #6396: 0 min/max year not working as expected Actions Bug #6400: External links being used for Itemid Actions Bug #6410: Repeat within repeat breaks if a row is removed Actions Bug #6411: Repeat yesno params wrong active class Actions Bug #6415: Date and Datetime still not offsetting entirely accurately Actions Bug #6416: Tooltips on cbselects target is not corrected Actions Bug #6421: Third-party library: Update Guzzle's fallback cacert.pem to latest version Actions Bug #6428: Old URL structure usage in connections notification Actions Bug #6430: Connections notification from url missing user Actions Bug #6443: Date API months are not being replaced by translated values Actions Bug #6445: Module CBAdmin in Joomla administration: Newsfeed images using http instead of https link, making green icon yellow Actions Feature proposal #6377: Language Finder auto-add new row Actions Feature proposal #6380: Improve canvas box with stacked classes Actions Feature proposal #6389: Implement legacy menu item migration Actions Feature proposal #6409: Improve XML table styling for repeat usages Actions Feature proposal #6425: PHP 7.1 compatibility Actions Feature proposal #6432: Language Finder: implement searching of non-default keys and strings Actions Feature proposal #6438: Use https for update channel, version checks and newsfeed Actions Feature proposal #6446: Update fontawesome to 4.7.0 Actions
CB 2.1.2 closed 20 January 2017 Community Builder 2.1.2 100% 2 issues (2 closed — 0 open) Related issues Bug #6453: Guzzle requests fail in some server configurations with cURL error 60: Failed to connect Actions Feature proposal #6448: Implement webaddress parameter to toggle noreferrer off Actions
CB 2.1.3 closed 27 February 2017 Community Builder 2.1.3 100% 23 issues (23 closed — 0 open) Related issues Bug #6460: Adding fields using existingSytemTab usage moves the fields on install Actions Bug #6463: On Joomla <=3.5.x: Fatal error on upgrade or install in postflight (not preventing correct installation) Actions Bug #6465: Language override strings not storing raw Actions Bug #6470: Setting list page limit to 0 doesn't disable paging Actions Bug #6478: Cosmetic in SQL query: cbSqlPart::sqlReduceFormula() output correct but not ideal Actions Bug #6479: Improve escaping for unusual database column names Actions Bug #6483: Backend fieldClass response has incorrect access check Actions Bug #6490: SEF routing menu sometimes null Actions Bug #6493: XML converting field name to id doing so for empty values Actions Bug #6503: getStrings needs to return the original strings or the overrides instead of both Actions Bug #6555: userProfile should ignore the user request param if no value Actions Bug #6587: Empty date for input calendar usage still offsets Actions Bug #6594: When CB redirects from Joomla user views it does not set the Itemid Actions Bug #6596: Nested tooltips are passed the parent tooltip params instead of defaults Actions Bug #6597: jquery validate out of date Actions Bug #6662: User Cropping fails with very large images Actions Bug #6666: Two factor authentication with verify current password causes error Actions Bug #6677: CB Menu Request Connection does not work on mobile Actions Feature proposal #6458: Improve login trigger variables Actions Feature proposal #6553: Improve tooltip width Actions Feature proposal #6618: Forbid uninstalling CB plugin and modules appart of CB Package (new Joomla 3.7 feature) Actions Feature proposal #6682: Improve profile url language string with alias substitution Actions Feature proposal #6697: Implement Install From Web Actions
CB 2.1.4 closed 06 March 2018 Community Builder 2.1.4 100% 40 issues (40 closed — 0 open) Related issues Bug #6469: Language finder doesn't copy HTML in strings properly Actions Bug #6563: PHP7: PclZip: A non well formed numeric value encountered Actions Bug #6726: Update All displays url instead of package name on http fail Actions Bug #6727: Workflow module outputting divs instead of li elements for plugin content Actions Bug #6743: CB Repeat parsing unnecessarily Actions Bug #6749: Ahawow valuedescription doesn't work (e.g. in CBSubs history for database updates) Actions Bug #6759: Improve phpdoc and php-lint styles and fix minor parameters and compatibility issues Actions Bug #6832: Userlist searching of select values with spaces breaks the value Actions Bug #6897: Test and fix PHP 7.2 compatibility issues Actions Bug #6914: Datepicker using browser timezone instead of site/user timezone Actions Bug #6954: Compression extensions break CBs inline JS Actions Bug #6961: Itemid parsing is finding backend menu items Actions Bug #6977: Repeat usage extremely slow when there's a nested repeat usage Actions Bug #6994: Missing max-width for youtube videos Actions Bug #7014: id specific language keys not working Actions Bug #7022: Account Confirmations not working in case of change of CB settings or plugins overrides (e.g. #2782) Actions Bug #7025: New content routing breaks CB Articles and CB Blogs URLs Actions Bug #7032: Input calendar usage will not reset to empty Actions Bug #7035: getCachedPluginObject caching non-plugin objects Actions Bug #7036: Replace legacy getRequestVar with Input usage Actions Bug #7041: backend plugin menu loading caching empty params Actions Bug #7042: Archive_Tar out of date Actions Bug #7052: Userlist OR cases brackets in wrong place Actions Feature proposal #6713: Install from Web: Updates category Actions Feature proposal #6718: Update jQuery Fileupload with Process plugin Actions Feature proposal #6719: Implement jquery mobile events Actions Feature proposal #6720: Change language override key storage to raw Actions Feature proposal #6739: Implement frontend autocomplete off Actions Feature proposal #6779: Change user approval to be unchecked by default Actions Feature proposal #6822: Implement support to override tooltip effects Actions Feature proposal #6824: Extend repeat XML usage to allow replacement of button text and title Actions Feature proposal #6850: Remove htmlspecialchars_decode in content bot Actions Feature proposal #6868: Implement CB Repeat CSS class check to skip value resetting Actions Feature proposal #6869: Implement specifying default value for cb repeat resetting Actions Feature proposal #6890: Update select2 Actions Feature proposal #6995: Implement time field Actions Feature proposal #6998: Steps for datetime and time fields now by 1 minute instead of 5 minutes Actions Feature proposal #7016: Ahawow XmlSql: Allow subqueries in SQL JOIN AS statements to have a "JOIN LIMIT 1" SQL functionality Actions Feature proposal #7017: Ahawow: Add possibility to dynamically add options to all field types, not only type data Actions Feature proposal #7057: Implement language strings for permission errors Actions
CB 2.1.5 closed 13 June 2018 Community Builder 2.1.5 100% 8 issues (8 closed — 0 open) Related issues Bug #6136: Update Imagine for Imagick 7 support Actions Bug #7065: Usernames prefixed with a digit and a dash break SEF URLs Actions Bug #7070: Admin area: Ahawow XmlSql: TableBrowser: orderby-ordergroups with statistics join too much tables Actions Bug #7091: jQuery Validate: required field validation unreliable Actions Bug #7147: Kunena 5.1 compatibility fixes Actions Bug #7183: activateUser causing a user store even when not necessary Actions Feature proposal #6981: Update PHPMailer Actions Feature proposal #7084: Improve URL functions to better support additional Itemid parsing Actions
CB 2.1.6 closed 15 June 2018 Community Builder 2.1.6 100% 1 issue (1 closed — 0 open) Related issues Bug #7188: Regression in 2.1.5 with CBSubs upgrades due to lack of multidimensional arrays support in CBLib getter Actions
CB 2.2 closed 20 June 2018 Community Builder 2.2 100% 6 issues (6 closed — 0 open) Related issues Bug #7085: Install from Web: Update All shows even for guest views Actions Bug #7114: CB 1.x to CB 2.x userlist basic filters fail to migrate Actions Bug #7191: Array-selecting-parameter-name not working Actions Feature proposal #6251: Add Registration layout option to CB Login module (Advanced Options) Actions Feature proposal #6913: Upgrade to bootstrap 4 Actions Feature proposal #7186: Ahawow SQL builder prepare for multiple sorts and multiple groups Actions
CB 2.2.1 closed 30 July 2018 Community Builder 2.2.1 100% 9 issues (9 closed — 0 open) Related issues Bug #7195: Update supported versions of PHP, MySQL and Joomla in CB package installer Actions Bug #7196: CB Plugins SEFed URLs corresponding to menu entries have the non-SEFed parts that are already in the menu URL still appended to them Actions Bug #7198: Online module won't count users if shared sessions are used Actions Bug #7199: Required image fields missing input display Actions Bug #7211: Canvas displayed with title causes canvas image to not expand the full size of layout Actions Bug #7225: select2 options not accessible Actions Bug #7229: Field edit to html function does not pass text field id through id parsing Actions Feature proposal #7214: Update colorpicker jQuery plugin Actions Feature proposal #7233: API CBLib XML Database structures descriptions: Add support for JSON MySql 5.7.8+ column types Actions
CB 2.3 closed 13 November 2018 Community Builder 2.3 100% 55 issues (55 closed — 0 open) Related issues Bug #6370: SEO of userlists when using list changer is invalid Actions Bug #6372: Client side resizing converts GIF to PNG Actions Bug #6373: Client side resizing ignores EXIF orientation Actions Bug #6654: Userlist columns not checking field published state Actions Bug #6659: User params double encoded when not accessible Actions Bug #6660: CSS overrides loading in backend Actions Bug #6782: Userlist shows paging even if users per page is unlimited Actions Bug #6796: Backend fieldclass checking wrong permission Actions Bug #6842: Site Name in Page Titles does not work on CB pages Actions Bug #7024: Too many language overrides cause slow language plugin edit load Actions Bug #7066: Unicode alias fail validation Actions Bug #7082: Install from Web: Version checker conflict between CB and CBSubs lang plugins Actions Bug #7097: Email icon display on userlist links to profile instead of form Actions Bug #7137: Mass Mailer batch time not working Actions Bug #7194: Raw file field substitutions output with double escaped URL Actions Bug #7228: Backend new user create defaulting reset password to yes Actions Bug #7242: Connections path missing row class Actions Bug #7244: Beez3 transparent link background conflicts with step by step buttons Actions Bug #7251: Modules missing Joomla cache params Actions Bug #7252: Nightly regression: preg match: No ending delimiter found in components/com_comprofiler/router.php on line 272 Actions Bug #7253: Site Name in Page Titles should not be applying to backend Actions Bug #7263: CBSubs language version checking not working Actions Bug #7270: Button edit style for checkbox fields wrong initial state Actions Bug #7280: Userlist selector jQuery missing if profile linking disabled Actions Bug #7281: Checkbox fields not storing their values if initially unchecked Actions Bug #7290: jQuery: CB DatePicker not updating input pointer on clone Actions Bug #7303: If multiple select 2 usages with tooltips are next to each other both tooltips display Actions Bug #7304: Tooltip binding issue with ajax editing Actions Bug #7317: PMS plugin description out of date Actions Bug #7323: New PM and Quick Message not displaying for public users Actions Bug #7326: Privacy consent page inaccessible due to profile edit redirect Actions Bug #7334: Privacy consent stuck in redirect loop with SEF Actions Feature proposal #4752: implement userlist row target Actions Feature proposal #6484: Change cbtimeago to not use title Actions Feature proposal #6522: Connection types input still visible even if no connection types available Actions Feature proposal #6560: Improve admin menu with compact mode Actions Feature proposal #6620: Implement parameter to disable input tooltips Actions Feature proposal #6694: Add additional backend table css classes Actions Feature proposal #6783: Implement field edit warning that tab is unpublished Actions Feature proposal #6797: Change how userlist rows link Actions Feature proposal #7077: Implement internal model for Private Message System Actions Feature proposal #7092: Custom HTML field missing description of special reason substitution Actions Feature proposal #7117: Implement yesno fieldtype Actions Feature proposal #7118: Implement checkbox and radio buttons fieldtype Actions Feature proposal #7202: Implement support for changing grid size based off the size of the first column Actions Feature proposal #7243: Implement JSON support in cbSqlQueryPart Actions Feature proposal #7249: Implement age validation rule for date fields Actions Feature proposal #7254: Update Bootstrap 4 Actions Feature proposal #7261: Improve userlist searching behavior to use GET when possible Actions Feature proposal #7264: Change plugin version checker to point to install from web if enabled Actions Feature proposal #7265: Default install from web to the Updates category if available Actions Feature proposal #7274: Improve menu button icon styling Actions Feature proposal #7325: PMS plugin needs to unpublish on update installs without uddeim Actions Feature proposal #7342: Improve UX of navigating to private messages Actions Feature proposal #7343: Implement trigger for random password function Actions
CB 2.4 closed 09 January 2019 Community Builder 2.4 100% 15 issues (15 closed — 0 open) Related issues Bug #7357: Canvas layout photo does not display on IE11 Actions Bug #7365: params field does not display privacy and terms fields Actions Bug #7399: Send PM CB Menu item errors with SEF enabled Actions Bug #7405: Deleting PM from within the PM redirects back to the PM Actions Bug #7406: Field columns not checked on install Actions Bug #7408: FireFox attempting to navigate to javascript export link when no items are selected Actions Feature proposal #7164: Implement additional column for terms and conditions fields to log consent Actions Feature proposal #7299: Add parameter to set date year to ascending or descending order Actions Feature proposal #7351: Implement custom routing for PMS Actions Feature proposal #7373: Implement deleting CB user when Joomla user is deleted Actions Feature proposal #7389: Implement export API for table lists (e.g. user management) Actions Feature proposal #7390: Implement import API for table lists (e.g. user management) Actions Feature proposal #7391: Implement support for Joomla user export to export CB user data Actions Feature proposal #7398: User Import: passwords not being hashed Actions Feature proposal #7407: Implement import parameter to specify if edits should be allowed or not Actions
CB 2.4.1 closed 05 March 2019 Community Builder 2.4.1 100% 16 issues (16 closed — 0 open) Related issues Bug #7420: Failed to send PM to To user error unclear Actions Bug #7427: Default registration value supplied to terms and conditions field causes error Actions Bug #7428: Language finder for default language not enforcing default language Actions Bug #7430: User management doing unnecessary joins Actions Bug #7433: PMS: multiple recipient limit accepting 0 Actions Bug #7434: PMS: WYSIWYG width too small Actions Bug #7436: User import not importing field data Actions Bug #7443: File input height too small Actions Bug #7463: PMS: Linking to received page causes message type filter to fail Actions Bug #7465: New fields added on install to existing system tabs by plugins do not respect published attribute Actions Bug #7467: Pull CSS class still being used instead of float Actions Bug #7470: cbremote validation rule does not function with select, checkbox, or radio inputs Actions Bug #7471: ajax validation rules will not work for date fieldtypes Actions Feature proposal #7364: Update Imagine to 1.2.0 Actions Feature proposal #7419: Implement always allowing HTML for system PMs Actions Feature proposal #7437: Update jQuery Autosize Actions
CB 2.4.2 closed 02 April 2019 Community Builder 2.4.2 100% 11 issues (11 closed — 0 open) Related issues Bug #7490: Time field without calendar causes value to not store Actions Bug #7491: Image approval query too slow Actions Bug #7493: Userlist query slow with large userbase Actions Bug #7527: XML filters with deep joins are not properly joining Actions Bug #7531: Duplicate users in userlist Actions Feature proposal #6426: Implement terms and conditions text substitutions Actions Feature proposal #6454: New cacert.pem got released by Mozilla on 2017-01-18, update it Actions Feature proposal #7487: Implement CB Online mode for random user Actions Feature proposal #7522: Backport jQuery security fix 4333 to prevent Object.prototype pollution Actions Feature proposal #7549: Update Bootstrap to 4.3.1 Actions Feature proposal #7553: Implement fields, tabs, and userlists import/export Actions
CB 2.4.3 closed 15 January 2020 Community Builder 2.4.3 100% 46 issues (46 closed — 0 open) Related issues Bug #6680: Language overrides from default are loading for other languages Actions Bug #7569: Age searching not allowing for exact age Actions Bug #7580: cbselect max height on wrong element Actions Bug #7600: cbselect multiple wrong css height Actions Bug #7609: Users can PM themselves Actions Bug #7614: jQuery Validate elements check not reliabling working Actions Bug #7628: CB Select ajax url cache not reseting search term and page on restore Actions Bug #7669: tab, field, and plugin class endpoints applying limits to names Actions Bug #7671: First save of language overrides does not redisplay the new overrides Actions Bug #7679: Select options passing through translations twice Actions Bug #7689: Global Messages unreadable by standard users Actions Bug #7695: Default language overrides not loading sometimes due to language filtering Actions Bug #7726: cbselect not outputting initial options with ajax usage Actions Bug #7727: cbselect ajax search usage doesn't reset to defaults when clearing search Actions Bug #7729: Fix double spacing conflict for canvas layout counter fields Actions Bug #7736: Tab params are not prepared on load Actions Bug #7740: File fieldtype: Filenames with only non-latin characters fail uploading with error "Please select a file before uploading" Actions Bug #7741: setMenuMeta called too late Actions Bug #7744: CB Menu displays unusable menu item if email is set to plain text Actions Bug #7752: Moderation registration email subject not passing through substitutions Actions Bug #7771: Step by Step caching active tab Actions Bug #7782: PMS not published by default on clean installs Actions Bug #7784: Request connection menu item misaligned Actions Bug #7787: Custom validation rules extending cbfield fail to pass custom data Actions Bug #7791: Button style for fields missing disabled state if set to read only Actions Bug #7807: CB Login Module: style out of sync with Joomla module Actions Feature proposal #6978: Improve antispam and spoof checking usages Actions Feature proposal #7027: Implement Tag fieldtype Actions Feature proposal #7278: Default admin plugin menus to enabled Actions Feature proposal #7362: Extend pre-configured regexp validation dropdown Actions Feature proposal #7363: Implement input masks for text fields or support for selecting the HTML5 type Actions Feature proposal #7562: Implement logout redirect parameter for logout menu item Actions Feature proposal #7591: implement ajax support for cbselect Actions Feature proposal #7596: Implement User Management link per user to frontend profile Actions Feature proposal #7599: implement CB Online Module exclude self parameter Actions Feature proposal #7608: jQuery plugin updates Actions Feature proposal #7672: Improve build release update banner Actions Feature proposal #7680: Improve tabs and repeat jQuery performance Actions Feature proposal #7690: Implement float fieldtype Actions Feature proposal #7691: Change email field to HTML5 email type Actions Feature proposal #7696: Implement color fieldtype Actions Feature proposal #7706: Custom date/datetime formats not translating Actions Feature proposal #7751: Implement plugin installer update function Actions Feature proposal #7761: Implement additional generic styling for easier quickstart compatibility Actions Feature proposal #7772: Improve userlist grid usage to allow for adding fields to the actual canvas placement Actions Feature proposal #7780: Update Bootstrap to 4.4.0 Actions
CB 2.4.4 closed 11 March 2020 Community Builder 2.4.4 100% 6 issues (6 closed — 0 open) Related issues Bug #7597: Improve folders creation in uncompressors Actions Bug #7823: PMS: paging of sent messages does not function Actions Bug #7831: $_menus initialized as null instead of array Actions Bug #7833: Userlists with grid display and single column have wrong sizing Actions Feature proposal #7811: PHP 7.4 compatibility testing and fixes Actions Feature proposal #7837: Allow stable CB version check against build release Actions
CB 2.4.5 closed 28 April 2020 Community Builder 2.4.5 100% 18 issues (18 closed — 0 open) Related issues Bug #7859: Fix canvas name and avatar spacing Actions Bug #7880: Validation rule JSON encoding double escaping Actions Bug #7883: Using a STRING or HTML getter does not guarantee a string response Actions Bug #7885: Trailing spaces in IF substitution cause substitution to fail Actions Bug #7886: IF substitutions not capturing multiple conditions Actions Bug #7932: API logins not properly establishing login session Actions Bug #7935: jQuery event cbvalidate.validate does not pass the element being validated Actions Bug #7946: PMS reply access check reversed Actions Bug #7949: Blog and Articles tab titles not checking $reason Actions Bug #7950: read only output cbAddCalendar is unformated Actions Bug #7951: B/C API break in getTabTitle Actions Bug #7961: PMS modal paging links are outputting modal display Actions Feature proposal #7337: Implement create access parameters for PMs Actions Feature proposal #7725: Improve autocomplete attribute usage Actions Feature proposal #7763: Update PHPMailer to 5.2.28 Actions Feature proposal #7773: Sorted field types in drop-down selector of fields Actions Feature proposal #7828: Implement support for nested substitutions Actions Feature proposal #7922: Implement support for reason substitution value in tab titles Actions
CB 2.4.6 closed 22 July 2020 Community Builder 2.4.6 100% 16 issues (16 closed — 0 open) Related issues Bug #7997: Username and alias exists check too slow Actions Bug #8003: Version check banner not respecting version checking being set to manual Actions Bug #8005: XML param type json display issues invalid json warning if field is empty Actions Bug #8050: Install from Web Update All token sometimes missing Actions Bug #8055: Install from Web package logos are too large Actions Bug #8058: Install from web counting hidden packages Actions Bug #8062: Version check comparing against XML details nodes even if they don't have values Actions Bug #8071: Install from Web does not send refresh state for site key refresh Actions Bug #8080: Fix Irish and Macedonian pluralizations Actions Bug #8083: Installing CB on Joomla 4.0 beta 2 doesn't refuse and warn that it isn't compatible yet Actions Bug #8091: Install from Web: Guzzle 6 conflict Actions Feature proposal #8004: Implement version check period parameter Actions Feature proposal #8045: Implement support for site keys for easy updating and installing plugins Actions Feature proposal #8059: Install from Web should force a refresh if cache exists, but a token doesn't Actions Feature proposal #8092: API: Date class: Add human-readable PHP output of "time ago" time scale Actions
CB 2.4.7 closed 19 November 2020 Community Builder 2.4.7 100% 23 issues (23 closed — 0 open) Related issues Bug #7269: Reset Password redirect loop Actions Bug #8094: Client side image resizing of PNG images results in large image Actions Bug #8100: API minor bug without effect in UserTable::bindSafely Actions Bug #8101: Registration: Email confirmation link in non-html email is htmlspecialchar-ed (non-issue in Joomla 3) Actions Bug #8133: Install from Web: CORS does not fallback to JSONP if authorization fails Actions Bug #8138: Empty if substitutions cause warning due to missing match index Actions Bug #8139: Listid missing from POST if userlist does not have list selector Actions Bug #8144: Initial width for select2 calculating wrong on Safari Actions Bug #8179: PMS: Connection Selector does not flip orientation Actions Bug #8180: select2 opening even if disabled Actions Bug #8191: Improve cbSelect jQuery so it can't bind to select2 element Actions Bug #8193: PMS notify from name is not translating Actions Bug #8216: XML: Hidden inputs not behaving properly when accessing raw fields list Actions Bug #8232: getField API passing wrong user object to _getTabFieldsDb Actions Feature proposal #8011: Update Bootstrap to 4.5.2 Actions Feature proposal #8130: Install from Web: hide demo button if already installed Actions Feature proposal #8203: Implement Name Format option for First Name and first letter of Last Name Actions Feature proposal #8206: Implement password unmasking feature for password fields Actions Feature proposal #8207: Implement username fallback option for randomly generated Actions Feature proposal #8213: Implement additional profile edit tab layouts Actions Feature proposal #8217: XML: Improve input required/description icons to display next to label if input is full width Actions Feature proposal #8236: Enable password unmask feature by default Actions Feature proposal #8238: Implement MySQL 8.0.17+ compatibility Actions
CB 2.5.0 closed 25 January 2021 Community Builder 2.5.0 100% 24 issues (24 closed — 0 open) Related issues Bug #7432: Language finder not working unless backend language is default Actions Bug #8257: REGEXP Autoloader plugin usages break for integer prefixed folders Actions Bug #8262: Some backend CSS fixes are being applied to frontend Actions Bug #8304: CB Repeat: on init this is causing significant performance drops when conditions are used Actions Bug #8309: Unnecessary header injection check in spoof checker Actions Bug #8318: CB Select jQuery usage keyboard navigation does not work Actions Bug #8322: On-click tooltips do not open correctly on mobile Actions Bug #8326: select2 causing issues with blank values before a optgroup Actions Bug #8328: Firefox Tooltip binding unreliable Actions Bug #8332: Bootstrap 2 CSS conflict for nav collapse Actions Bug #8340: Core plugin configuration reset Actions Bug #8350: Update All button showing even if updates are not accessible Actions Bug #8351: Modal window CSS conflicts Actions Feature proposal #4721: Deprecate lightbox jQuery plugin Actions Feature proposal #6244: Deprecate metadata jQuery plugin Actions Feature proposal #6245: Deprecate media jQuery plugin Actions Feature proposal #6246: Deprecate rating jQuery plugin Actions Feature proposal #6247: Deprecate jeditable jQuery plugin Actions Feature proposal #8103: Joomla 4 beta 6 compatibility Actions Feature proposal #8288: Install from Web: improve Updates tab to also note paid plugin updates Actions Feature proposal #8311: Switch select2 back to main branch and update it Actions Feature proposal #8313: Upgrade jQuery to 3.5 Actions Feature proposal #8316: Implement support for Custom option for Name Format Actions Feature proposal #8347: Drop support for IE11 Actions
CB 2.6 closed 12 May 2021 Community Builder 2.6 100% 42 issues (42 closed — 0 open) Related issues Bug #8355: Language finder no correctly checking plugin default language folder Actions Bug #8357: cbselect rebind event not working correctly in repeats Actions Bug #8359: Image orientation broken during client size resizing Actions Bug #8361: Image orientation is skipped if client side resizing is skipped Actions Bug #8374: Connection emails missing language switch Actions Bug #8379: Imagine software test sometimes throws errors Actions Bug #8386: CB Repeat for radios styled as buttons forcing yesno coloring Actions Bug #8393: Menu metadata no longer outputs Actions Bug #8406: setLanguage does not load language overrides Actions Bug #8411: Guzzle 7 removed ClientInterface::VERSION Actions Bug #8414: Date field datepicker required validation wrong Actions Bug #8420: tabClass and fieldClass API being sent null instead of expected UserTable Actions Bug #8437: JSON searching is case sensitive Actions Bug #8481: CB users lists: When "Number of entries per page" is left blank, all users are displayed, but there is a paging at bottom displayed Actions Bug #8486: New responsive tab more link missing pointer cursor on some Joomla templates Actions Bug #8488: Regression in nightly build: Use of CBPTXTÂ instead of CBTxt Actions Bug #8490: New responsive canvas CSS doesn't work if canvas field is missing Actions Bug #8499: Duplicate language strings Actions Bug #8502: Initials avatars 10px smaller than squared defaults Actions Bug #8506: Image gallery validation does not work against fullsize images Actions Feature proposal #6566: Rearrange password inputs when required to supply current password Actions Feature proposal #6674: Implement placeholder parameters for verify and current password fields Actions Feature proposal #8268: Improve nested tab menu UX Actions Feature proposal #8360: Update Imagine dependency Actions Feature proposal #8378: Move avatar tab description to profile edit Actions Feature proposal #8415: CB Repeat: improve row counter behavior Actions Feature proposal #8436: Implement skipping userlist usergroup check if all usergroups are being output Actions Feature proposal #8438: Implement support for CB Repeat to pass the number of rows to an element Actions Feature proposal #8449: Implement support for JSON_SEARCH Actions Feature proposal #8482: Implement multiple mobile UX improvements Actions Feature proposal #8487: Default disable registration canvas and footer Actions Feature proposal #8491: Implement nicer modern default avatar/canvas images Actions Feature proposal #8492: Implement strict getter functions for table and param objects Actions Feature proposal #8494: Implement EOL PHP version warning Actions Feature proposal #8495: Update in package installer the supported PHP, MySQL and Joomla versions, and add Joomla 3.10alpha5 Actions Feature proposal #8501: implement modern gallery images Actions Feature proposal #8503: Implement new default canvas images Actions Feature proposal #8508: Update browserlist to Bootstrap 5 stable Actions Design #8453: Simplify logic for can-Register condition without changing logic Actions
CB 2.6.1 closed 11 August 2021 Community Builder 2.6.1 100% 30 issues (30 closed — 0 open) Related issues Bug #8509: PMS avatars not sized correctly Actions Bug #8510: Bootstrap 3 collapse class conflicts with new navbar usage Actions Bug #8518: PHP 8 has a few compatibility issues due to deprecated behavior Actions Bug #8520: Safari transparent issue with tab navigation more button Actions Bug #8522: Nightly regression: CB admin configuration planel not loading Imagick version test missing a namespace backslash in the Imagick::GetVersion() call Actions Bug #8536: Uninstalling plugin with file permissions error results in fatal php exception error instead of displaying the warnings Actions Bug #8541: Database checker: Minor regex improvement and fatal error substitution fix Actions Bug #8543: Very old unconfirmed accounts cannot be confirmed with the old confirm link Actions Bug #8544: Client side resizing isn't strictly checking allowed extensions Actions Bug #8557: Guzzle declaring optional parameters before required parameters Actions Bug #8565: CB Select multiselect inputs won't let you remove all selections Actions Bug #8583: CBuser usages returning null when object is expected Actions Bug #8605: PMS: skip converting linebreaks if an editor is used Actions Bug #8606: PMS: from substitution links to users own profile instead of the actual from profile Actions Bug #8608: Email linebreaks sent as non-HTML in an HTML email Actions Bug #8610: Make sure that all indexes are less than 1000 bytes long in case of utf8mb4 on MyISAM MySQL 5.7.33 engine Actions Bug #8613: Joomla 4.0 RC3: Deprecation warning at login redirect: "CAUGHT EXCEPTION: Joomla\CMS\Factory::getUser() is deprecated" Actions Bug #8629: outputCbJs caching not working correctly Actions Bug #8655: Date and datetime calendar popups do not work Actions Feature proposal #8521: Improve password reset redirect to be plugin and ajax aware Actions Feature proposal #8538: Implement PNG, WEBP, and AVIF client side resizing Actions Feature proposal #8539: Review default setting for "Emails Sent From" and possible no-reply@ third choice Actions Feature proposal #8542: Database ugrader MySQL 8.0 support: bigint and smallint do not have real sizes Actions Feature proposal #8612: Implement backend pre-conditioning IF showhide Actions Feature proposal #8614: Rewrite core JS Actions Feature proposal #8615: Implement read date in read indicator tooltip Actions Feature proposal #8616: Redesign initial tab HTML structure to output as the final structure Actions Feature proposal #8623: Improve jQuery data lookup for various jQuery plugins Actions Feature proposal #8633: Update rateit usage to use CSS based stars Actions Feature proposal #8645: Revert MySQL 5.7 minimum notice Actions
CB 2.6.2 closed 19 August 2021 Community Builder 2.6.2 100% 6 issues (6 closed — 0 open) Related issues Bug #8675: Repeat JS causes error when copying conditions without fields Actions Bug #8679: Joomla 3.10: 2FA no longer displays in Joomla 3.10 due to new API Actions Bug #8680: Joomla 4.0: Fix user profile edit saving with empty Date or "Date and Time" type fields on profile Actions Bug #8681: Joomla 4.0: Fix database checker, fixer and upgrader to not check or fix Joomla users table Actions Bug #8682: Joomla 3.10: Fix minor version detection Actions Feature proposal #8668: Database Indexes improvement for plugins and fields table Actions
CB 2.6.3 closed 28 September 2021 Community Builder 2.6.3 100% 11 issues (11 closed — 0 open) Related issues Bug #8685: [J4] Field management tab filter does not work Actions Bug #8690: [J4] API logins based off username only fail Actions Bug #8691: [J4] CSS conflicts Actions Bug #8696: [J4] Control panel modules have half width of other modules Actions Bug #8697: [J4] Missing user causes CmsUser API call to error Actions Bug #8700: [J4] strict SQL: Admin: Table browsers: Importing columns with empty strings generates errors Actions Bug #8706: JS conditions do not function properly with related conditions Actions Bug #8708: [J4] Usage of deprecated UsersModelProfile causing profile edits with 2FA to fail Actions Bug #8720: PMS displays the empty selection for connections dropdown Actions Feature proposal #7356: Implement menu option for reporting messages Actions Feature proposal #8704: PMS: remove non-system messages from backend view Actions
CB 2.6.4 closed 02 November 2021 Community Builder 2.6.4 100% 8 issues (8 closed — 0 open) Related issues Feature proposal #4741: Removal of no params msg Actions Feature proposal #7834: Move grid size to be a separate parameter instead of relying on first column Actions Feature proposal #8173: implement ip anonyization Actions Feature proposal #8177: Improve ajax validation rules to allow button blocking Actions Feature proposal #8742: Implement permissions settings for access to user private messages Actions Feature proposal #8754: Implement support for plugin xml install requirements Actions Feature proposal #8758: Improve XML behavior to support IF conditions anywhere Actions Feature proposal #8767: Implement setting the displayed user value for userlist rows Actions
CB 2.7 closed 10 February 2022 Community Builder 2.7 100% 21 issues (21 closed — 0 open) Related issues Bug #8771: CB Menu dependency on displayed user resulting in missing links Actions Bug #8772: Radio and checkbox field classes are not being applied correctly Actions Bug #8788: [J4] Having 2 2FA plugins enabled causes user save to fail Actions Bug #8810: PMS: Migration of UddeIM self messages are unreadable Actions Bug #8812: Several field types missing NULL default Actions Bug #8836: CBLib Internal library issue: CBLib\Image\Color\stringToRGB() cache indexes not float Actions Bug #8840: Minor issue without visible effects: CB parameter sub-(pseudo)-fields have null type Actions Bug #8848: Login module not properly handling the selected layout for registration output Actions Bug #8859: Show empty fields regression Actions Feature proposal #8764: Remove Joomla 2.5 support and set minimum to 3.10 Actions Feature proposal #8780: Use https for www.joomlapolis.com and extensions.joomla.org links #8780 Actions Feature proposal #8784: Implement short display for timeago usages Actions Feature proposal #8789: Implement XML color form type Actions Feature proposal #8807: Improve pre-registration trigger to include reference $user object Actions Feature proposal #8825: Improve user imports to behave more like frontend registrations Actions Feature proposal #8833: PHP 8.1 compatibility Actions Feature proposal #8857: Block admin module from rendering table layout when in header position Actions Feature proposal #8862: Update minimum system requirements Actions
CB 2.7.1 closed 11 February 2022 Community Builder 2.7.1 100% 1 issue (1 closed — 0 open) Related issues Bug #8863: MariaDB: Upgrade to CB 2.7.0 not possible due to wrong MariaDB versions equivalents to MySQL Actions
CB 2.7.2 closed 01 March 2022 Community Builder 2.7.2 100% 16 issues (16 closed — 0 open) Related issues Bug #7431: Changing fieldtype from text to select leaves behind text validation parameters Actions Bug #7776: Tab CSS class not being applied to flat layout Actions Bug #8512: User params display settings resetting on install Actions Bug #8562: Default forbidden words for web address fields blocks http/https Actions Bug #8817: [J4] textareas have a min-height style applied Actions Bug #8837: Lost username/password form can still be displayed when logged in Actions Bug #8846: Email field validation applying to partial list searches Actions Bug #8864: [J4.1] User params failing due to bad IF check not taking into consideration 4.1 Actions Feature proposal #5558: Implement plugin installer pre-scripts Actions Feature proposal #5882: Guzzle, PHP7, and minimum PHP 5.6 Actions Feature proposal #7338: Implement user management batch tool to toggle reset password field Actions Feature proposal #8239: Increase size of field layout parameter textarea fields Actions Feature proposal #8870: Improve tooltip targeting to support template sources Actions Feature proposal #8871: Update to final Bootstrap 4 release Actions Feature proposal #8872: Implement minified CSS files for core CSS Actions Feature proposal #8873: Implement additional email validation option Actions
CB 2.7.3 closed 04 July 2022 Community Builder 2.7.3 100% 15 issues (15 closed — 0 open) Related issues Bug #8890: CB Repeat erroring if core CB JS wasn't loaded Actions Bug #8907: PHP 8.1: Checkbox field save (unchecked) Deprecated stripslashes(): Passing null to string in cb.core.php on line 1613 Actions Bug #8914: [J4] Remove deprecated stderr usages Actions Bug #8915: [J4]: Column 'authProvider' cannot be null Actions Bug #8922: CB Admin module: HTML output seems not correct when www.joomlapolis.com cannot be reached Actions Bug #8925: CB Repeat: ids, names, and for attributes containing underscores breaks normalizing Actions Bug #8947: Client side cropping failing due to string to int comparisons Actions Bug #8951: [PMS] initials based avatars are not sized properly in modal windows Actions Bug #8982: Timeago in minutes has a comma where the letter m should be Actions Feature proposal #8927: Video Field: implement support for youtube shorts Actions Feature proposal #8931: [J4]: Implement support for Kunena 6.0 Actions Feature proposal #8934: Implement update channel parameter Actions Feature proposal #8941: Implement Yes/No label parameter for single checkbox when displayed as buttons Actions Feature proposal #8955: Improve primarycheckbox xml usage to support named keys Actions Feature proposal #8956: increase supported admin menu depth Actions
CB 2.7.4 closed 30 August 2022 Community Builder 2.7.4 100% 10 issues (10 closed — 0 open) Related issues Bug #8917: Logout URL direct access displays no logout messages Actions Bug #9001: [J4]: Uninstalling a plugin with a tab that has fields causes fatal error Actions Bug #9021: [J4] Multi-factor authentication does not function with CB Actions Bug #9030: CB Repeat index detection can sometimes error Actions Feature proposal #8140: Use Joomla's PHPMailer instead of CB own one Actions Feature proposal #8912: Implement static color option for canvas and avatars Actions Feature proposal #8998: Add direct link to private message in notification mail Actions Feature proposal #9010: Some database index keys not limiting their size Actions Feature proposal #9011: Rewrite cbrepeat re-ordering behavior Actions Feature proposal #9031: Improve cb repeat index lookup to also check for cbRepeatRowIndex class Actions
CB 2.8 closed 24 January 2023 Community Builder 2.8 100% 28 issues (28 closed — 0 open) Related issues Bug #9055: comprofilerDBTable legacy layer not working correctly Actions Bug #9059: Moving field options no longer saves their new placement Actions Bug #9068: getMailer return type too strict Actions Bug #9070: Fatal errors in a plugin that get loaded by admin module can block admin access Actions Bug #9072: Input data missing if called before routing is processed Actions Bug #9082: CB Repeat: automatic row index detection not completely accurate Actions Bug #9087: Userlist search expando causes hidden fields to break Actions Bug #9094: Plugin SEF URLs lose plugin property if missing Itemid Actions Bug #9095: Mass mailer relative to absolute URLs does not work with substitutions Actions Bug #9100: PMS: post/to being cast to int instead of string Actions Bug #9111: Registration canvas image now displaying Actions Bug #9113: PMS: Multi-recipient limit of 0 does not function Actions Bug #9114: Registration header/footer messages not translating Actions Bug #9115: getFieldIcons returns null despite string return type Actions Feature proposal #9061: Replace antispam token behavior with CMS based CSRF Actions Feature proposal #9073: Implement URL IF substitutions Actions Feature proposal #9080: Modernize core fields into namespaced classes Actions Feature proposal #9083: Implement support for native browser based date, datetime, and time fields Actions Feature proposal #9084: Implement native browser range display mode for number fieldtypes Actions Feature proposal #9089: Implement support for rendering Joomla user custom fields Actions Feature proposal #9096: Implement support for creating custom profile layouts Actions Feature proposal #9097: PMS: update getters with strict getter types Actions Feature proposal #9098: Implement translate substitution Actions Feature proposal #9101: Implement support for custom profile edit layouts Actions Feature proposal #9109: Implement support for custom registration layouts Actions Feature proposal #9110: Implement layout parameter migration Actions Design #5785: Rewrite field classes Actions
CB 2.8.1 closed 30 August 2023 Community Builder 2.8.1 100% 30 issues (30 closed — 0 open) Related issues Bug #8380: Exporting then searching causes the export to repeat Actions Bug #8782: Invalid user import causes partial user import Actions Bug #9028: Batch tool "Change group" removes super-user group from logged-in user Actions Bug #9060: Private message reply blockquote misaligned names Actions Bug #9118: [J4] Joomla language API no longer properly returning loaded language Actions Bug #9127: PMS read state of sent messages incorrect Actions Bug #9132: [J4]: user params not saving properly Actions Bug #9142: cbSetTitlePath returning null when it should return string Actions Bug #9158: Usergroup batch tool errors if placeholder value is selected Actions Bug #9174: Server side failed registrations don't re-populate the form with existing POST data Actions Bug #9180: Joomla fieldtype validation error unclear Actions Bug #9183: Joomla fields fail to validate if there's more than 1 Actions Bug #9188: MFA: logout button fails due to backdoor protection Actions Bug #9216: CB Menu deprecation notice Actions Bug #9219: saveEditTab and saveRegistrationTab do not work correctly in backend Actions Bug #9220: PHP 8.2 deprecations Actions Bug #9221: Tooltips overlapping select2 dropdowns Actions Bug #9223: Form token keepalive missing Actions Bug #9225: fully HTML emails still applying linebreak conversion Actions Bug #9236: User pending icon displayed incorrectly Actions Bug #9237: Joomla 4: Minor backend style conflicts Actions Feature proposal #9054: Implement date field display option to show both age and birthday Actions Feature proposal #9117: Implement default collation for createTable Actions Feature proposal #9123: Rescope Bootstrap CSS variables to cb_template Actions Feature proposal #9128: Implement parameter to turn off email linebreak conversion Actions Feature proposal #9131: Implement support for W3C Web Authentication Login Actions Feature proposal #9140: Implement table and column collation tools check Actions Feature proposal #9231: CB Forums: Implement type conversion for Kunena field mapping Actions Feature proposal #9232: Remove restriction on system fields publish status Actions Feature proposal #9233: Implement placeholder substitutions for layout substitutions Actions
CB 2.8.2 closed 25 September 2023 Community Builder 2.8.2 100% 2 issues (2 closed — 0 open) Related issues Bug #9247: Installer preflight check causes file cleanup Actions Bug #9248: Plugin install not checking against CB or dependency build version Actions
CB 2.9.0 closed 08 November 2023 Community Builder 2.9.0 100% 6 issues (6 closed — 0 open) Related issues Bug #9256: ListField does not exist on Joomla 3 Actions Bug #9260: Method exists check for clearAccessRights failing Actions Bug #9262: Backend toolbar outputting on Joomla 5 during raw views Actions Bug #9265: Legacy _getAbsURLwithParam missing Itemid fallback Actions Feature proposal #9255: Implement Joomla 5 compatibility Actions Feature proposal #9264: GET data missing if system plugin is not loaded during SEO routing Actions
CB 2.9.1 closed 12 December 2023 Community Builder 2.9.1 100% 4 issues (4 closed — 0 open) Related issues Bug #9293: XmlQuery Backend database query errors are not always catched and displayed properly Actions Feature proposal #9277: Improve version notice banners to be less aggressive Actions Feature proposal #9279: Implement debug output for install from web HTTPS calls Actions Feature proposal #9290: Improve user imports to support already encrypted passwords Actions
CB 2.9.2 closed 11 June 2024 Community Builder 2.9.2 100% 23 issues (23 closed — 0 open) Related issues Bug #9295: Verify consent Allowed URLs not functional on Joomla 4 and 5 Actions Bug #9310: queryLoadObjectsList returning NULL Actions Bug #9320: Regression of #9310: Only variable references should be returned by reference in libraries/CBLib/CBLib/AhaWow/Model/XmlQuery.php on line 367 Actions Bug #9337: Table create process ignoring explicit collations Actions Bug #9354: Permissions fields do not save on later Joomla 4 and now Joomla 5 releases Actions Bug #9375: jQuery Validate "accept" method conflicts with native accept behavior Actions Bug #9379: CB Validate image cropping depends on jQuery UI but isn't specified as a dependency Actions Bug #9388: Joomla Document loaded too early in document HTML handling Actions Bug #9389: Canvas overlaps border in home sidebar layout on profile Actions Bug #9398: CB Repeat: nested repeats turn off repeat flag and causes default value restore on new row to fail Actions Bug #9401: CSS RGB variable fallbacks are outputting hex instead of rgb Actions Bug #9404: CB Select: when 2 searching select2 are rendered with default options it causes them to display the options incorrectly Actions Bug #9408: CB Blogs: Itemid is missing from internal blog links Actions Bug #9423: Plugin version caching fails if version check fails Actions Bug #9435: Forum tab not limiting posts to those the user actually posted in Actions Bug #9447: Clicking approve without selecting user causes error Actions Bug #9448: Tooltips prematurely loading <template> elements Actions Feature proposal #9296: implement category column display toggle for CB Blogs and CB Articles Actions Feature proposal #9392: Implement Bootstrap 5 and FontAwesome 6 compatibility modes Actions Feature proposal #9416: Improve the database checker to more accurately and strictly check collations Actions Feature proposal #9424: Change CB Forums to output topics instead of individual replies for Posts tab Actions Feature proposal #9426: Implement parameter to toggle off template loading in core modules Actions Feature proposal #9434: Implement a faster user count option for the cb online module Actions
CB 2.9.3 closed 28 August 2024 Community Builder 2.9.3 100% 14 issues (14 closed — 0 open) Related issues Bug #9458: Plugin language loading unreliably Actions Bug #9463: PMS SEO Quick Message and Report URLs not functioning Actions Bug #9467: Field output passing null to htmlspecialchars Actions Bug #9472: Login sessions not clearing on password change Actions Bug #9473: addStrings of language loading is causing a language swap Actions Bug #9477: Canvas Home left navigation responsive CSS applying at incorrect break point Actions Bug #9480: Collected tab navigation CSS conflict with navbar responsive breakpoint Actions Bug #9481: Profile canvas header responsiveness not working properly on Bootstrap 5 compatibility Actions Feature proposal #6403: Improve ajax endpoint access to be consistent with profile access Actions Feature proposal #9452: Implement Search functionality in Install from Web, and its styling Actions Feature proposal #9470: Implement support for searching connections Actions Feature proposal #9471: Implement support for displaying API Token fields in params Actions Feature proposal #9478: Implement feature flag to use Joomla forgot login instead of CBs Actions Feature proposal #9479: Implement support for empty and not empty advanced table searching Actions
CB 2.10.0 open 53 days late (04 February 2025) Community Builder 2.10.0 52% 46 issues (24 closed — 22 open) Related issues Bug #9315: Joomla privacy and terms fields displaying too small Actions Bug #9482: Mass mailer is applying formatting to email body Actions Bug #9489: Kunena canBan check causes error throw during unban request Actions Bug #9492: Install from Web grid display broken on Joomla 3.x Actions Bug #9497: CB Blogs: joomla article storage incomplete Actions Bug #9547: Connections comment is applying htmlspecialchars on storage and display Actions Bug #9565: Fix XML showhide to support breaking out of repeat fields Actions Bug #9581: Client side image resizing is passing a system default compressed image to the BLOB file Actions Bug #9583: Joomla 5.2.3 Reset Password fails Actions Bug #9590: The code mirror editor doesn't save on 5.2.3 Actions Bug #9602: XML table filters accept single value instead of array for IN filters resulting in query errors Actions Feature proposal #6912: Upgrade to fontawesome 6 Actions Feature proposal #8271: Update Bootstrap to v5 Actions Feature proposal #9413: Implement support for Joomla darkmode in backend Actions Feature proposal #9496: Improve user management field filter dropdown list to include field title Actions Feature proposal #9499: Implement support for search field management by title Actions Feature proposal #9516: Implement function for rendering PMS icons Actions Feature proposal #9538: Allow webp for image fields Actions Feature proposal #9543: PMS: implement display of reply date Actions Feature proposal #9551: Implement CMS specific install from web requests Actions Feature proposal #9580: Implement support for overriding image compression quality Actions Feature proposal #9589: CB Articles: implement support for filter by language Actions Feature proposal #9592: Implement backend bootstrap v5 and fontawesome v6 optional compatibility modes Actions Feature proposal #9593: Implement treeshaking of the fontawesome v6 shim Actions
CB 2.10.1 open Due in 1 day (30 March 2025) Community Builder 2.10.1 0% 173 issues (0 closed — 173 open) Related issues Bug #4830: Database Checker: Upon uninstall of a plugin, all remaining columns are supposed to be default TEXT type, instead of being left as is Actions Bug #4836: Some plugins admin language strings are still in front-end language file Actions Bug #4886: Auto-generated password in backend sent in CB email is different from Joomla's email auto-generated password Actions Bug #5166: CB system plugin cannot turn page cache off if loaded after some other 3pd plugins like acymailing's Actions Bug #5216: ID translation not being picked up Actions Bug #5282: Confirm dialog message untranslateable Actions Bug #5290: Admin table filtering giving notices on CBSubs payments filter by payment method Actions Bug #5303: Empty library doesn't delete on uninstall Actions Bug #6083: Configuration fails to migrate Actions Bug #6146: Joomla session not accessible through appplication api Actions Bug #6366: Registration messages state password is included in email Actions Bug #6447: Minimum/Maximum Length/Select applying to fields it shouldn't Actions Bug #6466: Step by Step validation errors do not focus properly Actions Bug #6467: Userlist does not display blocked users when configured to do so Actions Bug #6471: Language string for recovering username AND password out of date Actions Bug #6477: Module plugin version checker comparing stable to nightly Actions Bug #6499: Some emails not sending in recipients language Actions Bug #6527: Retrieving user lang falling back to default instead of site language Actions Bug #6536: User container boxes canvas overflow issue when pending approval Actions Bug #6539: Field size column applying to multicheckbox fields Actions Bug #6545: Remember me does not function properly if rewrite urls is enabled Actions Bug #6579: Some plugins checking against the wrong plugin for version Actions Bug #6636: Admin update module versions overflow Actions Bug #6689: Permissions validation fails Actions Bug #6732: Image approval page does not fire triggers Actions Bug #6830: Language strings with \n using single quotes Actions Bug #6947: Repeat usage resetting unchecked checkbox fields back to checked if default is checked Actions Bug #7127: HTML filtering removing free floating less than symbols Actions Bug #7174: Nested [cb:else] and [cb:elseif] do not work properly Actions Bug #7350: PMS inaccessible due to SEF Actions Bug #7394: Connection pathway avatar sizing incorrectly Actions Bug #7484: Tooltips on select inputs and links require double tap Actions Bug #7488: Wrong message displayed when attempting to access profiles but access is not allowed Actions Bug #7613: Userlist hotlink protection fails for paging links Actions Bug #7711: Some email notification language strings not respecting HTML mode Actions Bug #7746: If no field icons are output validation errors for terms fields do not display Actions Bug #7887: IF substitutions don't reliably allow quotes Actions Bug #7921: Large dropdowns start failing to save values in backend Actions Bug #7957: jQuery Validate: multiple remote validation rules fails Actions Bug #7967: Tab output doubles if rendered in 2 different positions Actions Bug #8018: Searching a tags field with custom values causes them to be lost on redisplay Actions Bug #8049: Install from Web doesn't detect a preset is installed Actions Bug #8074: Web installer: clicking "Refresh" button makes text beside it read without relative time "will refresh ." Actions Bug #8098: Email address doesn't display properly with icon and raw email output Actions Bug #8141: Date fields missing No Preference option Actions Bug #8166: Calling Application::User on a user id that doesn't exist outputs warning Actions Bug #8215: CIVICRM PEAR installer conflict Actions Bug #8622: Select fields field values do not copy properly Actions Bug #8769: Should overrides of default language apply when the used language (dialect) is not installed ? Actions Bug #8879: Integrations can cause cleartext password to be lost when sending activation email Actions Bug #8913: J4.1?: Wrongly trying to install a Joomla module using CB Installer results in a fatal error Actions Bug #9184: Joomla field mixed required state causing validation error Actions Bug #9278: Backend Joomla menu creation for CB endpoints errors Actions Bug #9372: MFA fails to properly redirect still Actions Bug #9607: Tab template style applying even if bootstrap compatibility is not enabled Actions Feature proposal #1427: SQL installer/upgrader: Force new table collations to same as used in other joomla tables Actions Feature proposal #4771: implement plugin installer triggers Actions Feature proposal #4847: implement support for date ranges Actions Feature proposal #4893: system plugin installer check Actions Feature proposal #4924: Implement userlist parameter to hide initial users display Actions Feature proposal #5128: Extend Fields tool to check for orphaned fields Actions Feature proposal #5148: Rewrite mass mailer to majority XML Actions Feature proposal #5209: CBLib: Implement way for CB plugin libraries to specify DI alias Actions Feature proposal #5255: Implement CBTxt conditions Actions Feature proposal #5305: Add new checks to CB Tools Actions Feature proposal #5359: Implement global params support and non-store of empty values Actions Feature proposal #5427: Implement support for adding additional elements to filter Actions Feature proposal #5430: Implement sorting, filtering, and paging for gallery images Actions Feature proposal #5608: XML type user default set to current user id Actions Feature proposal #5621: Add a CB replacement for displaying a CB users-list anywhere (e.g., or alternatively in a CB module) Actions Feature proposal #5711: Deprecate restricting fields from plugin tabs Actions Feature proposal #5765: Improve template plugin usage Actions Feature proposal #5766: Implement database column null store support Actions Feature proposal #5851: Improve injections filter to respect Joomla text filter Actions Feature proposal #5975: Implement backend drag and drop ordering Actions Feature proposal #6052: Improve field default registration value to just default Actions Feature proposal #6063: implement update all button to versions column Actions Feature proposal #6225: Implement frontend user create Actions Feature proposal #6231: improve multi-select search query Actions Feature proposal #6248: Implement statistics views Actions Feature proposal #6345: Implement canvas height parameter Actions Feature proposal #6392: Implement more specific Itemid usage Actions Feature proposal #6408: Language Tag and Name substitutions are always site based and not user based Actions Feature proposal #6413: Collapse user management date filters Actions Feature proposal #6441: Implement label hover to trigger tooltip display Actions Feature proposal #6442: Implement XML type for displaying an image Actions Feature proposal #6450: Joomla ACL functions causing performance issues Actions Feature proposal #6461: Implement substitution support for messagesToUser Actions Feature proposal #6462: Implement connections field display modes Actions Feature proposal #6505: Condition profile breadcrumb based off logged in state Actions Feature proposal #6546: CBLib: Improve Image to extend image processing functionality for less 3rd party dependency Actions Feature proposal #6547: CBLib: Implement HTTP request API Actions Feature proposal #6667: Implement display of a params default automatically Actions Feature proposal #6690: Change XML form url from inputs to actual url Actions Feature proposal #6701: Implement support for plugins extending other plugins menu parameters Actions Feature proposal #6754: Replace plugin call user func with variable calls Actions Feature proposal #6775: Improve image approval page with check-all checkbox Actions Feature proposal #6815: Implement date XML type Actions Feature proposal #6844: Implement filtering a userlist from menu params Actions Feature proposal #6873: Implement parameter to enable downloading of audio and video fields Actions Feature proposal #6874: Implement blocking change of access for default language, template, and cb core plugins Actions Feature proposal #6899: Name splitting placing middle name incorrectly in first name Actions Feature proposal #6944: Implement smart search indexer Actions Feature proposal #6967: implement multi-download for Install from Web Actions Feature proposal #7004: Add backend warning if view access level includes public users Actions Feature proposal #7116: Implement parameter for single checkbox label Actions Feature proposal #7190: Improve Get array handling Actions Feature proposal #7259: Implement support for date conditions in IF substitutions Actions Feature proposal #7266: CBLib: Implement Notification API Actions Feature proposal #7277: Implement field specific validation errors Actions Feature proposal #7285: Implement option to delete user on registration approval rejection Actions Feature proposal #7293: Replace qtip2 jQuery plugin Actions Feature proposal #7305: Add extra responsive classes to profile canvas Actions Feature proposal #7307: Implement separate image display parameters for profile and userlist views for avatars Actions Feature proposal #7324: Extend SQL builder to support FULLTEXT index and searching Actions Feature proposal #7331: Improve username fallback to automatically make duplicates unique Actions Feature proposal #7345: Implement new means of loading tab content Actions Feature proposal #7348: Implement means of displaying profile message icon outside of profile Actions Feature proposal #7361: Drop Joomla 2.x support and increase Joomla 3.x minimum Actions Feature proposal #7378: PMS: review adding link to messages page in notification Actions Feature proposal #7379: PMS: Change redirect on messages page when not logged in to login page Actions Feature proposal #7384: Implement parameter to change backend template Actions Feature proposal #7385: Change user management group column colors Actions Feature proposal #7392: Implement consent column in user management Actions Feature proposal #7402: Implement option to specify emails to be sent from the system only and default it Actions Feature proposal #7403: Redo connection notification messages Actions Feature proposal #7410: Improve PM notification email Actions Feature proposal #7530: When selecting a tab via URL it should scroll the tab into view Actions Feature proposal #7583: Improve various parameter descriptions Actions Feature proposal #7617: Change cb content module textarea field to editor field Actions Feature proposal #7688: Improve phone number inputmask and validation with libphonenumber Actions Feature proposal #7788: Implement super user self demote confirmation Actions Feature proposal #7878: Remove CB Menu and profile menu bar Actions Feature proposal #7882: Implement parameter to exclude attributes from filtering Actions Feature proposal #7938: Implement parameter to toggle profile link on formatname and avatar fields Actions Feature proposal #7963: Implement "More" paging for PMS modal window Actions Feature proposal #7971: PMS: implement a see all button Actions Feature proposal #7973: Implement table class with alias generation support Actions Feature proposal #7980: Implement IF substitution support for outputting parent conditions content Actions Feature proposal #7982: Tab links should focus on the tabs content Actions Feature proposal #7986: cbmoreless: implement support for overriding the moreless height by CSS Actions Feature proposal #8007: Implement userlist custom column field for row number Actions Feature proposal #8010: Rewrite Itemid parsing behavior Actions Feature proposal #8026: Implement synchronizing the username and alias field Actions Feature proposal #8042: Implement support for running batch tools against all users Actions Feature proposal #8043: Implement means of mass resetting consent Actions Feature proposal #8048: Increase maximum userlist search redirect URL length check Actions Feature proposal #8051: Implement plugin updates available banner on control panel Actions Feature proposal #8052: Install from Web should indicate if a package includes subpackages Actions Feature proposal #8085: A way to allow a user-group to edit one field of users from another user-group Actions Feature proposal #8086: Add possibility to use Joomla updater also for CB add-ons update notifications and updates Actions Feature proposal #8171: Plugin not published notice should link to plugin edit Actions Feature proposal #8199: PMS: implement a autocomplete functionality for To Actions Feature proposal #8343: API: Replace $ueConfig by Application::Config() with defauls Actions Feature proposal #8356: PMS: Enable substitutions for notification emails Actions Feature proposal #8372: Implement support for multi-lingual sitename in emails Actions Feature proposal #8516: Change version structure Actions Feature proposal #8554: Improve install from web home page to suppress main plugins integrations if main plugin is present Actions Feature proposal #8574: Implement database tools check for _users columns in _comprofiler Actions Feature proposal #8714: PMS: Implement support for supplying a report reason Actions Feature proposal #8766: Extract substitutions behavior into separate class Actions Feature proposal #8877: Implement support for validate message severity Actions Feature proposal #8973: Implement support for Joomla proxy settings for Guzzle Actions Feature proposal #9038: PMS: implement parameter to limit messages per hour Actions Feature proposal #9088: Implement support for revoking Joomla privacy consent Actions Feature proposal #9179: Implement "viewas" option of "public" Actions Feature proposal #9270: CB Articles: implement support for displaying unpublished articles Actions Feature proposal #9329: Implement support for CB Repeat to convert to JSON before sending with form Actions Feature proposal #9363: PMS: Remove back button Actions Feature proposal #9548: Review and fix all PHP 8.4 deprecations Actions Feature proposal #9573: Submit PR to Kunena fixing PMS links Actions Feature proposal #9603: PMS: implement substitution and content plugin support Actions Feature proposal #9608: Implement support for Connections Path tab to show name, avatar, or both Actions
CB 3.0 open Due in about 5 months (30 August 2025) Community Builder 3.0 5% 37 issues (0 closed — 37 open) Related issues Feature proposal #1587: Connections functionality needs major rework A Actions Feature proposal #1667: split user parameters into multiple fields rather then singular field Actions Feature proposal #2646: Moderation of any profile changes, like for avatar Actions Feature proposal #3751: Add language specific viewing support in CB Actions Feature proposal #4365: Implement approval for file, video, and audio fieldtypes Actions Feature proposal #4373: Merge CB Core Fields Ajax into core or implement alternative inline editing feature Actions Feature proposal #4388: Implement core Disable and Delete account fields Actions Feature proposal #4490: Implement generic management tools usage Actions Feature proposal #4514: Extend substitution usage with further processing features Actions Feature proposal #4524: Modernize CB templates API Actions Feature proposal #4561: Change connections fieldtype to be non-unique Actions Feature proposal #4861: Add moderation to all fields Actions Feature proposal #4873: Common storage filesystem for CB and add-ons Actions Feature proposal #4898: Add title to audio field Actions Feature proposal #5030: Implement token exchange API Actions Feature proposal #5041: Implement tab/field title substitution Actions Feature proposal #5265: Implement support for storage path and external storage Actions Feature proposal #5271: Implement parameter for relative header paths Actions Feature proposal #5272: CBLib: Implement URL parsing library Actions Feature proposal #5306: Add user sync/creation to CB system plugin Actions Feature proposal #5623: Improve user list searching with starts by string clause Actions Feature proposal #5636: Warning message on CB Configuration when moderator group is set to Public Actions Feature proposal #5703: Rewrite plugin loading Actions Feature proposal #5786: Implement text search auto-complete Actions Feature proposal #5947: CBLib: Implement layout api Actions Feature proposal #6024: Banned icon needs to be more readable Actions Feature proposal #6280: CBLib: Implement function for CB user Actions Feature proposal #6391: Remove usage of reserved ids Actions Feature proposal #6516: Language translations could try harder to find a translation file (e.g. fr_CH locale could find fr_FR) Actions Feature proposal #6684: Support for MySQL 5.7 in strictSQL mode: has strict date format mode active Actions Feature proposal #7020: Improve query API to handle prepared statements Actions Feature proposal #7043: Replace Archive_Tar and PclZip with ZipArchive Actions Feature proposal #7105: Modernize CSS selectors Actions Feature proposal #7106: Move ALL mixed HTML + PHP to HTML layouts Actions Feature proposal #7115: Improve profile edit and registration ordering behavior Actions Feature proposal #7423: For discussion: Add a "features=" attribute in XML fields that could be "translatable,cbsubstitutions" and so on Actions Feature proposal #8653: Implement automatic migration of zero dates to null Actions